1st scan today after taking buserelin for 24 days, hopefully start menopur tomorrow. Anyone else at this stage of ivf?
1st scan after injections : 1st scan... - Fertility Network UK
1st scan after injections

I have my down reg scan in a week so hopefully not far off x
Hi, I think I’m in a similar position,
I’m doing the short protocol so had my first scan today. Got the all clear to go ahead and start Gonal f tonight with a follow up scan next week.
I’m 31 and this is our first IVF cycle with unexplained infertility. So excited to get started but realistic we might be playing the long game.
Would be great to have someone to chat to also going through IVF
Kati88 i am on short protocol too and on day 5 stims on gonal F
Hopedream all d best . Fingers crossed for us all.
I’m 27 with unexplained infertility. This is my 2nd round of ivf. I haven’t herd of gonal... I’m starting menopur today hopefully egg retrieval will be Monday 20th
I think gonal F and menopur are very similar in that they stimulate the ovaries. I think it just depends on where your having your treatment what drugs you get.
So sorry your last treatment didn’t work, soo much heartbreak involved in this infertility business.
Are you doing a fresh or frozen cycle This time?
We won’t won’t know more until next Monday when egg retrieval will be but I’m keeping my fingers crossed my body responds well to the meds and we don’t have to wait long.