I should be 5 weeks pregnant this Friday. This evening I have had quite heavy bleeding. Scan isn’t for another 2 weeks. Could this be a miscarriage, is it over? Clinic say keep taking meds and it could be normal but it’s heavier than just spotting. Help?
Miscarriage???: I should be 5 weeks... - Fertility Network UK

I'd just see how the bleeding is over the next 24 hours. My last mc started the same and the bleeding was on and off but quite heavy. Maybe just call the clinic Tomo to see what they say. I was told it was too early to scan when I lost at 5+3 x
Thanks for responding, I don’t know what to do, it’s awful. Clinic said too early to scan too. Basically wait till it stops then do a pregnancy test a week later. X sorry about your mc x
Sorry you're going through this, when I miscarried my pregnancy test was negative on the day the bleeding started. Maybe do a test to see if you're still getting a positive and then repeat in a few days? Everything crossed for you xx
Is there a early pregnancy unit you could go to? I understand its early but they will definitely be able to tell you what’s happening as i had a mc around that time and they could see enough to judge. Thinking of you xxxxxx
Can you just call one up or do you have to be referred? I will have a google, thanks for your advice xxx
I am so sorry you’re having such a stressful time - really hope it works out for you. You can get a referral to EPU through A&E or GP I think xx

Our local EPU lets you self refer and is open 24 hours. Hopefully yours will offer similar. Please give them a call I am sure they will help xx
Sorry to hear u are going through this, I have had a couple of bleeds and was told the same that it was too early to scan so I had to wait. Luckily the bleeds seem to stop fairly quick despite being quite heavy and the scan showed a heartbeat, I really hope it works out well for you, the wait til the scan is awful, I signed myself off work and tried to just rest. Keeping fingers crossed for u xxx
I have input a pad and I keep checking it (sorry for too much info) I’m hoping will ease, pains are quite bad and strong then ease off. I’m so glad yours worked out and I really hope mine does too xx
Keeping everything crossed for u, I passed clots on the first bleed too, it was so frightening. I have since spoken to a friend who had a few bleeds too but it doesn’t make it any less scary, make sure you get those feet up xx
It might be worth speaking with the clinic/EPU/GP and even if it’s too early to see anything on a scan, they can do blood tests to monitor your HCG levels x
Tried ringing an EPU they said they don’t do anything overnight and I would have to be referred by the doctor. Otherwise I could go to A&E if the bleed is very bad and I get unwell. Had do I know what constitutes A&E?
I think that is up to you decide. If you can’t wait to be referred then maybe go to A&E. I think that only you can decide what to do. Good luck and keeping fingers crossed for you xx
Agree, I went to A&E and was seen very quickly. Not scanned but they did a test for me which was negative. Then I was just sent away with painkillers to MC at home. Hope you get better news x
Its over, pain intense and just passed a huge clot (sorry for too much info). Devastated is an understatement. What now? I don’t want to sit in A&E if they can’t do anything, rather be at home in my own tears. I suppose I keep taking meds until I get a negative pregnancy test, then cancel my 7 week scan? This is just awful, x
Oh I'm so sorry to read this. Must be awful. Let the tears roll. I suppose you ring the clinic first thing and they will advise? Sending you lots of love xx
Well yeah exactly...not very helpful.
Probably based on similar to a period or soaking a pad in a short space of time.
I would say, if you want to go to a&e, then go..it’s important to you x
😞 sorry darling. It's the most heartbreaking experience. Keep taking tests until they go negative, look after yourself xx
I’m really sorry to read this....sending you positive thoughts and keeping everything crossed xxx
I am so so sorry you’re going through this 😢, i definitely think you should go to the epu if possible, my friend recently had a huge bleed at 6 weeks, filled two sanitary towels, thought she had miscarried but it was Subchorionic haematoma, it causes bleeding but the baby was fine and had a heartbeat! There can be lots of reasons bleeding in early pregnancy just wanted to give you some hope 💗🙏🏼 xxxxxx
So sorry to hear this x really hope it's not a miscarriage xx big hugs to you
I pray everything is okay. Sorry this is happening. X
im so sorry you are going through this xx
Hi, sorry to read this. Fingers crossed everything is OK. I miscarried at 5 weeks and was told after 24 hours to take a pregnancy test, I also went for a blood test at the doctors. Both these confirmed for me that I had miscarried. Hopefully yours is spotting, it's a worrying time so sending love. X
Hi... I am really sorry about this... It's awful...
I had two bleeds but without pain, although that was at week 6 after having had a first scan. I even had a big clot but after some hours It stopped and the pregnancy continued, although I am at high risk until week 12...
My sister also recently had a positive test but soon after started bleeding like a bad period (heavy and painful), they couldn't see anything... They considered that a "micromiscarriage" or something like that.
I really hope It can go well, we have seen all kind of stories. But it is awful all the pain, the fear and all the impotence... I am really feeling for you and send you love
I am so sorry to see this DanniJean. So unfair you are going through this xx
Hello, I would try and at least get an earlier appointment to be seen sooner. I passed a huge clot at 8 weeks then another huge clot at 11 weeks, with alot of blood. Bleeding stopped, then 2 weeks later more bleeding every day hasn't stopped. Each time heart beat detected. Diagnosed with subchorionic hematoma. Fingers crossed it's just bleeding and nothing more. Try and take it easy and rest stay off feet, don't lift heavy. Drink alot of water, fluids. Try not to stress, will do more harm than good to baby.
I had a threatened miscarriage from 6-8 weeks. I thought it was all over when I went for scan but they said it wasn’t... just needed rest. A lots of it. It’s so hard to tell what it is but keep positive and sit tight. If you can get an early scan - try xx
Thank you all, I’m really in such a state been awake most of the night with pains. The bleeding has slowed now..it’s hard ti tell how much is there because I have been lying down since it started. The pad looks hardly anything but it’s heavy when I wipe. I’m calling my GP this morning at 8.30 as soon as they open and see if they will refer me to EPU, and if not I might just go and sit in A&E. I’m really worried that even if I get seen they will refuse to scan because it’s too soon, then I’m left in limbo, took pregnancy test this morning which was still positive, I expect this to be the case for a while as my lines seemed quite dark at the early stages. This is the worst situation ever, unsure how some of you ladies got through this. X
Oh I’m so sorry for what you are going through.
I’ve got 2 positive experiences with bleeding in early pregnancy & 1 bad one which was a miscarriage.
I bled very heavily with my son whose now 20(!) @ 7 weeks & was told it was a threatened miscarriage no EPU in those days so I had the scan at 10/11 weeks & was amazed he was fine!!! I thought I’d lost the baby.
I had a chemical pregnancy in 2017 which started with intense cramps & bright red spotting day after positive test which quickly progressed to full on period bleeding very heavy & I lost massive blood clots like 2 inches. It was all done within 3 days. I was also taking progesterone pessaries which didn’t stop the bleeding. ( it wasn’t an ivf pregnancy I fell after my first laparoscopy) I like kitkat got a negative the same day as the bleeding started. I waited for a 6 week scan which confirmed the loss. It was completely heartbreaking.
I’ve had bleeding with my current pregnancy between 6-14 weeks. I’m now 35 weeks. Mostly brown but I did have fresh blood with clots at 10 weeks & I was convinced I was losing the baby. I avoided a scan at 6 weeks as I couldn’t face the EPU but at 10 weeks with the fresh blood I had to know what was going on. The baby was fine!!! I think my children like to worry me 🤣
My sister also bled very heavy like a period at 5 weeks & all was fine it resulted in my 5 year old niece 🙂
Lots of women can bleed in pregnancy & be okay even heavy bleeding can be okay according to my GP. I don’t think any bleeding in pregnancy should be ignored tho & I would urge you to contact your GP for a referral to the EPU. In my area it requires a GP referral but some areas you can self refer. The advice I was given by EPU was if I was going through a pad every hour or less then I had to go to A & E.
Hope it eases soon, rest up was the advice of a GP ( like bed rest) really hope all turns out okay for you ❤️xxx

Thanks Jess for sharing your experiences that’s so helpful x
I went to A&E this morning as I just couldn’t wait till this afternoon to see GP. I have also managed to speak to clinic. Both say the same, 5 weeks is too early to scan. They don’t offer bloods. However they have moved my scan date to next Wednesday which will make me 6 weeks rather than 7 of the original scan. Literally nothing I can do, I had a positive test this morning and also in A&E but doc says it will be at least a week before it turns negative if it is a miscarriage. I have bought some more so I can monitor the darkness of the lines over the next week to see if it’s reducing. The not knowing is just awful. X
So...took a test this morning to see if line looks any lighter (I need to know if it has gone and struggling to wait a day let alone a week), and the control line looks light but the pregnancy line still dark. So went to our great (or more often not so great) friend google and read it happens because your hormones are so high that it drags the ink from the control line. Anyone else had this? X
I did the test after some spotting and mine was darker than the control line too so yes I had that. I guess until you've maybe done another test a few days to see if there is any difference as Im guessing its sometime from your last test! Im sorry, its not nice to be left in limbo not knowing. Its just a shame the clinic didnt offer to do bloods 48hrs apart.xx
Yeah you are right, I will do one Saturday and compare. I asked them about bloods and they said they don’t offer them as they don’t want to add more stress and I’m sure he said ‘risk of infection’ when only a scan will give the correct diagnosis and they have to do a scan anyhow to make sure it’s all gone (if it was a miscarriage). I’ve called somewhere to see if they offer a private scan at 5 weeks, waiting for a call back. I just need to know for sure x
5 Weeks is awfully early for a scan, in terms of scan it might be better to wait for a week as they have suggested. My hCG after I miscarried took some time to go down so I probably would have gotten decent positives for around 2 weeks. Gosh I really feel for you honey, not an easy place to be. Lots of love.xx
Thank you xxxx
I went for a private scan, they wasn’t promising they could see anything but they said they will at least try. The scan shows lining 14.1mm and also a small black dot, the nurse doesn’t know if dot is blood or a sac. So still not sure. However the nurse was so good she also works at an NHS hospital and saw how desperate I was to know she booked me in for bloods tomorrow to check hcg levels then maybe again in 48hours. So maybe one step closer to finding out what’s happened x
Im so sorry that you are going through this, its just awful and the not knowing is the worst! I had something similar at 6 weeks, so glad that they have at least managed to get your scan date forward. Sending massive hugs.xx
Oh my heart breaks for u hun my advice would be to present urself to hospital they won't let u home bleeding they will monitor u at least for 24hrs to be safe just say u have pain also a little fib won't hurt at least ease ur mind I'm thinking of u keep in touch I'd love hear from u
Oh no Danniijean How scary for you and what a horrible thing to go through. Hope you get some answers with your blood tests and really hoping it's not over. Thinking of you and sending hugs x
Good luck 🥰🥰🥰
Danii working with HCG is the best at this stage of pregnancy, don’t give up and relax your mind, some people bleed throughout their pregnancy... hold tight as having the dot is more of a good sign than a bad one!
Hang in there.
Update us.
Clinic just called HCG level is 611, and said you can’t see pregnancy on a scan under 1500. she said that they will test again Sunday and it must double. Petrified... can’t put into words how much I want this all to be ok xxx
Have got my fingers crossed for you. 611 sounds ok. Really hope you get the number you are hoping for in a couple of days xxx
I know it’s the last thing on your mind at the moment but please try to relax. Let Sunday come by and get the test done, I’ll keep you in my prayers.
Good luck! Xx
That little bit of hope has now been dashed and shattered into a million pieces. Call just confirmed dropped from 611 Friday to 128 today. It’s over...absolutely heartbroken, just don’t know how I’m going to get through this. X
I am so very sorry. I have just been through this too. It is incredibly painful. Lean on those close to you and take it very easy over the next few days. Thinking of you xxx

Thank you, it was your post that triggered me to look further x I felt more crampy than previous, something just didn’t feel how it had been. Then had the bleed. Sorry you are going through this too, no words can describe. You feel like you have won the lottery seeing that that positive to have it stripped away so quickly. Did you stop meds? I can’t see the point any more. Need to go hospital Wednesday for 6 weeks scan x
I completely understand. Am so sorry, it is just awful. I was taking cyclogest and stopped as soon as I knew levels were coming down xx

Do you have any frozen?
Yes we have 2 frozen. Feel free to message me if you need xx