*sensitive* #10DPT Update and a few q... - Fertility Network UK

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*sensitive* #10DPT Update and a few questions...

mushy19 profile image
19 Replies

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Hey Guys...

It’s now 10DP5/6DT of two embabies..👣👣

As you can see I’ve taken up a new hobby.. #POAS☺️😂 as much as I’m enjoying seeing the line progression I can’t seem to stop or even skip a day. Not sure when I’ll be relaxed and satisfied with the result as I do know no amount of testing can stop a MC but the moment I let my guard down last cycle and stopped testing the pregnancy began to fail...

I’ve Had a scary few nights this week as the cramping and backache has been so intense (I can only compare this to my MC) having to hold on or bend forward as it was that painful 😖 Has this been a positive symptom for anyone?

I’m sure Prednisolone is keeping me awake at night.. no matter how late I’ve tried to stay up I’m only managing to sleep a maximum of 4 solid hours each night. Is this normal? I was thinking of contacting my clinic/consultant as I’m not sure how much longer I can manage this, shattered throughout the day and wide awake at night.

Does anyone know why OTD was 12days with my fresh cycle and now 14 with FET? This 2WW has been torturous beyond belief..😩

Besides my moans... I very am happy being PUPO☺️😊

I have a GP appointment booked for my OTD (staying ahead of the game) I intend on getting a immediate EPU referral as I felt quite deserted by my clinic last cycle. After notifying them of my BFP there was no further communication other than scheduling a viability scan @8wks.. which in my case turned into a follow up meeting.

I think the trauma of not being seen by a professional when I knew something was wrong is haunting me. By having myself referred straight away will hopefully get me some beta results (which my clinic doesn’t do) and also avoid some of the nonsense I went through like sitting in A&E for hrs to be told there’s nobody to help or advise etc.

Sorry it’s been a long post... Thanks for reading...

The encouragement I’ve received on here is second to none ❤️😘

BTW finally I broke the news to my mum yesterday... Her face lit up like a lightbulb💡I could see she wanted to jump around the room but she composed herself within seconds.

It was such a relief to finally tell someone... my partner has gone mute again🤐 so I feel much better now mum knows as we are so close.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend wherever you are on this rollercoaster of a journey🎢 😘

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mushy19 profile image
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19 Replies
Kitcat12 profile image

❤️❤️ look at those cracking lines, congratulations!! I think you're going to struggle getting an EPU referral though. In my experience, the GP wouldn't refer me when I was having bleeding and pain. I only got my referral after a night in A&E, convinced I was miscarrying again. Even then, they weren't keen to see me as I was only 5w+4 at my first visit and they were sure they wouldn't see anything (as it turned out we got to see baby's heartbeat!) I wish you the best of luck securing a referral and with your pregnancy x

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Kitcat12

Arrr gosh.. I didn’t think of them refusing to refer... last time I was 6+1 by the time I made contact so I guess that’s why I didn’t have a problem.

I do have a brilliant doctor but he is away so I’m now booked to see his replacement.

Well thanks for the heads up, I will have to lay it on pretty thick 😂and I’ll remind them of my history.

Keep your fingers crossed for me x

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to mushy19

Everything crossed for you! They may do the referral straight away, I really hope so! 🤞🏻x

Shelleybean profile image

Fab line progression, congratulations!! Lovely to hear your Mum’s reaction. My parents know, but we’re telling my mum- in- law this eve. I’m excited, but feel your pain about the mute partner.. they can be so weird at times 😂 xx

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Shelleybean

Congratulations and good luck with telling the in-laws... I’m sure they are going to be so pleased for you.

As for my partner he’s not one to show his feelings and prefers to say nothing, which I found so difficult last cycle as I constantly wanted to talk about what we were going through.

Once we had the MC it all came flooding out, he did feel the same pain and disappointment as me so I’ve half expected him to react in the same way this time around. I’m not applying pressure I know he’s happy even if he’s not voicing it 🤐🤣😉

Shelleybean profile image
Shelleybean in reply to mushy19

It was lovely, she was over the moon 🥰

I’m yet to see the day it all comes flooding out of my husband.. think hell will have frozen over before then 😂 Agree there’s no point applying pressure though, that would be unfair.

Congratulations again! Hope your pregnancy is all smooth-sailing xx

staaa88 profile image

Yay! Congrats. I’m not sure why it’s a longer with FET than fresh but the wait is painful!!! I experienced cramping at the beginning but this was more like the feeling of my period coming on, not intense. Also I’d say for a solid 2 weeks I was POAS every day twice a day. In all honesty I haven’t been able to relax until my recent 20 week scan. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions and I don’t think any of us can take a positive pregnancy test result in the same way people do without fertility problems. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to staaa88

Amazing news (20wk scan) is a big milestone. Did you find out your baby’s sex?

I think that’s the point where I would begin to relax and enjoy the pregnancy. Seems so far away for me right now x 😩

Cinderella5 profile image

Awww fab news! Great lines too!🤗🤩 I'm always dying to tell my mum too so can relate, I just worry about disappointing her. Its lovely to see their faces even if they try to keep it calm! How much prednisolone are you on? Do you take it in the morning?xx

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Cinderella5

Yes it feels great seeing those lines, Thankyou.

Mum was so disappointed last time..😢 I tried avoiding spending much time with her over the past weeks because I knew she would worry more than me lol...

I’m on 25mg prednisolone in the mornings😩😳from what I’ve read that’s slightly a higher dose than most are on x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to mushy19

Awww I know what you mean! I told my mum first time and it ended. Told her when I though things were looking good next time, all went tits up!🙄 Omg, that's a hefty amount of prednisolone! I usually get told to reduce to 10mg per day after being on 20mg before transferred. I asked my clinic if I could be on a higher level as I thought it might protect me better and my nurse who is a veteran in this business said she wouldn't want me on any higher!! I think you should ask to be reduced.xxxx

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Cinderella5

I Definitely will ask as I was told they they would reduce or make changes to meds on OTD

I’m also on....

Everol patches (every other day)

12mg progynova

20mg Omeprazole

2vials lubion

25 prednisolone

As much as I trust my consultant with his 37 years of experience (he actually specialises in ivf & re-current miscarriages since 1982)

It does seem like I’m on a hell of a lot of drugs.

What if he doesn’t agree to reduce?

I wouldn’t want to adjust the dose myself.

Oh I just don’t know now... I’m confused and off to doctor google now lol 🙃

I didn’t actually understand the NK cell result myself to know how bad things were, I was just told NK cells elevated...

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to mushy19

I'll be on pretty much the same dose as you for everything but my prednisolone gets reduced to 10mg and not quite as much lubion as you but that may get adjusted. You can't just stop prednisolone, you need to wean off it. You consultant sounds like he's well on the ball but I'm sure he will let you reduce a bit if you ask. Also my EPU allow self referral as I'm known to them with my previous miscarriage so dont need to go through GP now.xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to mushy19

Oh and frozen embryos can sometimes take longer to settle in that's probably why your OTD is longer.xx

Kyell2 profile image

Congratulations. I love the steadily darkening lines each day 😊 xx

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Kyell2

Thank you 😊 I love it too it’s actually becoming a little addictive 🤗 x

crisps88 profile image

Yayyyy!!! Well done theyre gorgeous and strong lines really lovely to see!!! I got referred to EPU at 10 weeks for bleeding I think you would really struggle to get taken there by the GP. What’s is it you want to see them for specifically? Can you not talk to your fertility specialist? x x

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to crisps88

It’s not that a wanted anything from them just yet, it’s because of what happened on my last cycle why I wanted a referral to them in place ASAP.

My options was limited to only going into A&E when I began to bleed on a Friday afternoon. My GP and clinic suggested going into A&E if things worsened. Monday I spent the entire day there from 8-5pm to only be told they would only check I wasn’t dying and could not shed no light on what was going on with the pregnancy. After a further battle explaining my history and name dropping my private consultant (who’s also the head of the department in that hospital 🤭) the emergency gynaecologist opened up the department just for me, done a scan & bloods.. So in a nutshell this all added to my trauma just want to avoid going through that ordeal again 😭

Sorry for the rant... it all came flooding back as I was typing x

Kiers27 profile image

Such a lovely picture ... lovely lines 🥰 congratulations.. when is your OTD?

Mine is 4th Oct ... xx

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