Hi, I know it is own fault that we are in this position but we don't want to give up trying just yet. We tried IVF in the Uk last year and was unsuccessful, fertilisation was not a problem, my clinic would not transfer at 3 days only 5 and none of them made it. I have since changed my diet and take Coq10 and DHEA, I have also undergone Ovarian Rejuvenation at a clinic in Poland. I would have gone back to the clinic in Poland but for IVF I will have to be there for minimum of 16 days probably at least 21 and this will mean being there on my own. We are now looking at other clinics abroad, hopefully one that allows the scans to be emailed to them to allow for a shorter time away from home. Has anybody had herd of any successes at my age? and if so would it be possible to tell me which clinic.
Any success with IVF at 46 years old ... - Fertility Network UK
Any success with IVF at 46 years old with own eggs or is it too late

Have you had your AMH retested or another antral folical scan to see what effect the ovarian rejuvenation had?
I think the chances of success with own eggs at 46 are extremely low, probably less than 1% but of course there is still a chance and I don’t know how much difference the ovarian rejuvenation will make?
I wish you the best of luck. I’m 37 but 5 weeks pregnant with a donor egg as my AMH was non-existent. I know donor eggs aren’t for everyone but I felt it was the only realistic chance for me x
I personally havent heard of any success with own eggs at 46. However due to the fact that you have taken some supplements and had the treatment in Poland it may be that you have a more increased chance than previously. I read on another forum of a lady trying the rejuvination but it didnt work for her and she has it several times and still no success. I have however heard of lots of success with donor eggs if that is something you would consider. Im personally doing DE (Im 41yrs old) but understand its not for everyone!xx
Hi Terrier15. I know that our body is unpredictable and anything may happen. One of my friends gave birth to a healthy and gorgeous child when she was 47. She conceived naturally. Her husband was 60 at that time so each of us may have a chance. If you have normal AMH level you should try once again. I know that the clinic where I am having my treatment accept women with AMH from 1 but I heard that they agreed to take a woman at her 40s with 0.6 and got a positive result.
I am almost 40 but my reserve is too low to get pregnant. My health issues won't allow me to carry my baby so the only option for me is surrogacy. I went to Ukraine for my treatment and, frankly speaking, do not regret this decision. Conditions are good, the med staff is kind and attentive, accommodation, medications, med tests, food, and transfer are included in the packages. Very convenient)). Next month I'm signing my new contract and can't wait for starting my journey. I wish you all the best with your decision! Baby dust!
I am 42 and did get pregnant my second round but sadly MC. I am currently undergoing my 3rd. I know you have a few years on me but I am constantly told 42 is not old and is the new 'norm' so I can't imagine 46 would be much different. This is my first and life just meant I didn't meet the right guy until later on in life.. things just happen like that sometimes I guess. Wishing you masses of luck x

Like you life meant that I didn't meet the find guy until later on in life. Wishing you all the luck xx
Hi Terrier15. I am currently 46 Years old and have 9 healthy frozen embryos created with my own eggs and my husband's sperm. We haven't as yet reached FET but are very close to the first one. I tend to believe that it is a case by case basis and the doctors don't know everything. I have been taking additional supplements Micronized DHEA, ubiquinol, folic acid etc. the list is endless. I am also of the opinion...what will happen, will happen good or bad. As long at you have healthy eggs and healthy sperm making healthy embryos, there is always a chance however small. hang in there.
Hi, thank you for your reply. It is great to hear a positive story and I hope all goes well for you in the future. Would you mind telling me which clinic you have used as I am finding it difficult to know which to use and I would welcome the recommendation. If you could pm that would be great, thanks again and all the best.
Were the 9 embryos all from one cycle? That's really good going!! Well done
No, We had a package deal of 3 egg collections. 1st one we only got two embryos, 2nd we got 3 embryos and the 3rd cycle, we got 4 embryos...on the 3rd collection I made sure to use micronised DHEA and ubiquinol, which yielded our best embryos.
Hope that this helps!!
I hope things turn out to be good for you. Just research really well. I would suggest that you look at the clinic's success rate as well as the doctors year of experience. The one I know about is in Keiv. You could search them up. Good luck to you. Sending baby dust your way.
Hi there,
I do not want to give you false hope by any means as the general chances are quite low. However, my mother (although naturally) had my brothers at age 41, 43, and myself at nearly 47 years of age.
It can happen and with appropriate care from the right clinic there’s opportunity.
I wish you all the success in the world! ❤️
Hi I'm 44 and currently 7 weeks pregnant with DE. My AMH was pretty low and on our 1st cycle we tried with my own eggs. They only got 3 eggs and only 1 fertilised and transfer at 3 days. It didn't work and we actually moved clinics as we hadn't been told the chance of success. The new clinic very frank about our chances and discussed donor option. We went away and took 6 months to think about it as initially it wasn't for us but after some time we decided to go for it with donor and have had treatment at a clinic in Spain.
Good luck with your journey. I know someone who underwent IVF in Poland and have been happy with them.
A good friend of mine had IVF twins at 44. She had treatment in SA as that’s where she’s from. They transferred 4 embryos and 2 stuck. I think if you are getting to embryo stage there’s always a chance. Best of luck with your treatment x
Hi, I am 47. Don’t give up hope! Try Czech Republic or Greece.
A friend just got pregnant through ivf at 44 with her own eggs. I just had 2nd round of ivf at almost 44 and got 2 blastocysts then 1 blastocyst and a BFN both times (we already have a 3 year old so itsnot all bad). I can't see us trying again as it just seems too remote a possibility, but it could be that menopur and me just didn't get on. Not sure I could face trying to presuade my OH to give it another go lol.
I'd be really interested to hear how you get on though. Xx