Hi ladies am on 8dpt with 5 blasto ivf today got up with little brown discharge then it stopped I took hpt it was negative is there anybody who has experience the same and blood test came out positive . I’ll appreciate respond Am really stress out
8dpt (ivf) has brown discharge did hp... - Fertility Network UK
8dpt (ivf) has brown discharge did hpt was negative any hopes of positive result

8 days is really early to test. When's your otd?
Also depends on which test you are using to whether it's sensitive enough to pick up the hormones.
Still hope there x
I had (and still have) brown spotting. I had a faint line on 9dp5dt on a first response early results test. No other test picked it up. I’m now 11dp5dt and positive on lots of different brands of tests. Your not out yet lovely. Chin up. X
Too early to test. Are you using pessaries? If so, these can cause spotting. I had spotting on and off for weeks due to irritation of the cervix x
Hi I agree too early to test was just curious cause spotting occurred same day was expecting my period ,am still taking pessaries ,you were spotting and pregnant as well? Am still positive and am still praying to God he grant me this chance .
I had a small bleed on 8dpt and thought it was all over so I took a test and it came back negative. I took another test on Friday- 11dpt and I had 2 good lines!! Don’t loose hope!! You’ve still got a very good chance. Xx
Hi thank you for ure reply it has really relieved me let me hope am positive it’s my second ivf first failed am hoping this one will be positive . Congratulations to you
I had brown spotting before test date and for a while afterwards. I'm being induced at 38 weeks tomorrow so take it as a positive and don't do any more testing until OTD. I didn't and felt much better for it. The clinic gives you a date for a reason so be patient and good luck xx