Am starting to freak out completely.... Due to fly from Dublin to prague on 22nd march for hubby to deposit his sperm...were it will be frozen until my cycle syncs with donor.. We are using donor egg as I have really bad endo .. Am due to start my injections etc this coming Friday (the 13th says it all!!) so I maybe looking at travelling for transfer within the next 3mts..and spending up to a week in prague..cant help but think travel situation is going to get so much worse with more and more cases of this dam virus being confirmed each day. Has anyone heard from overseas clinic?? Are they postponing any of your treatments? Am worried enough taking all these injections not to be told I will be in them for months longer than we had planned. Know am being paranoid.. We have just had so much go wrong in last 4 yrs am just expecting the worst!! Like a swarm of locusts attacking me as I try to get to clinic!! Haha ahhh whole thing is gonna drive me mad!
Overseas ivf... Any cancelled treatme... - Fertility Network UK
Overseas ivf... Any cancelled treatments due to coronavirus?

I sent an email to our clinic in Spain regarding this issue today, they replied to me saying that patients are still travelling as normal, as usual. We are starting our down reg tomorrow and if I am honest I am quite scared to travel now, don’t know what to do 🤷♀️🤔
Yeah it's starting to really worry me too.. I don't ever get flu's or colds but my luck would b to get the most extrema thing going!! It feels like we have gotten so close n it mayb taken outta out hands.... I had 3rd surgery in December so my endo cleared out at min as much as possible but after my 2nd surgery it was back with a vengeance after 6mts so surgeon warned me I needed ivf ASAP b4 it all came back!
Ohh I feel so sorry for you, time is against us 😞😢
We are also doing back to back cycle therefore no time to lose...
Just like you feeling lots of pressure. We will probably go ahead now and will start down reg, in case of an outbreak followed by travelling restrictions we will cancel our stim cycle🥺.
All the best ❤️
I'm not travelling yet but in another forum there are so many women travelling in the next 4 weeks and no clinics have cancelled or even warned this might happen. I bet these clinics would only do it as a last resort. Keep the positive going, and 13 might be your neq lucky number
Totally valid question Annie. I guess it would depend what country you're flying to and what stops it will take. Although I'm not going back anytime soon, I still communicate with them and I asked them about this virus issue. Cyprus seems to be among the countries that have no COVID19 cases so far. They say this virus dies faster with warm weather. But if you're traveling to Prague, best keep yourself updated. Check with the clinic and do your own research. Ask the airlines and the consulate office too.
Hi AnnieMac, im flying out to Brno in Czech Republic on 1st April for my transfer on the 3rd, my clinic haven't said anything to me and I haven't heard anything on the news about there being any issue in Czech and Ryanair have said they don't plan on cancelling any flights so fingers crossed we will both be fine xx

Have you had any update? Am guessing if your in the UK your travel plans have also been effected? Sorry if this is the case
Hi AnnieMac,unfortunately its been cancelled, Czech Republic not allowing anyone into the country,im just gutted. What is the latest with you?

Yeah the same for me.. Was just really bad luck that i took my first injection of Decapeptyl on Friday morning... By lunchtime the clinic contacted me to say the country was in shut down and my treatment was to stop.. Just as it was getting started! But they are going ahead with donor egg retrvial and the eggs will now be frozen... Not what I wanted but hi none of us have choosen to go this route. Just hoping we are back up and running by the summer
Fingers crossed that things will be up and running soon and hopefully you will get lots of healthy eggs
I’m going to travel soon also to north Cyprus for my tandem cycle. I’m supposed to travel end of March. I’ve been asking my clinic about the status of Coronavirus there. So far they said it’s ok.
They had cases already and flights are banned from 22 countries including the UK. The clinic I went already postponed all treatments. They will give updates by April 1. So sorry to hear you and other ladies have to wait this out. What did your clinic advise for you to do in the meantime?
Update..... As of yesterday at lunch My treatment plan has been cancelled . Due to czech republic shuting down all flights into country. I only had my 1st injection at 12pm....just heartbroken... Email from clinic was followed by a €3000 invoice to cover the donors side of things cos her egg retraval is seemingly underway now. Was just an extra kick to now have eggs frozen instead of the planned fresh cycle.. Which was The main reason we choose Prague! Had such a terrible migraine yesterday spent the entire day vomiting and crying. The last 4 yrs has been nothing but bad luck followed by worse luck... Am just so lost at min can't think straight!
I'm in north Cyprus. I'll finish my cycle on Monday... fly out Tuesday (I hope!) but my numbers of follicles are low so I know I need another cycle asap. borders closed for entry tonight but I'm concerned about not being able to return as planned in 2 months too. When you feel like every month counts, this is hard. I hope coronavirus leaves humanity in peace sooner than later..
Were you able to fly out and fly in to your home country Rein?
How are you getting on? I’m guessing things might have been cancelled for you and if this is the case, I am so sorry 😢
Due to start my 6th cycle on 25th March but very fearful it will be cancelled.
Just read your post above. I am so, so sorry to hear your plans were cancelled. Thinking of you. Please know that you are not the only one feeling very sad right now. xxx
Thank you... Yeah I know am prob not in the worst situation and there are poor girls going through worse. Gotta just keep telling myself I will get there one day n all this bad luck might change into something wonderful... You are an amazing person that can go through this 6 times. That takes some strength.. Are you having your treatment at home or overseas? Fingers cross at home and all will go to plan
Thanks for your lovely post. You have had a long road to get to this point so you must be very resilient yourself! You are right about looking for the positives in all of this. Doing IVF has (strangely!) made my marriage must stronger - we’ve seen each other at our very best and worst!
With this whole process I think we have lots of “mini-griefs” over time. For the past week we were grieving for the fact that our cycle will prob be cancelled but we’re feeling a bit better about it today.
Having our treatment at home this time. You are absolutely right - we just have to remember that as long as we are willing to consider all options (which you have already) there will be a way to have children in our life somehow. We’ve started talking about fostering for the first time recently. We are nowhere near doing it but it helps to know that life will go on if things don’t go to plan. Thinking of you. xxx
I would be careful a lot of barriers are closing especially the End of the month i know it’s not same but I’ve been given 2 days notice to get my partner out of the country Nigeria and he lives in the U.K. they are closing their barriers not because of high cases in the country but because of cases on their outskirts and the situation is getting worse everywhere they are trying to shut down all borders for at least a month in a lot of places they are giving people till the end of the month to get home where they live
Hello Annie how are you getting along dear? Some clinics are starting to reopen with full operations now - are you back getting treatments done?