Starting IVF in December and was just looking for any tips / advice??? Its beginning to feel real and I’m scared/ nervous.....! Anything is greatly appreciated 😘
Starting IVF......: Starting IVF in... - Fertility Network UK
Starting IVF......

Hi!! I'm starting my first cycle in October/November. Going for our consultation and meds on Friday and then we will take it from there. Not too far ahead of you so private mail me with any questions as you go!! Obviously I'm no use at the minute as we haven't started though.
Thanks I will do! Good luck with starting it ❤️ Are you taking any supplements? Xx
Snap! Meds arrive tomorrow, consultation next Tuesday then away we go on the Thursday! It’s our first cycle. Are you doing long protocol?
Hiya... just take each day at a time.. youll probably find once you start the time will fly in. Everyone reacts slightly different to the medications and procedures...and theres a lot of different protocols.
It can be an emotional journey but hopefully it will have the most amazing outcome!
Youll know more what questions you want to ask as you progress with treatment and move through the different stages and this forum is brilliant for helping you along the of luck xox
I’m starting my first cycle next week. Although I know the next stage will be an emotional rollercoaster, think how far you’ve come already. Those endless blood tests and waiting for results. Now it’s happening! Embrace it!
As for advice - look after yourself. Eat a healthy diet, limit your caffeine and alcohol intake and try to have a good level of well being. I’ve had numerous people say put yourself first so that’s what I’ve been doing. Take time out when you need it.
I’m also doing acupuncture. Bit sceptical but it can’t do any harm and I’m finding it very relaxing.
Best of luck!
Just started acupuncture and it felt so good. I think just taking the time out to fully relax was great. I actually floated back home that night! 😂 I’m going to keep it up. I am off booze and caffeine (so hard at first but getting used to it now).
Wishing you all the luck in the world. It will be great to hear how you are getting on ❤️
I listened to the podcast BFN (big fat negative) which taught me a lot, and the book Get A Life is good for couples to read 👍🏻
Be good to each other and take time to enjoy some quality time together so it’s not all about IVF. It can take over but you’re in it together.
Good luck! Xxx
Going to listen to that! Great advice. Thanks for the tips 😘 and heard about this book so I will order it today xx
Good luck !!! I did my first IVF transfer on 2/19/19 and was fortunate to conceive on the first try !! We are expecting our little princess any day now!! I will say it is an emotional ride due to hormones, estrogen ect. The best advice we followed was to not stress although we at times did the minimum stressing more so me! Of course!! But It was a pretty fast process id say! Rest lots in the midst of the days you are on meds!! We prayed a-lot, we believe prayer 🙏🏻 changes everything and believe it or not it Helped with stress and anxiety. Best of luck and many blessings to you and your beautiful soon to be family
I found out yesterday I start in Jan, providing AF shows herself 😂. Wishing you all the luck! I’ve given up alcohol & minimised caffeine too. X
It seems very daunting but once you have done your first few injections it will be much easier and you won’t feel as anxious or worried. I’m not needle phobic, occasionally it sting a little putting the needles in, but barely at all. Personally I only had bloating towards the end of stims and felt 100% otherwise, though everyone is different. Be kind to yourself and how you feel physically and emotionally in the run up and during stims. You can do this and the stim period races by and before you know it you’re at egg collection, which is just a big sleep and then transfer. I’d highly recommend the app Mindful IVF during stims and then during the 2week wait.
Il get on that app tonight. All this advice is great. Hearing from people who have actually been through it. Thanks for taking the time out for this 😘 xx
I’d say try to take each step a day at a time. You’ll have a rollercoaster of emotions but I’m sure it’ll all be worth it in the end ❤️
I’d recommend the following:
Book: ‘It’s starts with the egg’
Book: ‘Dare to Dream’ Izzy Judd
Podcast: ‘Lets talk fertility’ Izzy Judd
Podcast: ‘BFN’
Wishing you the very best of luck ❤️