Hey Guys...
It’s now 10DP5/6DT of two embabies..👣👣
As you can see I’ve taken up a new hobby.. #POAS☺️😂 as much as I’m enjoying seeing the line progression I can’t seem to stop or even skip a day. Not sure when I’ll be relaxed and satisfied with the result as I do know no amount of testing can stop a MC but the moment I let my guard down last cycle and stopped testing the pregnancy began to fail...
I’ve Had a scary few nights this week as the cramping and backache has been so intense (I can only compare this to my MC) having to hold on or bend forward as it was that painful 😖 Has this been a positive symptom for anyone?
I’m sure Prednisolone is keeping me awake at night.. no matter how late I’ve tried to stay up I’m only managing to sleep a maximum of 4 solid hours each night. Is this normal? I was thinking of contacting my clinic/consultant as I’m not sure how much longer I can manage this, shattered throughout the day and wide awake at night.
Does anyone know why OTD was 12days with my fresh cycle and now 14 with FET? This 2WW has been torturous beyond belief..😩
Besides my moans... I very am happy being PUPO☺️😊
I have a GP appointment booked for my OTD (staying ahead of the game) I intend on getting a immediate EPU referral as I felt quite deserted by my clinic last cycle. After notifying them of my BFP there was no further communication other than scheduling a viability scan @8wks.. which in my case turned into a follow up meeting.
I think the trauma of not being seen by a professional when I knew something was wrong is haunting me. By having myself referred straight away will hopefully get me some beta results (which my clinic doesn’t do) and also avoid some of the nonsense I went through like sitting in A&E for hrs to be told there’s nobody to help or advise etc.
Sorry it’s been a long post... Thanks for reading...
The encouragement I’ve received on here is second to none ❤️😘
BTW finally I broke the news to my mum yesterday... Her face lit up like a lightbulb💡I could see she wanted to jump around the room but she composed herself within seconds.
It was such a relief to finally tell someone... my partner has gone mute again🤐 so I feel much better now mum knows as we are so close.
Wishing you all a relaxing weekend wherever you are on this rollercoaster of a journey🎢 😘