Hi- here’s my story (saga) I had FET with 2 embryos transferred 12 days ago and on day 7pt I started brown bleeding with cramps in tummy and top of legs (the exact way I often start period) I had my sisters bday party coming up so decided to test (FAR too early) to confirm I was out this month (again) and could have Prosecco to commiserate at the party BUT ....there it was a definite blue + for the first time ever from the 8 attempts at treatment! I assumed I was having a chemical because of the bleeding (which actually stopped the next day) and tested the next few days and the tests were getting lighter so expected them to go to negative. but then on day 10 day they started getting darker again so I decided to tell OH on day 11 about the situation (didn’t want to raise hopes and then dash them). Of course now I’ve shared the test results day 12 I’ve started bleeding and cramping again still light at the moment but feels like it might get worse. I tested again today and the line was the darkest it’s been. Sorry for the novel but does anyone have any idea what might be going on? Actual test date isn’t until another 2 days and clinic says just keep taking meds etc as planned no matter what.....
12dp5dt spotting again! What’s happen... - Fertility Network UK
12dp5dt spotting again! What’s happening?

I wonder if initially they both stuck but then one didn't make it? That might explain the fluctuating lines with hormone levels going up then down then up again? I really hope you get some answers soon, and that they're good ones!! Let us know what happens xxx
Hi Twiglet,
Have you taken a digital test?
Lots of woman bleed in early pregnancy and if your tests are getting darker it’s sounds like good news. If you see pregnant on a digital it might be the visual you need to believe you are ... if that makes sense xxxx
Hi Mrs H! yeah that makes lots of sense! I took the digital one yesterday and it was what convinced me to tell my other half as it was there in writing lol I just can’t stop worrying about the bleeding and the cramps. Allowed myself one night of feeling happy last night and now the bleeding again..... scared to think it’s okay and then be even more disappointed if it’s not if that makes any sense at all! Thanks for helping me to see it more positively xxxx
It’s completely normal to worry ... My sister bleed a lot at the beginning and was fine. They did say you can kind of have you first period still as sits waiting or something.
Try to keep relaxed. Have bed rest when you can and if you really can’t wait you can pay privately to be scanned at six weeks 😘
Congratulations 🥰 xxxx
Can you ring your clinic again for reassurance? It’s sounds positive . Could be burrowing deeper to reach the blood supply in the endometrium ??
My info sheet from the clinic says common for bleeding in early pregnancy but nurse said if it’s a flow to ring them straight away . Not long to wait now to find out. Wishing you well ,
You’re doing great
Rhinocatx x 😘🤩👌🏻💐💐💐💐💐
Thank you! 🤗 They had actually phoned me to check in and just said lots of reasons for bleeding (including progesterone pessaries) and to keep taking medication through the bleeding. Even if positive on test day they don’t do bloods or anything just a scan at 8 weeks. I will Just need to keep hoping and praying 🙏 just can’t shake the fear! Xxx
It is so tricky that interim period between finally getting a BFP and waiting for the first scan. stress won't help but its impossible to stay calm so I won't even tell you to do that!
There are loads of reasons for bleeding, I had quite a heavy implantation bleed during one of my cycles to the extent I thought it was AF as it was actually dripping out of me when I went to the loo! (TMI sorry!). A friend of mine had 2 transferred and had a heavy heavy bleed and terrible cramps at about 6 weeks and we all thought it was over and it turned out to be her losing one of the embryos which didnt develop and the other one is now 16 months old!
Try to stay zen and not panic, look after yourself. Your tests sound really positive. got everything crossed for you x

Thank you soooo much xxx
I know it's so hard not to dwell on bleeding and I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I know if i start bleeding even a spot in my next pregnancy I'll potentially lose my mind and end up sectioned (half joking half not) BUT that being said, my last pregnancy I was haemorraging from 10 weeks pregnant to the point I needed to be hospitalised for about 6 weeks and have multiple transfusions and throughout the bleeding my son happy as anything. Growing ahead of schedule and perfectly healthy. Although my son was stillborn that was due to an infection - not the bleeding itself. It is perfectly possible to bleed for many many reasons in pregnancy and frustrating and petrifying as it is!
Lots of women have bleeding and have successful pregnancies, it sounds like you’re having a baby! Congratulations 💖💖💖
Progesterone pessaries can absolutely do crazy things, none of which bears any significance to your actual pregnancy. Hang on. I think you’re doing well.
update for anyone reading in the future. I’m afraid the bleeding got heavier and it ended up in a chemical pregnancy 😔 xx
I’m really sorry for your loss but was this your first frozen transfer? Which clinic are you with if you don’t mind me asking? I hope you are coping well x

Hey thank you! Yes this was my first time at a frozen cycle. I am with in Scotland at the Glasgow royal xx