So have starred my journey with DE which has moved surprisingly quickly. My wonderful donor produced 11 mature eggs. Tomorrow I'll know how many blasts we have. I am so grateful and happy with everything so far but I'm having a massive crisis of confidence. I have never been pregnant and I am very concerned that no matter how good the blasts I won't be able to conceive because of my uterus. Has anyone else never been pregnant and the got pregnant using donor eggs? I have even started talking about a surrogate but my husband is happy with this idea at all. The only two people in the world that know about our decision are abroad so I have nobody to talk to. I'd really appreciate any shared experiences pls.
Crisis of confidence with DE - Fertility Network UK
Crisis of confidence with DE

Well I moved to DE having never been pregnant. We havent had success so far but we did actually get pregnant on our 3rd transfer (although sadly lost if at 6wks) so yes I would say that there is defo a chance you can get pregnant having never been pregnant before. However as with all of this treatment there are no guarantees. Great news on your DE already, hope you get a few blastocysts!! Stay strong, you can do this! I only really have the people on here to discuss DE with too so know how you feel! Good luckxx
This is reassuring. I really want it to work but am scared of having a mc. I know it's a risk. Thanks for your kind wishes. Where are u know on your treatment plan? I
It is scary but the way I always see it is "you got to be in it to win it". We are very unlikely to ever have a natural pregnancy du to my OH v.low sperm count and my age (41). We had our miscarriage back in February so we're not allowed to try again until I get May AF. Not too long to wait although it feels like an age! The 3 ladies that I know that cycled at my clinic all had success 1st time so Im not a great example but living proof that pregnancy can occur to someone that's had a few failures! We have 5 blastocysts on ice. We decided to do one last fresh DE cycle after our loss as we only had 1 embryo left so hopefully in there is our baby!! Keep your chin up! Let us know your embryo update.xx
My friend got pregnant with a DE (and DS) on her first try after having failed rounds of IVF with her own eggs. So it definitely can happen!!
Best of luck!!
Going through the same so will be hoping all goes well for you xx
I'd had a MC with own eggs at 37 but successful first attempt pregnancy with ivf donor eggs at 42 .. stay strong and positive my love everything crossed x
I am about to start my s3rd oe icsi round. I have failed to conceive before. and have not been pregnant obviously. now that we are going for the third round I am not that confident it'll work. but if not, we will have to move on. it is going to be ivf de or surrogacy oe. I am sorry if it sounds a bit arrogant. but it is how I imagine it to be.
anyways, neither of the options scares me. and I think you should not be afraid or anything. de pregnancy is the same as all of the other pregnancies. So fingers crossed!
Own eggs 2xbfn then one abandoned cycle due to lack of follicle response. Donor eggs 1 x bfn, 5 months off work to de-stress, then very first ever bfp last March. Sadly that ended in anembryonic pregnancy. 3rd de bfp and I am now, today, 29 weeks pregnant x