Has anyone had 5 day blastocysts stored in freezer? and did they survive the thaw I have got 4 frozen and one 4aa transferd I’m thinking ahead and thinking if I’m not pregnant will my embryos survive the thaw...anyone please help as I’m feeling very low at the moment xx
Anyone had 5 day blastocysts embryos ... - Fertility Network UK
Anyone had 5 day blastocysts embryos frozen? Did they survive thaw?
Heyyy. The doctors told me that thaw rates for embryos are really good these days. I think I remember them saying around 90% for blastocysts (really! I'm not just throwing crazy numbers out there!). I have only thawed one embryo and it thawed fine, so don't have a massive sample size, but just saying not to worry!
Thank you. Xxx
Thank you that helps xxx
I’m on my second FET this is my 2nd 5 day blasto out of 4 both have survived the thaw x
Thank you xxx
The clinics only freeze ones that they think are good enough to survive the process and its pretty high odds! We have defrosted 9 so far and all 9 survived if that's any reassurance!!xx
That’s very reassuring! Xxz
We were told it’s very close to 100% these days. I’ve defrosted 4 and all survived x
Good to know thanks! Xxx
We had 4 frozen and recently defrosted them all and had 2 put back. The other two that were defrosted weren’t of suitable quality for transfer so u should definately have some that survive. Wishing u lots of luck xx
May i ask why were the other 2 not suitable? what grades were your embryos when frozen? And thanks xx

They were all grade Bs, the ones that didn’t survive weren’t showing any progress once thawed x
We’re they all blastocysts? Xx and was it the blastocysts that didn’t make it? Xx

Yes they were all blastocysts x
Wow sorry you lost two. I hope I don’t lose any... I’m hoping this one does work 🤞🤞and try for a 3rd with fet . I guess everyone is different and that’s what I have been reminded of every day 😊xx

We were just greatful that we already had one son thru ivf and this was our last chance and one more luckily took so that was all that was needed. It only takes one, we gave all our Frosties a chance. Hope it all works out well for you xx
May i ask why were the other 2 not suitable what grades were your embryos when frozen? And thanks xx
Have had three thawed which all survived
Really! That’s good! Goes to show Not everyone has the same out come! Xx
Yes my clinic will only freeze day 5 blastos. I just had a FET and the thaw was fine x
Wow good to know! I rang my clinic today and they said 95% of them survive.. which is reassuring... also said they only store embryos strong enough that would survive the thaw. I’m just looking to far ahead thinking all sorts when really that may never be the case for me. So starting from now I’m gonna have a positive mindset and be grateful to have a 4 year old beautiful daughter and a 4aa blastocysts In me and 4 frozen! So really i am blessed and cross the bridge if I have to face it. Xx

Well done on the mindset. Yes you’ve given yourself sensible advice by taking one day at a time. Deal with it when it happens as you say. Loads of luck to you xx
Mine thawed well. I was told there was a 97-99% chance that embryos that are frozen will survive the thaw. I know how you’re feeling, we always want to prepare for the next ‘what if...’ just in case. I hope you are pregnant now!
Thank you so much for your reassuring comment and yes u are right that’s what I am thinking but what good is it going to do me if I keep thinking I might as well just ride it out😊 and yes I’m hoping so I am! Really want to test tomorrow but will only be 4 day past 5 day transfer. And worried that trigger might give false positive so will have to wait it out 🙏xxx
Don’t test! Not worth the emotional rollercoaster! Do it when you know it will be accurate! Thinking of you as I know how tough the wait is xx
I’ve had 6 thawed now and all have thawed between 85-95% which the embryologist were really happy with. Apparently they look for 50% survival xx
Wow that’s good thank you. Thanks for that info xxx😊
Yes...had 4 frozen...all defrosted fine but still not pregnant!
Oh dear I’m sorry 😐
Hi lovely all 3 of mine that were frozen were fine for transfer so try not to worry xx
I only had one in the freezer survived the thaw and ended in BFP. Good luck for the one on board! X
Thank you that’s ver reassuring. the two week wait is killing me! X
Hey, I had no option but to freeze all 5 of mine on day 5, I had issues at transfer. All I have is hope and some love for my Frosties! They will thaw and be fab xx
I did. I don’t know they grades of them but when it thawed it lost a few cells but they weren’t worried and now have a nearly 2 year old x
We've had 1 FET so far. 1st embryo survived the thaw and it resulted in BFP (though unfortunately didn't work out but prob something to do with that embryo). Have 4 more in freezer. Good luck xx
I must have the worst luck in the world but I’ve been preparing for my frozen transfer the last few weeks. Trying absolutely everything this time... intramuscular injection,steroids,intralid fusion you name it I was taking it. Transfer was booked in for yesterday and I got a call first thing to say not to come in as my frozen embryo didn’t survive the thaw.. Devastated,Shocked and confused is an understatement!! This would of been my fifth transfer,thought I’ve gone through everything but then this lovely fertility journey hits you with something else!! 😢
I had a very poor quality blasto that thawed without a hitch. It made 5% HCG so it tried! But yeah, I also fretted over the thaw. They usually always thaw.