Ladies, I'm at the end of my tether. So those of you who have read my previous post will know this isy first IVF cycle ended in what I thought was AF but then BFP a few days later. BHCG rising but no sac at 5 weeks so hospital has been following me up for ectopic although FS said wait for 7 weeks. Bhcg then dropped and told it's going to be a miscarriage. Had repeated BHCG yesterday and it's gone right back up again from 900 to 1200. The doctor said " I have no idea what's going on so let's just keep you in". I refused to be admitted as I have no symptoms and can easily go back if I need to.
I'm totally confused about these numbers, why would it go back up? Do I need to worry about ectopic or could this be a viable pregnancy? I just am so fedup of the uncertainty. I need the hospital to tell me for sure what's happening!
Anyone else experienced this?