Hello all, this is my first post. I saw another post saying their AMH was low at 5.. and knowing my own level, my heart has sunk. Is there even hope for me? I am 38, single. A good friend of mine told me about this forum and all the support she got here.
I am planning to go abroad (maybe Greece, recommendations welcome) to try to freeze an embryo in a few months from now. Because of my work it is not the right time to become pregnant but I figure if I don't try now I may never have a chance later. I had considered freezing eggs initially about 18 months ago at a private clinic in Spain (when I was age 36,11months, my AMH was 1.78 then) but I was alone and so stressed, it felt so impersonal and I wasn't getting proper answers, I didn't end up going through with it. I wondered if I had made a mistake but my friend told me that there are higher chances if you can freeze an embryo anyway so it gave me a boost and a little hope. Since I am 39 next year and single, I thought this might be my last chance, I need to try to do something now.
I am very new to all of this and sorry I don't know all of the correct terminology, honestly, I find all of this very overwhelming.
I work abroad far from home and proper healthcare, this is why I am thinking of trying to find a private clinic in Europe to coincide with my breaks from duty. I've been keeping a periodic eye on my levels when I have my leave.
I feel very alone and lonely and stressed and emotional when I think about this process.
Dec 2017 - AMH - 1.78
July 2018 - AMH - 1.7
Feb 2019 - AMH - 1.08
April 2019 - AMH - 1.58 (I don't know why this is higher than Feb 2019)
But if others think they have low AMH levels at 5 or 8... and I'm barely 1, is there even hope?
Many thanks to any of you who can reply. X