Pain at 5+3 weeks - is it all over ag... - Fertility Network UK

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Pain at 5+3 weeks - is it all over again?

chickp profile image
10 Replies

So this morning I started getting left side abdominal pain. It lasted about an hour then went. I’ve felt a bit sore since and just had some sharp stabbing pains in the same place. I’m so worried as this is how my miscarriage started last time before I got more central cramping a few days later.

I can’t believe this is happening again at more or less the same timing. I know it’s not certain but it just feels so familiar 😭

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10 Replies

Hi there, I'm so sorry you have been having this experience. The body is doing all sorts of marvelous things so it might just be that. I've had similar pain today, I thought it might be the end as it was different from the mild discomfort and cramps I've had on and off or the whole time (I'm 5 1/2 weeks too) it's so unnerving - I can't advise other than i've read countless times here women who have gone on to have successful pregnancies after lots of cramping. We cant do anything but rest and if it improves with rest take that as a sign our bodies want us to chill out, how long are you waiting until the scan? 6 or 7 weeks?

Keep the faith and keep distracted! XXX

chickp profile image
chickp in reply to

Thank you for replying. Unfortunately we’ve been traveling for more than 12 hours today so not very restful. The cramping has got worse and is now low down like period pain so I’m pretty convinced it’s over. I just can’t work out why this is happening to us again 🙁

I hope everything goes well for you with your scan - the positive stories do give me hope xxx

crisps88 profile image

Heyy. How are you feeling now? Has the cramping subsided or? Have faith lovely you never know it may Be nestling down even more. How are you doing ? I know it’s ridiculous to say try not to panic or stress because it’s the biggest thing in the world. I’m thinking of you xxxxxx

chickp profile image
chickp in reply to crisps88

Thank you for your message. I know I’d be going crazy without the support of this forum!

Once I got home and sat down it did ease off although I did wake up with some cramping in the night which went quickly. I’ve just done a clear blue digital and it said 3+weeks which is where it should be so I’m so confused 😐 I don’t know if I’m clutching at straws but I’m REALLY constipated (sorry tmi 🤭) and am wondering if it’s setting off my endo pain? But then it just feels like last time.

Oh well, going to spend today in bed and call the clinic tomorrow.

Thank you for thinking of me xxx

crisps88 profile image
crisps88 in reply to chickp

That’s brill the test is great news hun. Oh no I totally hear you the constipation is real 😘 that can lead to tummy pains and I’m still getting twinges where I am petrified of finding anything when I got to the toilet. It’s so hard isn’t it. How are your pains now after a good sleep ? Xxxxx

chickp profile image
chickp in reply to crisps88

No cramping this morning but I’m feeling a bit sore when I move if that makes sense? Lol to constipation! I have ibs so it can go either way but i always get constipated when away from home 😂

I just got myself in a flap over a faint line on a first response then realised after about an hour that I was looking at the lines the wrong way round and the pregnant line was the strong one 🥴 No more testing today!

I really really hope it was just a combination of tummy stuff and the travelling 🤞🤞🤞. It first started when I had been standing in a queue for 45 minutes. It’s such a rollercoaster. I was certain it was over yesterday but now I’m hoping for the best. Last time I tried to avoid getting my hopes up but there’s no way to avoid being disappointed so I’m just going with it.

Thank you so much for writing to me - I’m feeling better at the moment xxx

crisps88 profile image
crisps88 in reply to chickp

When’s your scan? Is there any way you could get a private one ASAP just to help quell your anxiety? Aw love it’s the worst especially if you’ve been through it before every single pain or twinge or cramp seems like that’s it and it’s end of the road. It’s so hard. I’m glad you’re feeling better and toy bab is so snuggled in still giving massive BFPs. Wishing you everything positive and a big hug xxxxx

chickp profile image
chickp in reply to crisps88

Thank you 😘 I’m going to ring the clinic tomorrow and see what they say. I’m reluctant to go back to the epu after such a stressful experience last time but I’ll do whatever they suggest if it can put my mind at rest. If not I may try my dr who is very caring and understanding.


in reply to chickp

I have endometriosis too & my pregnancy was full of cramps throughout but went onto to have my daughter. I was very confused as I was told pregnancy was a “miracle cure” for endo 😳 At around 5 weeks there is a second implantation stage which could be causing the cramps. Getting constipated won’t help & could be contributing towards the cramps. I had terrible constipation too.There is a safe laxative you can take in pregnancy- the pharmacist should be able to issue it or can get a GP to prescribe if they won’t ( pharmacies can get funny when issuing meds for pregnant women) The anti inflammatory diet can also ease bowel issues caused by endo. My cravings made me eat all sorts I would never eat normally 😬 takeaway chips was my main one 🤣

I’m sorry for your previous loss as that will make you worry more before having my daughter we had a early miscarriage so we never really relaxed until I had her. The fact your pregnancy test is showing an increase is really good.Early weeks are particularly tough aren’t they.

Rest up as much as you can lots of changes in your’s incredible the development of the fetus in the early weeks mind blowing. Maybe treat yourself Netflix day 😊 xxx

chickp profile image
chickp in reply to

Thank you so much for your message. It’s so reassuring to know I’m not the only one. If I didn’t know I was pregnant I wouldn’t think twice about the pain I’m in as I can get worse than this at any point in the month. I’m just worried because it happened last time I miscarried but I don’t actually know if it had anything to do with it.

I’m hoping the clinic can give me some reassurance tomorrow although I think it’s too soon for a scan.


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