Hi I start ivf in a few days what worked for you? do u have any tips? It’s going to be my first round x
Hi guys I start ivf in a few days! - Fertility Network UK
Hi guys I start ivf in a few days!
Ive just done my first round, make sure you have sedation for egg collection is my best advice.
Hi Eram12. No real success to report yet: I'm due for embro transfer on my 2nd round on Monday (hopefully! IF some of my 4 embryos make it!) Apart from looking after yourself with good diet, plenty of fluids (and trying to stay as calm as possible!) - I'd say make full use of great resources like this forum to share experiences but at the same time try to avoid making comparisons Remember everyone's reactions to the protocols are different, and it's easy to get really down about comparisons like number of follicle growing, number of eggs, etc. At the same time though of course, you WANT to see 'what's normal' so it's hard NOT to compare your results!... If I could retake my first cycle I'd try to tell myself that we need to relinquish lots of control in IVF. Things happen that you simply can't control. There are hurdles you don't even expect. But even the 'failures' or setbacks can sometimes bring positives or lessons learned. Overall, try to stay realistic BUT positive: after all, when IVF works, it REALLY works xx
Only advice I can give is take it one step at a time, and try to take things in your stride, easier said than done when you want something so badly but it really does help to ease the stress of it all. When you start on meds keep hydrated, be good to yourself and have the odd treat. If you're taking time off work, do some nice things to keep you distracted. 😊 Good luck xx
Very exciting!
My advice would be to be kind to yourself. It can be emotionally gruelling so don’t be afraid to say no to people and take time out when you need it.
Take vitamin d and folic acid, get into a good book or Netflix box set to occupy your mind, try not to let it become all consuming (easier said than done)!
Good luck lovely xx
Hi. I’m at the beginning my first round now too. First stim injection is tonight. Good luck to you! We’ll get through it together xx
Most definitely! what protocol u on? Xx

I’m on the flare protocol (which is a bit like a short protocol - I had a single Prostap injection on Tuesday after having taken norethisterone from day 21 of my cycle until last Thursday and start stim injections today). I have a scan and bloods to check progress next Wednesday. What about you?
Oh ok I’m on a short protocol so just waiting for my period to come just took a pregnancy test as to see if we have caught naturally but nothing I just hope and pray ivf works. Do you have any other children? How old are you? Xxx

No we don’t have any other children. I’m 38 (39 in a few weeks) and husband is 40. Praying this cycle works for us even though I know the odds are that it won’t!
I just started my first stim injections last night too - mixing it up is so fiddly!! I swear I only managed to get about half the stuff into me - hoping practice makes perfect, fast!
Oh mine are prefilled pen thingies! We just pop the needle on the end, dial up the dose and inject.
Ooh, that sounds better! I have to dissolve three different vials of powder in the same tiny bit of liquid and inject it in (I'm on Meriofert)
Hi! Also starting with my first round... Well, have started - been on Buserelin injections for about 2weeks now and am going in for my first (baseline?) scan tomorrow!!
I can only really echo what's already been said - personally, just having the injections to... well, inject(!) made me calmer as it felt like I was at least doing something! Further than that - take it one day at a time, say some prayers (if that's for you... And even if it's not, it can't hurt!), think happy thoughts and, well, it's been said, be kind to yourself
Here's praying for a great outcome tomorrow, and an awesome journey for you!! xxx
Good luck for tomorrow! Xxx
The only advice I would give is make sure you talk to people about how you are feeling even if it's a forum. Try and continue to do things that you enjoy doing and hard as it is try and stay relaxed and look after yourself. Good luck. Xx
I'm about to go for my first transfer tomorrow, all being well!
I suppose for me, I was just grateful for every day I didn't have symptoms. I was lucky in that the injections didn't really cause me any trouble. I'd read a lot on here that it would be different so I was just so grateful for those days I felt normal.
However, I was in a lot of pain after egg collection when I wasn't really expecting it so it's twists and turns all the way.
I was surprised at how many meds you have, esp what you come home with after egg collection. I would say though that you do get used to it all, even though I'm still feeling quite down at times.
I am struggling with the lack of info from my clinic, I could really do with an update today so I don't feel so nervous about tomorrow.
Defo agree with others' advice on here, just acknowledging that it takes over for a while is something. I can't imagine how I'm going to think about anything else with this two week wait!
Good luck! xx
Hi thanks and good luck to you hope it has worked for you! Xx