So last night I was looking forward to a night on my Todd whilst hubby was at the cycling to catch up on all my rubbish tv programmes in peace. Around 8pm I felt like I’d wet myself so ran to the toilet only to find blood. It was like a massive gush of red blood with clots. I am almost 6 weeks pregnant with our viability scan booked for Saturday. To say I lost it would be an understatement. The bleeding lasted about 10 minutes and I was convinced that it was all over. We went this morning to the clinic for an abdominal scan as they didn’t want to do a vaginal one and disturb things. There is was the gestational sac. They said it looked fine and was measuring what was to be expected at this stage. Got to wait until Saturday for the viability scan to see if our little one is there. This is by far the hardest thing we have ever done and I’m struggling so much.
Scariest night : So last night I was... - Fertility Network UK
Scariest night

Sounds like a really difficult time, keep strong and fingers crossed for you.x
Scary indeed - really hoping for good news for you on Saturday. Hang in there hon xxx
So sorry. Sounds awful. And to go through that on your own Hold in there. Wishing you lots of luck. Keep us updated!
Keeping everything crossed for you. Xx
Sound similar to what I had- look up sub chorionic haematoma- quite common in early pregnancy. I hope scan goes well on Saturday. Xx
Got my fingers crossed for you. It’s horrible seeing blood when you’re pregnant. X
Sounds really stressful! Good luck for Saturday, everything crossed for you xxx
Sorry to hear of your spotting. I had spotting with this pregnancy between 6-14 weeks. It wrecked me enjoying the first trimester. I also had bleeding with my son at 7 weeks.
As long as it’s only spotting ie when you go to wipe & you have no severe abdominal pain chances are everything will be okay ❤️ lots of women will spot in pregnancy & although it’s not considered normal it is very common.
My midwife said severe pain with heavy bleeding like gushing was a sign of a possible miscarriage, when I had a chemical pregnancy in 2017 i was doubled over in pain & it was really heavy.
I’m now coming up to 29 weeks. I hope that can give some hope.
I also know of lots of women who’ve spotted & babies been fine; my mum with me & my sister ( and my dad remembered it 38 years later 🤣 and his memory isn’t good 🤣) my sister bled with my nephew & niece, and my sister in law bled with my nephew. Lots of friends have too; I literally don’t know any ladies who haven’t had some form of bleeding in pregnancy .
Do keep rested up & if you are concerned & who wouldn’t be get a GP to refer you to early pregnancy unit for a early scan to put your mind at ease 🙂
Wishing you the best with your pregnancy ❤️xoxo
Sorry to hear you’re going through this scary moment - keep us updated - have everything crossed for you x
Hold in there lovely. Am thinking of you and got everything crossed x x x