Covid 19 Pregnancy breaking news - Fertility Network UK

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Covid 19 Pregnancy breaking news

Tray81 profile image
36 Replies

Has anyone else noticed the breaking news that pregnant women are now grouped with the over 70’s and will be advised within days to stay at home for 12WEEKS!!

It is stressing me out as I’m not 6 weeks until Thursday and have told nobody

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Tray81 profile image
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36 Replies
peapop33 profile image

Yeah I have just been watching the hour long boris Johnson conference tonight. I am 8 weeks today and it is stressing me out too. I don’t know what to do. I work in retail too x

Tray81 profile image
Tray81 in reply to peapop33

I didn’t watch it just seen an article on Facebook. I am going to speak to my boss tomorrow as she has know through out the IVF journey and see what my work has in place.

Lots of people are going to have to announce pregnancy before 12 weeks. We were planing to tell close family after the viability scan next week xx

peapop33 profile image
peapop33 in reply to Tray81

I had my 7 week scan last week but I wanted to wait until 12 weeks to be safe. I didn’t really want to tell my work colleagues until then xx

Lolepops profile image

Yeah I’ve just seen it . Very worrying isn’t it . I’m sure I caught them saying more if you are in the third trimester - I might be wrong by that . I felt more confused at the end . I’m currently 35 weeks and a teacher . Don’t know if I should be going in school or not. Try not to worry - although easier said than done xx ps congrats on your pregnancy x

Keepingfaith85 profile image
Keepingfaith85 in reply to Lolepops

I don't think you will be expected to be in work right now, schools are definitely mass gatherings and pregnant people should self-isolate xx

Cinderella5 profile image

I havent heard that one did you see the press release from ESHRE? It didnt give too much worrying info at the moment!!xx

ttcemmie profile image

Oh yes. I watched his speech. The BBC have made a key point from it:

"people in at-risk groups will be asked within days to be "largely shielded from social contact" for 12 weeks" - and pregnancy is considered an at-risk group

I have only had my embryo transfer today so PUPO, not proven pregnant but I was already planning on avoiding people and situations as much as possible to lower my own risk as this is so precious. I guess we won't know the exact guidance/rules until they come out with it.

Tray81 profile image
Tray81 in reply to ttcemmie

We will have to wait for more information. I’m hoping shielding from social contact means being able to go to work. I would go crazy at home for 12 weeks.

Good luck for the 2WW xx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Tray81

Thanks. They are saying that everyone (normals and us riskies) should be working from home if possible now so that'll be me anyway! I will be working from home. Luckily I like being at home, but I've never tested it for that long before! xxx

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to ttcemmie

Ah Emmie congrats on being PUPO. I have mine tomorrow and will be working from home until things change.

Hope your work is being supportive! But who cares anyway, need to look after those embies 💕


ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to CLDxxx

Thanks CLD! They're not, lol, but I have sick leave this week and next week off holiday, so I'm not too bothered! 😁😁😁

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to ttcemmie

You’re joking?? Hopefully the news tonight will give them a kick up the a@!? Xxx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to CLDxxx

They've literally sent an email today saying a colleague has tested positive for coronavirus but we should all still come to work tomorrow (this was just before Boris' speech). And now they have said the at-risk people shouldn't come to work...... I thought Boris' speech was that everyone should work from home where possible! Where's the email for that?!

cggregory profile image
cggregory in reply to ttcemmie

Are they actually kidding?! This is not a joke any more. It’s about keeping people safe. If it’s an office-based job, it’s their responsibility to find a way for business to continue.

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to cggregory

I'm hoping their comms team are just being slow and there'll be another email first thing tomorrow..... I'm office based, but there's alot of people that aren't at work. And they're saying at-risk people (even the ones that can't work from home) shouldn't come in, so that's good at least.

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to ttcemmie

That’s exactly what was said! Work from home where possible.

It didn’t mention only at-risk people, it’s whoever can work from home should and travel should be limited too.

I don’t get why certain people aren’t taking this seriously?! Madness Xx

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to CLDxxx

Don't want to turn this in to a coronavirus /political discussion, lol, but yes, I have no idea why some aren't taking this mad serious! Us lot are probably more careful than most, though, while going through fertility treatment!!

CLDxxx profile image
CLDxxx in reply to ttcemmie

Yes I agree!

Stellacookie profile image
Stellacookie in reply to ttcemmie

I had my transfer Monday as well. Will I even be able to have a HCG test in 10 days?

Hope4usall profile image
Hope4usall in reply to Stellacookie

You can order one from Medichecks, it's a fingerprick you do at home and post. You get the results online. Good luck xx

Stellacookie profile image
Stellacookie in reply to Hope4usall

Perfect! Thanks

ttcemmie profile image
ttcemmie in reply to Hope4usall

That's interesting to know. My clinic doesn't do blood tests, so I will feel reassured just by the poas test. xx

MediocreMind profile image

I’m 5dp5dt and never thought I’d be wishing to be confined for 12 weeks. I was off work for 6 weeks after surgery a couple of years ago when it was snowing and it drove me barmy, and that was with visitors!!

Kurstx profile image

I’m 9 weeks on Thursday and this is giving me major anxiety! They are basically saying as we are at high risk with flu like viruses and need protection from that we could be at high risk from developing complications from coronavirus although they don’t know for sure as it’s new. I also work in the public sector and I’m very unsure what precautions we have to put in place to protect ourselves? Xx

Sunshine92 profile image

What if you’re unable to work from home? Liikkkee front line NHS staff like me? This isnt a one size fits all recommendation 🙈 i simply cannoy work from home.

Ive read the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist guidelines and i cant see anywhere where pregnant women in general are more risk.

Oh what a nightmare this is 🦠😷❌ xx

In a nurse, what do I do 🙈 nearly 7 weeks x

Caitlin-m profile image
Caitlin-m in reply to Florencenightingale

Speak to your line manager - I’m sure you won’t be asked to go in x

Florencenightingale profile image
Florencenightingale in reply to Caitlin-m

Sat here now 🙈 trying to stay in the office. Theres no confirmed cases In our trust yet x

United07 profile image

We're also unsure what is the right thing to do. I'm currently 5 days into the 2 week wait and due to test in 8 days 🙈 . I work in a hospital pharmacy with 25 cases and 5 deaths across both of our hospitals so far. Hopefully pregnant but nothing confirmed until test day, don't want to be stupid and risk it when the guidance now advises to self isolate in a pregnancy, but it's a 50/50 isn't it! Like many of you are saying too, nobody knows anything about our treatment etc yet. So stressful xx

fridayfever profile image

I asked my midwife last week and she said theres no evidence either way yet so to be sensible.

Apparently some premature births in China by patients suffering from coronavirus but theres no definite indication whether they may have given birth early anyway.

I think it's just this uncertainty that's a worry, I'm just in the mindset that if in doubt stay in xx

eldarkera profile image

This is mad. I'm in Ireland where everyone who could work from home was told to do so from last Thursday and all schools, colleges and creches shut until March 29th. Now all bars and pubs are shut too so they are being particularly cautious but they have not listed pregnant women as high risk. There is no evidence to suggest this

The last report from the Health Service Authority I read was that one person in China had to be induced at around 36 weeks because of respiratory complications. There is also no evidence of transmission to the Fetus. You are told to take reasonable precautions but not above and beyond others at this point.

Rainbowhope profile image

Please read this link.

I'm just over 9 weeks. Lucky to be working at home. I had to tell my manager before 12 weeks but shes very lovely. She knew I'd been doing ivf and promises to keep it a secret from my team. I have started to feel anxious about what will happen and I'm going crazy at home all day. But I'm terrified of going out. They just dont know enough about this virus and I cant take any chances. J watched the address in full yesterday and the chief medical officer basically said they just fong know enough about how the virus affects those in early pregnancy yet. They have evidence that those that get it in their third trimester give birth to babys that dong have the virus - thank God! Bug this article disputes that. Dont know what to believe.

Nessa500 profile image

NHS advice has now been updated:

United07 profile image
United07 in reply to Nessa500

Thanks for that, I'm worried that my work will be awkward as we are an aseptics unit making chemotherapy, adult feeds and neonatal medication on demand and we are already thin on the ice with staffing to workload. Just something else to back up my case x

Newton2018 profile image

There's updated information here if this helps from the Royal College of Gynaecologists, but basically they have added pregnant women to the at risk list now too as of yesterday:

Hope this helps xx

October84 profile image

I’ve just been told that the decision to go ahead with the transfer is mine. I’m going to do it, I’ve waited too long. I can work from home indefinitely and will self isolate. Just don’t want to wait till next year...😢😢😢

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