Hi everyone. Did anyone ever get to 7 weeks and their symtoms stop or reduce? My period-like cramps seem to have stopped and my boobs only hurt when I take my bra off.
What are the cramps meant to be like anyway?
Hi everyone. Did anyone ever get to 7 weeks and their symtoms stop or reduce? My period-like cramps seem to have stopped and my boobs only hurt when I take my bra off.
What are the cramps meant to be like anyway?
Congrats on your pregnancy. I assume you’ve had your viability scan?
Everyone’s pregnancy will be unique to them. But symptoms do come & go & this is completely normal. The reasoning is the body gets used to the pregnancy hormone & only when pregnancy hormone level surge do you get symptoms. Of course some women won’t get any symptoms & go on to have healthy babies ( my mother in law had no symptoms with her 3 pregnancies & had 3 healthy sons!) I think the cramping is when baby fully implants. I had more cramping as I have endometriosis & have scar tissue from 3 surgeries ( removing endometriosis- 3 surgeries in 13 months!!) Not sure I’m the best judge on cramps!!Sometimes the cramps can be where baby is having a growths spurt & stretching the uterus hence cramping- my midwife said to expect cramps between 16-20 weeks as baby grows a lot then.
I didn’t have many symptoms I had sore on/off breast, constipation & extreme fatigue.
I also think when we are really busy we don’t notice our symptoms or baby movements. I didn’t unless they were over bearing. I felt my baby mostly evening time as I was sat down my jobs were physical & on my feet a lot plus my placenta was higher so felt less movement, now she’s bigger I feel her much more. (I’m 38 weeks tomorrow) most of my pregnancy I’ve felt pretty normal!
Wishing you the best with your pregnancy hope it goes well. The early weeks are tough but you will get through them. Just take it one day at a time xoxoc
I cant really help out with this one from personal experience but Ive seen lots of ladies that have had symptoms die away some days and come back so this may be the same for you! I hope you have a scan arranged soon or could you book one privately for some reassurance? Wishing you all the best.xx
Hi missea. Try not to worry about symptoms too much for now. If you haven't had your first scan, then check when it will be, so you can put your mind at rest. The cramps you were having, were probably due to your womb just starting to grow a little and pulling a little on ligaments. Hope all continues to go well. Diane
I had barely any symptoms and thought I was doing really well. Suddenly 8W+3days I literally cannot stop being sick, all day long! I am sure it will be fine. Have you had your viability scan or got it booked in? Hopefully that will reassure you xx
Had a scan 1 week ago yesterday and was 6 weeks 3 days. Heartbeat was okay but now cramps have stopped and boobs getting less sore and are only worse when take my bra off.
Yes I did exactly at 7 weeks. I was panicking so much, but we had our viability scan and everything was fine. My cramping was like the sort you get as a warning your period is coming, not painful but enough to know something is going on.