IVF ICSI - 2WW AFTER ET: Hi im a newbie... - Fertility Network UK

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mushy19 profile image
34 Replies

Hi im a newbie here

We had our Egg transfer yesterday and now just waiting....(2WW) its only day one and i can't seem to concentrate on anything else.

is anyone else in the same position?

what are you doing to keep yourself busy?

No real symptoms as yet but i do have noticeable aching (Not cramping) been feeling this since i left the clinic yesterday and it has continued throughout today.

TBH its the same feeling i experienced 10 years ago and later found out i was pregnant with my DD (naturally)

is this a normal feeling to have after a ET (Stimmed cycle)?

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mushy19 profile image
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34 Replies
Rosa19 profile image

Hi there, yes I totally know how you feel! I also had ICSI and had a frozen embryo transfer. It was test day for me today and got a positive result! Trying not to get ahead of myself though...... who knows what an happen. Plus now I have a 3 week wait until a scan.

The 2WW is very difficult and would say work kept me busy and then meeting up with friends and walking the dog! I would recommend using Zita West on iTunes to help you with meditation for IVF. I gave myself an hour or so to think about it every night and tried not to obsess over it the rest of the time. But I did Zita every night for the 2 weeks. Have you tried acupuncture? X x x

Rosa19 profile image
Rosa19 in reply to Rosa19

Try not to worry too much about symptoms as everyone is different. There is a blog called “The 2 week wait,” where you can compare your symptoms with others I found that quite useful too xxx

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Rosa19

oh wow brilliant, congratulations to you... its lovely to hear a success story. Wishing you all the best with your scan, I'm excited for you.

I'm back to work myself next week and i can't wait, hopefully the time will fly bye, thnx for the advice I'm searching iTunes right now x

Kitcat12 profile image

Yep that sounds like the 2WW to me 😂 it's so hard to distract yourself and think of anything else. The aches could be your little embryo snuggling in. I got them after both of my transfers and both times got a BFP, although sadly the first one ended in a MC 😞 I hope your 2WW goes quickly for you. I'm currently waiting 3 weeks for my viability scan so have another long frustrating wait ahead too.

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Kitcat12

Awe thank you so much for sharing your experiences... i really do hope it is snuggling in, that comment has turned my frown into a smile. Frustration is the right word!! Im so sorry about your MC i can only imagine how you feel. Stay positive this cycle, you will achieve your goal x

Kitcat12 profile image
Kitcat12 in reply to mushy19

Thanks, I hope you're right 🤞🏻 Keeping my fingers crossed for you this cycle x

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Kitcat12

Thankyou thankyouuuu x

CM2011 profile image

I am currently on my two week wait too. Work is keeping me busy. Try not to read into every symptom as pregnancy symptoms are very similar to the symptoms for get before getting your period.

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to CM2011

i will try... I'm back to work next week and surprisingly i can't wait.... Best of luck with the 2ww.. what is your OTD? mine is 10/06.... it can't come soon enough x

CM2011 profile image
CM2011 in reply to mushy19

Mine is the 6th and that day I'm doing bridesmaid for one of my friends. Might test the day before dont know if I could wait till the day after

MakingbabyNM profile image

Hi I’m on my 2ww. Congrats fir making it this far!! Getting sharp pains on the right and a h/ache. I’m

Only day 2 so convinced it’s absolutely in my head! Going on holiday tomorrow I’m pleased as living on google. and test is getting left at home. Just too tempting!! xx

mushy19 profile image

Thank you and same to you also... I'm so happy to have got this far.

OMG you sound just like me (living on google... I'm obsessed) ok so your one day ahead of me. Was yours a 3 or 5 day embryo? my OTD is 10/06 but sadly i don't have a holiday planned to distract me :( Wishing you a great hols... i hope your able to relax and take your mind off things.

Please try to keep me updated with any symptoms if u have time, i would be very interested to know what i should look out for


MakingbabyNM profile image
MakingbabyNM in reply to mushy19

Hi sorry just noticed this!! Mine was a 5 day blast. U? Thank u we fly this evening! I will follow ur journey! No more symptoms I was up at 2am feeling really nauseated, a d had more of the sharp cramp. Seems to have subsided now tho!! I’m pretty sure it’s just all in my head xx

hannahding profile image

Hey, I hope everything goes well for you. I can understand that feeling. The best thing to do is to watch movies and tv shows. Other than that go on walks. Do light yoga as well. These things will help you stay busy. Sending baby dust your way.

Nuszkahope profile image


The way you are feeling is totally normal, this is how I normally feel after a transfer ... as for symptoms, it is far to early :) good luck 🍀

Lifelongdream profile image

Hello! Im currently on my 2ww too! Test day Sunday, when is yours? I think that is completely normal to feel like that. I also think its your body being like 'ahhhhh thats over with' so your body relaxes. I think people are different, they either want to rest or keep busy and there is no rite or wrong answer in my eyes. Listen to your body, Keep positive and do whatever makes you happy. xxx

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Lifelongdream

I think staying busy is definitely how I’m going to get through this 2ww... the past 1.5 days at home dragged especially as I’m usually a very active person. But today I’ve been up and out since 8am buzzing around.

I’ll be testing officially on Monday 10/06... which is actually my DH’s birthday.

Omg have you not been tempted to test early? I think I will at some point as I will give in to the temptation within the next week or so..🤭☺️I’ll keep the result to myself until the OTD

Best of luck with yours on Sunday, be sure to share your brilliant news 😊

Lifelongdream profile image
Lifelongdream in reply to mushy19

Oh thank you thats very kind. To be honest i havent been tempted because i know that the result wont be concrete until my test day. Your doing brilliantly... keep going and i wish you all the luck xxx

Hello! I'm also on my 2ww after a FET. It's my 3rd 2WW. It never gets easy. The last 2 times I tried to relax a couple of days and then went to work. Both times I had a BFP but one was an ectopic pregnancy and the other end up in mc.

It's true that work keeps your mind busy, but this time I took the 2 weeks off... My job is not easy (ICU nurse) and I want to avoid the heavy lifting, the mobile x-ray machines and the stress.

I send you lot of positive vibes and GOOD LUCK for us!!!

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to

Thankyou and best of luck to you too... it’s definitely going to be 3rd time lucky! 🍀 I admire your strength and positivity... rest up and enjoy the time you have off. My job isn’t too strenuous so I can’t wait to get bk there on Monday, for the first time ever I have not enjoyed my time off lol 🤣

Maybay profile image
Maybay in reply to

What were your symptoms of your ectopic pregnancy, did you have any?

in reply to Maybay

Yes... I had symptoms in all my 3 ectopic pregnancies. I had to natural pregnancies which end up being ectopic prior to IVF. Then my 1st IVF cycle was also an ectopic pregnancy.

In the 1st ectopic i wasn't aware I was pregnant. I thought I was having my period but the bleeding, abdominal pains and sore breasts never stopped. So I did a HPT and it was positive. I rush to the ER and they thought I was having a mc but the follow up showed it was ectopic preg.

The 2nd time it was pretty much the same. I started bleeding around the time I should have my period but it only lasted 2/3 days. Then a week or so later I started having some spotting, pain on the right side. Again I did a HPT and it was positive.

During my 1st IVF cycle I did a HPT at 6dp5dt which end up beinh negative. Then I started having some bleeding and cramps like period 2 days before the blood test. I thought it didn't work. But then the nurse called and said my bHCG was postive (31). In the follow up the bHCG kept increasing but the bleeding continued and I had again pain on my right side. Then they saw on the echo it was on my right tube again.

After this both my fallopian tubes were removed.

Sorry for the long post!

Maybay profile image
Maybay in reply to

Oh no how horrible and scary that the symptoms sound just like my regular cycle. And what happened after they removed the tubes, have you had better luck?

in reply to Maybay

After they removed both fallopian tubes I did a medicated FET. For the first time we saw something in my uterus but bad luck again. I had a spontaneous miscarriage at 7 weeks! Hope 5th time is a charm for me!!

Coral86 profile image

Hi was it painful when they transferred it ? I’m waiting for my first appt at the clinic how long it take for you to get first appt ? All the best to you x

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Coral86


Thankyou for your well wishes.

No I wouldn’t say anything so far has been painful, maybe just a little uncomfortable😖 egg transfer is very similar to a smear test.

We got our first appointment within 7 days of making contact with the clinic. Depending on your initial test results (semen analysis, egg reserve) they get the ball rolling almost immediately.

Good luck with the journey, many highs and lows but it will definitely be worth it in the end x

I was the same. I got my first icsi 5day transfer on the 22nd of april and got a positive on the 29th. So it is possible for it to show up before the 2Ww.. i am now 8 weeks and 2 days preg. Had my 8 week scan on the 28th may. I thought i was only 6 weeks when i went but they said 7 weeks and 6 days. Stay positive and test early. Wishing you all the luck in the world x

MakingbabyNM profile image
MakingbabyNM in reply to Positivevibesonly

That’s amazing congratulations!!! Did u get any pain or anything? So happy for u xxx

Positivevibesonly profile image
Positivevibesonly in reply to MakingbabyNM

I would say 5 days after transfer i had cold/flu like symptoms and had to stay in bed all day. I wiped and had implantation bleeding. Just a little bit with one wipe. I felt a little crampy. Did a test that night and it was very very faint. But i did think it was implantation day and just had a feeling it was happening. Then tested a few days later for the positive test and kept testing everyday as I couldn’t believe it. Ive seen my babies heart beat and still dont believe it. I stayed positive the whole way through my journey and im normally very negative. I was TTC for 12 years. And my icsi worked first time. Fingers crossed for you x

MakingbabyNM profile image
MakingbabyNM in reply to Positivevibesonly

Wow, yeah youl not believe it until U have ur baby i bet!! it’s unsurprising given your journey!! I think we’ll all be the same. This is my first fet. I’m usually very glass half full over things and have actually had to take time off due to anxiety which I believe is totally hormone related. But since transfer I’ve felt ridiculously positive and glass very full! It worries me that I might come down with a bang. But I wasn’t imagining the cramping. I’ve had the progesterone before and never had pain or anything ever. But it could all just be me wanting this so badly who knows xx

mushy19 profile image
mushy19 in reply to Positivevibesonly

Wow fantastic news.... Big congratulations.. makes me so pleased to hear about BFP’s🤗 how many blasts did you transfer?

I will definitely be testing early as I know I cannot wait the whole 12 days😩

today the aching is so much stronger, definitely cramping today, it’s a bit difficult to ignore.

Positivevibesonly profile image
Positivevibesonly in reply to mushy19

Just one blastocyst transferred which was already hatching. Best of luck to u x

Fingers crossed for you. Its a very stressful journey! I think time off is a very good idea. When are you due to test?xx

Maybay profile image

I had my transfer on 31/5 and OTD on 11 June. 5 day embryo transfer. I’m doing a Natural cycle and I’m only on progesterone pessaries. What about you?

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