I can’t bring myself to do this test. I had a failed IVF in January. Now I used 2 donor embryos 5AA and 4AA. Was supposed to test today but since clinic closed. Still no symptoms other than twinges in Lowe abdomen on 6 and 7th day and then nothing. My period should have started yesterday (usually I get tender breasts, bloating etc) but none of that. I’m also on progesterone and I know that can stop period too. I just want to stop the meds and not test. Only thing I also noticed is I’ve been drinking more water. There’s NO WAY I’m pregnant and feel NOTHING!!! 😭😭😭😭
11dp5dt OTD tomorrow. Can’t stop cryi... - Fertility Network UK
11dp5dt OTD tomorrow. Can’t stop crying! HELP!

If it helps, I also didn't feel pregnant and I tested and it was positive. In fact I had more cramping and breast tenderness previous times and the tests came back negative! Testing is awful though. I almost have a panic attack each time. Just know that, what ever the outcome, there's nothing you could've done differently - it's out of our hands at that point. I really hope it's good news for you. Best of luck x
You will drive yourself mad symptom spotting - every single person and pregnancy are different.
I tested everyday post transfer to ensure the trigger was out my system but also to avoid questioning everything ( even though naturally you do anyway )
My friend went through her whole pregnancy with zero symptoms ! Even at the beginning…
Wishing you lots of luck x
Hang in there, apparently 10-15% of women have no symptoms at all post transfer and still get pg.. all the best
Hi, I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I also had no symptoms at all, all I felt was twinges on my lower right side of abdomen which was the implantation cramps, I wish you the best of luck and hope you get a bfp
thanks everyone. Your messages have been really helpful. Still the queen of symptom spotting though even up till this day🤣🤣🤣 There is no greater mind game than this TWW. I’m ready to get it over with hoping for the BEST outcome. Wishing everyone the best too ❤️
My cycle was successful and I didnt have symptoms, only cramps after introducing progesterone pessaries so probably not-related to pregnancy!!
good luck!!!!! You can’t quit the meds, you gotta test! You might get a huge surprise 🙌🏻
*Sensitive post* I tested this morning and got a BFP. Still NO symptoms whatsoever.🤣🤣🤣 Hopefully, people see my recent posts and not worry about not having symptoms. I am so thankful to everyone on this platform for their support and encouraging words cause I was a MESS🤣
I’m so happy for you!! I came on to check your result. I am testing later in the week and have zero symptoms! X