I had an appointment with the IVF nurse today and she recommended that I look at taking Co-enzyme Q10 and proxeed as supplements during my treatment. Has anyone got experience of these?
Has anyone taken Proxeed or Co-enzyme... - Fertility Network UK
Has anyone taken Proxeed or Co-enzyme Q10 during IVF?

Hi. As have been recommended proxseed I’m guessing that’s to improve sperm? We were recommended this but my OH couldn’t take due to iron content so we replicated what was in it minus iron. We also added Ubiquinol which is a purer form of Q10 and gets into blood quicker and also Omega 3. We ensured in the run up that regular ejaculations happened with a 3 day abstinence before egg collection. This resulted in a sperm count that was ‘normal’ on the day and much better quality than previous. Proxseed is expensive but I think worth it (buying individual also expensive!!). Good luck x
It's the women proxeed supplement that I've been recommended. Sperm quality etc is all ok for my OH.
Oh interesting I didn’t realise they did it for women too! Is it for overall fertility?
Hi there, yes I’ve been taking Proxeed Woman because it’s what my consultant recommended. It’s very expensive, they’ve put the price up again 🙄 but I’m continuing to take it! I have also taken ubiquinol (reduced coQ10) and I think it definitely helped, without it my embryos didn’t reach blastocyst stage. (Still waiting for the baby stage ha) Good luck x
This is useful. Have you had any side effects from the proxeed? I've had side effects from other meds I'm taking and can't really face anymore.
My dr recommended Coq10, I took it for almost 3 months before EC. I was about to turn 39 at the time and we had surprisingly good results - 5 blasts from 8 fertilized eggs. We've transferred 2 so far, one of which resulted in pregnancy, due any day now.
We've only done 1 round so nothing to compare to and no way to know to what extent the supplement helped but it's not that expensive and definitely worth a shot. Best of luck xxx
Have you read It starts with the egg? I thoroughly recommend it! I did coq10, micronised DHEA and melatonin for my third round and got much better results than the first 2 rounds put together and I’m currently pregnant x
I haven’t read that, I’ll have to take a look at it. I’ll look at the other supplements you mention too. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!
Congratulations Scarlet! So happy to hear that the last round worked out for you. Could you please let me know which CoQ10 and DHEA exactly did you take ( brand etc) Did you get it on Amazon?
Thanks in advance xx
Thank you! I used MRM micronised DHEA from America from ipumpshop.com.
I have no idea what brand of CoQ10 I used - I ordered it from amazon and it was called uniquinol but I dont have any left to look at bottle!! Sorry!! I think it was in a brown bottle with a gold label though if I remember rightly. Good luck xxx
I took Ubiquinol for our last round of treatment on top of DHEA which I was already taking. That time we had a successful pregnancy and she is 8 months old. I will take it again when we try for number 2.xx
My husband took proxeed and I took CoQ10 (as well as vitamins, folic acid etc). Our first round was successful, but unfortunately ended in a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. Whether all the supplements helped me or not, who knows. But the proxeed def helped my husband - pre and post taking proxeed sperm analysis told us that. A few months after taking his results were almost perfect and negated a need for ICSI which had been on the cards.
Preparing for the next round and I have also added royal jelly supplements. I tried fresh royal jelly in the first round but found is disgusting - so gave up on the second day! Tablets are far easier to stomach.
Good luck
Hi, I have started taking proxeed for women after my egg collection as my first ET was unsuccessful. My cousin recommended proxeed as she said it worked for her without any CoQ10.
That's good to know. Was your second transfer successful? Hope you don't mind me asking.
I’m waiting for my second transfer... I didn’t get a natural period for 3 months after the first ivf so the doctor said to wait. Il be having it in August so will keep you posted... it’s been a tough few years but hoping the frozen transfer works. Had 2 failed IUIs and prior to that had tried clomid and injections as with my PCOS I don’t ovulate regularly. Praying and keeping fingers and toes crossed.
We have both been taking proxeed since our clinic recommended it too. Can't say whether it's helped yet as a few weeks away from EC on 1st IVF cycle but it'll be interesting to see whether it's improved hubbys sperm. Xx
I took a whole host of new supplements minerals and vitamins on advice of my fertility consultant and research. Dhea being the recommended by specialist , ubiquinol, royal jelly and NAC. I was also increased from Meriofert 225 to 375 and I went from 3 eggs collected to 10 with 4 making top quality blastocysts. Maybe a mixture of these? I can Pm you a full list I’d yous like. Good luck lovely xxx
Wow! You've mentioned quite a few things there that I haven't even considered. I'm finding choosing a bit overwhelming to be honest. There seems to be so much advice about what's best/needed. If someone could say, this will mean you get pregnant it would be amazing but I know that can't happen! A list of what you took would be great to look at. Xx
I don't have anything to compare it to so who knows but I took Ubiq/Q10 for a couple of months before hand and have 3 blasts from 5 mature eggs (AMH of 0.8 and low AFC) which the drs were really over the moon about... (plus I also took omega , b12 (as I eat little meat no dairy) , vit d and folic )
Good luck
CoQ-10 you can take during IVF until a positive pregnancy test. Proxeed I don’t know.
My wife has been taking ubiniquol for her second egg retrieval, which is booked for this coming monday. She's been on the supplements almost 4 months now.
Her first egg collection, her egg quality wasn't great
We got many of the supplements from a book 'it starts with an egg'
I can let you know after her collection, and once the eggs have turned into blastocysts if the supplements have made any difference 🤞x