Lining @ 4.6
Follicles at 10mm
Is this a car crash at this stage with no meds?
I had a scan at day 14 last month and everything was ok. Fell like it’s sods law.
Lining @ 4.6
Follicles at 10mm
Is this a car crash at this stage with no meds?
I had a scan at day 14 last month and everything was ok. Fell like it’s sods law.
I don’t have any words of advise I’m afraid but I imagine they would want to see a thicker lining by day 10... have they said they will re-scan you another couple of times? I have a day 10 scan on Monday for a natural FET too, and I’m petrified my lining won’t have played ball... they have already agreed to re-scan me every other day to check progress afterwards as lining has always been my issue xx
This is my first natural FET, so I’m not sure. They have told me to keep testing for the surge and if on Monday it’s not happened yet to give them a call for another scan. Last month I ovulated on day 13, and my lining was perfect. God knows what’s going on.
On my medicated FET I just looked at my older posts I was only at 5.5mm at day 10. They doubled my meds and my lining was super thick so maybe I just get thicker towards ovulation xx
Yes that’s true, maybe that’s the pattern of what your body does... it’s such a roller coaster isn’t it?! I hope yours gets thick enough, have they said the thinnest that they would agree to transfer? Mine has never got above 6.2 but I’m hoping I’m one of those people who respond better to no meds as I’ve never done a natural cycle before xx
Hi Montgomery. Not looking too hopeful this month, I'm afraid. Give yourself a few more days to see whether there is any improvement, but you may need to have some medication next time. Good luck! Diane
My lining was 5.2 I think at this stage. By day 13 it had gone up to 6 and day 16 it was 7.9mm. It wasn’t at the 8 they wanted but we transferred anyway and it worked! My follicle was also really far behind and it only reached 16.7mm on day 16 too.
I guess time will tell - good luck 🤞🏼 xx
Ok think now that it may have been officially day 9 scan as my period started on the 5th and by bed time it was full flow. So the 6th should have been day one but they’ve counted it from the 5th.
So fingers crossed we were just a day early, they’ve told me to call on Monday if I haven’t had an LH surge but I had this estimated for Tuesday anyway, i hope they can fit me in for another scan Monday/Tuesday to see what progress has happened xx