Is everyone at work while going through IVF? I feel like I was coping quite well as my work are really good but now the IVF is full on, the last place I want to be is at work.
Work?: Is everyone at work while going... - Fertility Network UK

I'm freelance and can't really tell my clients what's going on so I think they're all at the point where they're ready to kill me for moving meetings at short notice! I'm finding it hard dealing with deadlines and that is raising my stress level a bit, which isn't the best, but on the other hand I'm quite glad to have the distraction otherwise I do think I'd be thinking about IVF 24/7. My mind does start drifting to it at work, but having a lot of urgent stuff to finish helps me pull my attention back.
I’m off on stress, which my gp has extended to suit me and my ivf journey. Couldn’t have asked for a better dr 🤩🤗 everyone is different , some like to be busy, I like to have head space . Do what is right for you. If you need off, go chat to your gp or take off when it’s egg collection time .... don’t be stressed for stress sake! Speak to your work and they might advise you see your gp. Love and hugs
Rhinocat x 💐
I have barely been interested in work since we started trying to conceive three years ago! Since starting IVF a year ago, though, absolutely zero interest! I work from home loads, take time off for appointments etc., and even took a month off last year for stress as a BFN after a miscarriage and and another BFN just totally destroyed me. Currently, I'm doing way less work than I probably should be doing, and for the first time in my life I didn't get a good review on my year end review, but this is more important right now. I would quit, but we need the money, so I'm just toughing it out. I'm trying to get to March before handing in any notice for my bonus, but after then I am allowing myself the thought of going part-time if I need. Also, I'm being really generous with myself on working from home and taking time off ill. I'm not in-line for any promotions, but at least I'm getting paid!
I'm really lucky - my company allowed me to work from home on the days I had appointment and they are generally quite relaxed too. They did however, say if I got a GP to sign me off during my tww they'd only pay me for 5 days sick leave as per our company policy and the rest would be statutory. We couldn't really afford that so I took the first week off as sick and then used some annual leave for the days I didn't want to go in.
In hindsight, I stressed myself out MORE by being off (even though I'd planned to do things with some friends/family, I was still left with my own thoughts for parts of the day and you know how that goes on the tww, lol). So next time, I will try to use work as a distraction. I do also think it depends the sort of work you do - my manager made sure she gave me a lighter workload (I work in IT) and that was helpful. Best of luck! x
I was off for 5 weeks. 3 using hospital appointments and leave and was then signed off by the consultant for 2 weeks. Everyone is different but personally I couldn't have concentrated on work and it was the last place I wanted to be when I was going through such an important thing in my life. But I get that some like the distraction. I was straight and upfront with my line manager and she was actually very supportive x
I feel like I really coped well with work for my first cycle, we had a chemical on the end and I was off work for a week, then when we came up to our frozen transfer I really waant coping, I don't think I knew to what extend when I look back.
I got signed off work on the end and it did me the world of good my doctor really understood. So then I could relax at home and I just had the worry of it not working rather than dealing with all my clients issues (main bulk of my job is antisocial behaviour and everything petty in between). Just do what you feel is right for you, its a really important time and you should recognise that other parts of life can take a back seat. They will always be there, our opportunity with this may not xxxx
My work was really unsupportive during my first round of ivf and I was close to being signed off for stress from my GP. This round I decided to quit my job even though it’s crippling me financially. This has really suited me as I was doing 60hour weeks, a 3 hour train commute and the job was so stressful, that it would definitely hinder my chances.
Hope you find a balance that works for you.
I can't tell work about IVF, or my MC's as it would impact my career chances (and have to keep them open in case I end up a 'career woman').
I find it very difficult to deal with juggling both - mainly because I feel like IVF is THE most important thing and everyones complaining and niggles at work seem so unimportant. I remember being at home having a natural miscarriage and one of my colleagues was REALLY having a go at me about the fact I hadn't responded to an email and I literally wanted to SCREAM at her that I was having a MC and didnt care! Not sure how I managed not too.
Like ttcemmie says I work from home loads, avoid meetings and my mojo is precisely zero. But I need the money for IVF so I guess for now I will just keep going. I am convinced the stress of it all isnt helping and has lead to BFNs and MC but my consultant tells me thats utter nonsense every time I ask...!
Good luck x
I have taken time off for this fourth cycle. It has its pros and cons. I am glad that I don’t have the stress of having to worry about juggling scans, collection and transfer with work. Work doesn’t know so it was always a stress on my last cycles. Having time off though does make it hard to think about anything other than ivf. Whilst I was stimming it was fine but the wait since collection for the various calls has been hard but this might be because the news so far hasn’t been good for us. I honestly think for me it’s 50/50 but not sure if we were to have another cycle (which we won’t!) that I’d take so long off x
I’ve actually found work quite a good distraction from it all. I could obsess over everything and when I’m at work I don’t have time to think about it.
I am lucky though as my team leader is super understanding and has let me have time off for appointments and if I’m not feeling great. We also have a wfh policy so that’s helped a couple of day a week when I just need a break from the office (and all the pregnant people 😖) xxx
I've been very lucky my managers and occupational health have been good with time off and working from home. I have to admit this last 6mths has really messed with my head massively and 100% it's impacted me at work. My concentration I'd nothing like normal, I actually don't care and am not motivated to prove myself at the moment either and no doubt that will impact me at appraisal time but my manager is fully aware of what is going on and where I can offer support to my team when I'm feeling well I defo try to. I think I will definately need some time out from work if our final transfer doesn't go to plan because I don't think mentally I will be strong enough to do the job I do right away xx
Im self employed too and i had to say i was being treated for an ovarian cyst and have some time off, but it was stressful because i wasnt getting paid for that time off. No way i could deal with the constant appointments and having to travel and look after a five year old, and work aswel. I was going back the day after egg collection, bug mistake! Even the nurses looked at me funny when i said i was going back so quick, wont be doing that again.