I suppose this morning after my negative result you got to look at it like this .On this Journey of Fertility ladies AND GENTS we don’t need to see the whole stair case we just got to take the first steps right !! Nobody stands on the end of the stairs forever and when your starting at the bottom the only way is up round two let’s be having you xxx good luck ladies I’m willing you all on even when deep down in side we are willing ourselves on too xx
Belief: I suppose this morning after my... - Fertility Network UK

Thank you very much for your post. Such kind words are always inspiring! I had two failed ICSI cycles and felt the same. My thoughts were positive in spite of the negative results. I felt like I'm standing on the stairs and just going forward step by step to my dream.
Life is a very hard thing and sometimes it throws us pebbles, but if we look at them more closely we will see that each one of them, in fact, is truly unique and beautiful. Perhaps, inside, a precious gem is hidden.
So it is also with life in general. Sometimes it is filled with tolls and troubles. Once the hardship is passed, however, there is always some reward in store and a blessing to be had.
We should learn to appreciate the small beautiful things in life and to see that everything will work out well in the end. If it is not alright then it is not the end!
I didn’t expect to feel so heartbroken the tears I cried today could have easily created a water fall in my garden now all the why didn’t it work what could I have done better and do you know what I done it by the book so it’s even more hurtful I just wish my period would start to confirm I can move forward onto the next round of tug on my heart strings cause I’m ready for it .This journey is such a head f@!k it’s actually cruel xx
A fertility counsellor once told me: there's more than one way to make a family. Broke my heart at the time but trying to see IVF as steps, rather than the only solution is a good idea I think. Wishing you every success with round two xxx
The big brave girl is already there, even if she's under some tears - you're still standing and talking and functioning and that's big when you've been hit with this. Keep holding on and i hope Friday comes quickly! X
Sorry you've had this happen, but a lot of people will find your words and positivity a comfort. It's amazing how no matter how bad we feel at times, often hope finds a way to shine back through in one way or another, and staying in the moment with each step is part of that (I'm told!). Good luck for your next try. X
What a great attitude! I'm sorry you didn't get your BFP this time, best of luck for round 2 lovely x
Sorry your cycle wasn’t successful but what a lovely outlook on the situation. I think you are so brave & positive I’m sure with that attitude you will have your miracle baby. Best of luck with round 2 everything crossed for you xoxo

Awwh thank you sweetie I’m really trying xxx wish you success too xxx
Thank you. We tried for 7 years with 3 surgeries for treating endometriosis & 1 early miscarriage until I fell with our daughter whose 6 weeks tomorrow. It’s not an easy journey but it is worth fighting for. You can do this ❤️xoxo

Oh wow how amazing is that a little princess too congratulations enjoy every waking moment of it xxx
Such a strong and positive attitude well done my lovely xxx
Keep on going you can do it. Even when you can’t lift your head off the pillow and it’s the hardest thing to do you can and will do it because you’re meant to be a mum and you will be a mum. It’s so much easier said than done and you’ve done everything you could’ve it’s just such a cruel situation. Wishing you the best xxx