So had our 3rd FET which resulted in BFN again, really thought we might have been third time lucky this time around as I was also on lubion injections and didn’t have spotting like the last 2 times. I’ve never had a positive pregnancy test in almost 4 years of ttc. We are in the lucky position of having 9 Frosties lefts but can’t help worrying there must be something wrong with me and don’t want to keep ploughing through our Frosties only for them to fail. Doctors seem to think it’s just a matter of luck? Would really appreciate stories of hope from people who got there happy ending after lots of failed transfers or any words of advice xx
3rd BFN 😭: So had our 3rd FET which... - Fertility Network UK
3rd BFN 😭

Damn, so sorry to read this update! Thinking of you... xx
Thank you, just having a sofa day today hopefully will get positive pants back on tomorrow xx
Sounds like you’re taking good care of yourself. That’s all you can do. Hopefully you can find your positive pants back quickly. Do you have people nearby who know what you’re going through? Xx
My husband is amazing and I have 2 friends who are great. I find this forum so supportive and all these women really get it. Hope your FET is going ok xx
It’s great to have some close friends who are supportive! And yes, I wouldn’t be able to do without this forum as whilst family and friends are great, no one knows what it is to go through this.
I’m pretty certain we’re out this round too. Did a pee on the stick this morning at 10dp5dt and it was... very negative! Just wanted to be prepared for tomorrow’s blood test. They’ll ring through the result whilst I’m in the office and had today off so figured best to know. With our LO I had a very strong positive at ten days. Onwards and upwards. Hopefully we’ll both have our positive pants back on soon. I’m hoping to do another FET basically back to back, provided my body doesn’t throw another spanner in the works! What are your plans?
Sorry to hear your news will keep fingers crossed for a miracle for you tomorrow. I’m hoping to do the next FET ASAP but my clinic seem to like to have the bleed then a true period then start on your 3rd period so normally takes about 2 months. Do you know how quickly you’ll be able to start again?xx
Thanks lovely. I think they told me I could do another round before summer holidays which start in July. So that would be starting again as soon as this “artificial” bleed starts. But let’s see what they say during the call tomorrow...
Oh I’m sorry to read this, I would spend today being kind to yourself, I always find the follow up appointment quite useful after a failed round. Perhaps try to write down anything you think of - I can’t comment on the failed transfers I had two failed and three positive but the first two sadly ended in loss. I am just over eight weeks this time so there is still hope xxx
Have you done a genetics test on them? We had 4 embryos Aa,AB,AB and a D grade.
The 3 good grades were abnormal so although they were graded ace they were never gonna work xxx it might be worth letting them checked to implant the best ones xxx
Is that PGS testing? I have been thinking about it, that’s really interesting that your ‘top quality’ ones were abnormal. Do you know if they can do this after they have been frozen?xx
I’m so sorry to hear this sad news. I also recommend genetic testing. This can be done after freezing, however, there’s always a risk they won’t all survive the thaw and freeze process. But since you have quite a few, I wouldn’t worry about that. I wish you the best of luck! Xx
😞 so sorry to see this update x
Hi, please dont give up, I was sooo close to calling it a day after 2 fresh and one frozen transfer failed. In the end we gave it one last go, got BFP from fresh transfer #4 and 5 frosties, I've just got second BFP on transfer #6. I honestly thought the same as you, that there must be something wrong worth me and it would never work. I know how hard it is but keep your eye on the prize xx
Thank you so much for sharing your story that really helps. Did you do anything differently for the BFPs?xx
I didn't really do anything differently but the Drs each time changed my protocol and eventually got there. I think it really is just a case of luck sometimes. I was so sure transfer #5 would work as it was from same batch of blasts that I got 1st BFP but it didn't 😣, my lining was 8.2 this time though and last time it was only 7.4 so not sure if that made a difference. Hang on in there, your time will come xx
I’m so sorry to read this x
Sorry to hear this. Look after yourself. Hopefully one of the 7 in the freezer is your miracle x
I’m so sorry to hear this. I felt similar to you and just got my first ever BFP. I had clexane as a blood thinner which you could ask about and also I had the scratch. You never know if it’s lucky or if these things made a difference that’s the problem. But I like to think they may have contributed to my BFP x
So sorry to hear of your BFN. Have your doctors considered you might have an autoimmune issue that prevents implantation? I knew something was up after two failed transfers and had to keep pushing, but two further failed transfers later, they finally did tests which show I do indeed have issues. For my most recent transfer 10 days ago, they put me on steroids, an anti malarial, gave me an intralipid infusion as well as a Neupogen flush before ET and this is on top of the clexane/fragmin and baby aspirin. Just a thought, and wishing you all the best. x
Im really sorry to hear that you have gotten another BFN. Im inclined to go with the Dr's on this one.....its just one big massive lottery. We've had 4 BFN's (2 with super dooper top quality DE blastocysts) and then got our first BFP and we lost it at 6 weeks, however we did get pregnant on that one so really hoping its just been a numbers game! You do have lots of frosties which is great news but it is hard getting up from the knock of a BFN several times in a row, I do feel for you! Not sure if the clinic has changed much for you but Im not taking clexane (as a blood thinner) and prednisolone for any immune issues that might be causing my body to reject/kill the embryos. I have been tested for NK cells and mine were slightly risen but nothing major however prednisolone was the only thing I hadnt tried and we got our first BFP. Consultant said there wasnt really evidence this works but allowed me to try it and he wasnt fussed either way. Big hugs.xx
Hi lovely, I’m so sorry to read this. I’m exactly the same as you but this was my 4th transfer. We have no frozen ones left. Thinking of you and hopefully we will get our miracles soon xxxxx

It’s gutting isn’t it. Hope you’re ok, have you thought about next steps yet?xx
I can’t seem to shake this feeling that I’m a complete failure 😞 so I’m not sure what we will do. We had a serious conversation about adoption today over dinner as we both don’t want to waste any more precious time with fertility treatment if it isn’t going to work for us...however, I still have this spark of hope inside me that will hopefully grow during our review meeting that might result in us going for round 3.... so not sure.
I’m sure you will have success with some of your Frosties you have left. 9 is an amazing number. Let me know how your review meeting goes xx

I know I had that feeling that I was a failure really strongly yesterday I feel like I can’t do this simple thing that so many women do without even trying!
I also am open to adoption and in a way think should I save heartache and jump onto that but at the same time I so want to experience being pregnant and having a biological child. When is your review meeting due? Will be interesting to hear doctors opinion. Are you self funded or nhs?xx