Egg collection booked for Thursday mo... - Fertility Network UK

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Egg collection booked for Thursday morning!

42 Replies

After 11 days of stims, I’ll be triggering tomorrow with egg collection on Thursday morning. I’ve known this day is coming but now it’s here I’m so nervous!!

I have 7 follicles 12mm and over, with the biggest being 18/19mm. The rest are between 11-6mm so won’t be big enough by egg collection.

I’ve nervous about how many eggs I’ll get as I know it won’t be a high number.

Nervous about egg collection being painful!

42 Replies
Core profile image

Good luck for egg collection, what sedation are you having? I don’t remember any of it and didn’t feel a thing from when they put the canula in my hand xx

in reply to Core

Thank you!

I’m having IV sedation so hopefully it knocks me out! Fingers crossed it all goes well xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to

Good luck for tomorrow! I had IV sedation too and it completely knocked me out so I think you’ll be grand xx

in reply to Solly-44

Thank you!

I’ve just realised I have to get the train (my clinic is in central London) so now I’m panicking about that! Along with being convinced I’m going to ovulate before the collection! It’s one thing after the other lol xx

Solly-44 profile image
Solly-44 in reply to

Haha, yeah there is always something to worry about! Is your partner going with you? When I came around I was good to go quite quickly but they wouldn’t ‘release’ us until someone was there to take us home. I think you’ll be fine on the train so long as you’re with someone in case you’re a bit drowsy xx

in reply to Solly-44

Yeah my partner is coming with me! I’m so nervous (and hungry) this morning!!xx

SUN100 profile image

I had EC this morning. I was like you so nervous. It was absolutely fine. I had IV morphine and gas and air was in dream land. So relaxed and hardly felt a thing. You will be 100% fine. Relax and don't worry. I got 5 eggs. Good luck x

in reply to SUN100

Thank you! That’s reassuring that you didn’t feel it!

Good luck with the rest of your cycle x

Lots8788 profile image

Good luck x egg collection didn't hurt at all and the sedation was lovely. Wishing you lots of luck x x

in reply to Lots8788

Thank you!! X

Cook7786 profile image

Good Luck - I’m hoping for my egg collection on Friday. Currently 11 days on stims too! How’s it been for you so far?!?!

in reply to Cook7786

Thank you! Good luck to you too! 😊

It’s been okay, up and down at points, emotionally draining because things can be so changeable! So happy to be moving onto the next step, even if I am nervous lol how about you?x

Cook7786 profile image
Cook7786 in reply to

Good luck tomorrow! I’m booked in now for Friday - just pulled the trigger :) nervous excited at the moment, bloated and full! X

in reply to Cook7786

Good luck for Friday! I’m feeling achy this morning so I’m hoping I’m not ovulating early x

Picalilli99 profile image

Lots of luck for your egg collection on Thursday! ☘️ Xxxx

in reply to Picalilli99

Thank you so much! Xx

Jojo1812 profile image

Good luck with ur egg collection.

I didn't really feel a thing during it mayb a bit of pressure when he went through the wall to collect the eggs, but was sedated so wasnt too bad. The only part I would say I actually felt was at the end when he said he needed to check for bleeding, not sure what he actually did but I felt it, sorry if that's Tmi xx

in reply to Jojo1812

Thank you! Definitely not tmi, all the information I can get the better!xx

Good luck with egg collection, it's always nerve wrecking! I've done it once under sedation and 2nd round of IVF with local anaesthetic down there only. With drugs just makes you groggy and don't feel much, with the local kind of feels like when you get a smear test done and they're looking down there for a little while to try and find the cervix 😆. Would say more so just uncomfortable than painful.

in reply to

Thank you! I'm hoping to have the sedation so I'll be out of it lol x

Shirazlover2013 profile image

Hi 👋 I’ll be going in on Thursday for my 4th collection. I’ve had iv sedation twice and general anaesthetic twice. Under both methods I’ve been sound asleep 😴 I’ve never found any of it painful, but I do find the bloating and general size of ovaries quite uncomfortable before and after. Last time I got a surprise extra few eggs that had sprung up the size charts very late in the game so don’t rule that out. But honestly it doesn’t matter about numbers if you’ve got quality which at your age should be fine 👍 good luck to both of us for Thursday!!

in reply to Shirazlover2013

Good luck for Thursday! With my follicle sizes, I'm expecting 6/7 eggs but if I end up getting more it will be a bonus! I'm hoping my endo won't have affected the quality too much and I've taken supplements/eaten healthy (as much as I can!). x

Mystic9 profile image

Hello, I'm booked for egg collection on Thursday too! This is my first cycle so can't give any guidance on what it will be like, but good luck! X

in reply to Mystic9

Ah good luck to you too! I hope we both have great success and get first time lucky!x

aamiller405 profile image

Best of luck.. And don't worry its a simple procedure and you'll likely not even remember it xox

in reply to aamiller405

Thank you so much! xx

Jellyfish8562 profile image

Just relax! I was nervous before egg collection but felt nothing! Was sedated and didn’t even realise they had done it!

in reply to Jellyfish8562

Haha I'm really hoping the sedation will just knock me out x

Kitcat12 profile image

Good luck lovely! Don't want to scare you but sedation didn't work for me despite them giving me 2 doses 😳 I felt a lot of the procedure and it was painful for me. However, I would 100% go through it again as the bit of pain was a small price to pay for my 16 eggs - 5 blastocysts- 1 wriggly little boy currently bouncing around in my tum ❤️ Hopefully it goes a lot smoother for you, just wanted to warn you of worst case scenario and say that even the bad stuff is totally bearable for the outcome at the end x

in reply to Kitcat12

Thank you and congratulations! 😊 I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well xx

Hoping everything goes well and that they collect good healthy strong ones. Fingers crossed for you. 😊

in reply to

Thank you! 😊😊

Ropa19 profile image

I’m hoping for egg collection on Friday, have another scan today to see how the follicles are. My first egg collection wasn’t great as the drugs kicked in too late but the second egg collection I was fine as I had paracetamol straight into the veins with sedative the night before and in the morning alongside gas and air and even thought I’m having the same drugs this time I can’t stop going back to the first egg collection so this thread is also really helpful for me. Did anyone else have similar drugs to me? They refuse to give me general anaesthetic sadly 👎 nice to hear a few of us will be in the dreaded 2 week wait together!!

Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow 🤞 xx

in reply to Ropa19

I’m sorry to hear about your first egg collection but I’m hoping you’ll have a less painful one like your second one!

Thank you 😊 it’s definitely nice that we can all wait together! Good luck!xx

Ajplus1 profile image

Good luck hun. You might still get lucky with a few of the smaller ones. Wishing you all the best. Make sure you take time to relax after collection x

in reply to Ajplus1

Thank you! I’m hoping so, I guess I’ll find out tomorrow! I’ll definitely update this post 😊 xx

Ajplus1 profile image
Ajplus1 in reply to

With sedation you’re out so quickly. I was just in a bit of pain when I woke up but they were prepared for that and gave me IV pain relief which was good. Good luck xx

Judy18 profile image
Judy18 in reply to

Good luck today. Xx

LunaLovegood11 profile image

Hey! I had a temazepam tablet and painkiller pessary before having it, then an IV cocktail of painkillers. They said if I needed gas and air during the procedure I could have it - I did start to feel some discomfort so had it and once I started a gulp or two it was absolutely fine! If I have another egg collection I’ll probably ask for it straight away. Good luck!!! Xx

in reply to LunaLovegood11

Hey! How are you doing? 😊

Thank you! I’m so nervous and achy this morning.. and starving! Breakfast is my fav meal of the day lol.

I’ll update you when I know how many eggs I get, fingers crossed I get more than expected!xx

LunaLovegood11 profile image
LunaLovegood11 in reply to

Brilliant! Remember it only takes one egg so don’t be too disappointed if not a huge number... good luck xxx

10 eggs! I’m in shock 😬😬

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