IVF ladies - a couple of quick questi... - Fertility Network UK

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IVF ladies - a couple of quick questions for forward planning..

Faith27 profile image
22 Replies

Hi Ladies!

Hope you are all doing well whatever stage you're at.

I just had a couple of questions and was wondering if you would be so kind as to give share some of your experiences? :)

1. Generally, how many times did you need to attend appointments for an IVF cycle? Did you need particular time off work or did you manage to work around these appointments?

2. On average, start to finish, how long is a typical IVF cycle? If everything goes along smoothly of course..

3. How soon after one cycle can you plan in another? Are there waiting lists? It appears as though you can make tweaks and have the next cycle fairly quickly from reading other people's experiences on here so just curious if this is the case? I know if the Dr advises not to run into the next one, that this would make a difference but again in just wondering typical timeframes?

Thank you!!


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Faith27 profile image
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22 Replies
Franco81 profile image

Hi Faith

I think every clinic is slightly different and it also depends what sort of cycle you are on, long or short protocol.

I’ve always done long protocol and basically all going smoothly from the day I start meds to the day I found out the results was roughly 6 weeks.

I was able to fit blood tests and scans (usually three visits for me) around work as they are usually fairly short appointments but then needed 2 days off for EC and one for transfer but I’ve been lucky with my work being flexible as you don’t know exactly when these will happen - depends how you are responding.

And lastly I was told we could go straight into another round after a failed one but realistically after waiting for a follow up and then planning the next try, 3 months is more likely and what some clinics recommend anyway.

Good luck to you xxx

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to Franco81

Hello again :) ah thank you for commenting and sharing your experience - it really helps! My managers are really supportive of me in general however they have no knowledge as of yet that this is likely to be happening at some point later this year so I am trying to forward plan as much as possible!

I'm glad to read your employers were very flexible and that you were able to have treatment without too much extra worry going on in terms of your worklife!


Franco81 profile image
Franco81 in reply to Faith27


I hope your managers do support you when you have your treatment, you really do need to be selfish and focus on yourself for that time which doesn’t always come naturally.

One thing that did take me by surprise was the time in between EC and transfer. My clinic ring every day with an update on our embryos and I found that a very difficult wait each morning (they rang between 9 and 11) and it was a very emotional phone call! What you’re discussing is so precious so I always ended up in tears (probably the meds too) so if you can factor in a bit of space to take those calls too that could help.

Do you know when you’re likely to be starting treatment? X

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to Franco81

That's a really good tip! Thanks, I know it will come as a shock to them to be honest so while I'm expecting the support and caring attitude to continue, I'm aware that in the role I have, there really isn't much room for flexibility or manoeuvre at short notice so anticipating the amount of time I'll need to plan off if I can will help I think - I'm trying to hold onto my annual leave as much as I can just incase but again probably won't be able to fall back on that as I work in a small team so only one person can be off at a time! Hmmm.

I'm awaiting a surgery date currently for a laparoscopy as myself and the doctor strongly believe endo has a part to play in all of this .. the Dr said that once she refers for IVF it's normally 6 months or so before you get seen and then fairly quick process from there in my area. I'm not holding much hope for the speed but it will depend on how quick my laparoscopy comes around .. I'm hopeful we will have tried a round before the end of this year - depending on recovery and outcome of surgery! Xx

Franco81 profile image
Franco81 in reply to Faith27

Ah I hope a lap gives you some answers then and it’s plain sailing after that! It feels like a never ending wait though sometimes doesn’t it!

Once you’re at the planning stage of your cycle you should get a treatment plan with scan dates and from that a likely week-2 week period for EC and transfer so I’ve just basically given my work those two weeks and said I’ll be really unpredictable around then! Hopefully your work will have a policy for ivf treatment and support you through that time.

Good luck and keep us posted how it’s going xx

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to Franco81

It does seem never ending you're right! And fingers xd the lap gives us some answers yeah. Unfortunately my work place has no IVF policy and I think I'm really going to struggle without forward planning time off but if I have to take periods of sickness or whatever it may be, then I guess you just have to do it! I'm a big believer that things work out in the end so what will be will be.. hope you're ok xx

Novice_knitter profile image

👋 hey!Long protocol 6 weeks, short protocol 4 weeks, the 2ww then happens after that period of time.

Clinics are different re- appts, can be short notice appointments and last minute changes to timeframes as they monitor you & how your body responds - I found it easier just to be honest with work about it.

For a repeat cycle, you need to have your 2ww period, and then can start on your next period after that (I think - double check this though!). You might want a longer break to let your body recover or come to terms with things mentally though.


Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to Novice_knitter

Hi thank you very much for responding! Very clear info there for me to get an idea, much appreciated :) I agree 're. The mentally getting prepared before beginning any further cycles. Hope you're doing ok in your situation whatever it may be xx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to Faith27

Thank you hun - I had a BFN on first cycle in Aug, took some time out as have also been working full time & studying for MSc. Now finished that and had 2nd cycle recently- first ever BFP. Wishing you the best of luck when you get started xxx

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to Novice_knitter

So sorry to hear your first cycle was BFN but AMAZING NEWS that you finally for your BFP!!! Congratulations! Lovely to hear a positive story. Thanks for your well wishes xxx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to Faith27


Grace5777 profile image


My fresh IVF cycle I needed to attend 5 appointments 1; initial consultation 2; First scan following B injection 3; 2nd scan following G hormone 4; egg collection 5; Embryo transfer.

My first cycle unfortunately didn’t work however I have 3 frozen so with the same period which my cycle failed on I did my “test” cycle which is where I used ovulation sticks to determine when my LH “serges” were, I attended my local GP for a blood test following my sergers. Then the next period was my “live” round, I had a FET following that month serge.

I’m currently 10d into my 2ww and feeling very positive.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to Grace5777

Hi thanks so much for responding. Hope your 2ww isn't feeling too much of a wait for you! I've heard it's the worst bit.. glad you're feeling positive and I have my fingers crossed for you :)

Thanks for the info xx

Grace5777 profile image
Grace5777 in reply to Faith27

As hard as it is, the thing to remember about the 2ww is it’s already decided! All you can do is take it easy and be healthy. There are superfoods that some people eat however it’s not something is did (I only found out about it after)

I wish you the best of luck.

Kcrochet profile image

Hi, I did the short protocol last autumn and it does fly by once you get started! For me it took about a month from first injection to test day. Not much to add to what’s been said by others except my clinic only did scans and EC on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so that made it a bit more predictable. Also I agree with what someone said above about the update phone calls after EC about how your embryos are doing being pretty emotional - I worked from home then as I did not want to be taking those calls in the office. My clinic only called on the day after EC and then day 3 though.

Oh and if you can manage to get away somewhere nice during the 2ww as a distraction I would highly recommend!

Good luck! xx

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to Kcrochet

Hi thanks for the info and all of your advice - very helpful! I agree that having a plan for the 2ww can help to try and speed things along and distract you a little. Thanks for confirming the tip of perhaps working from home for those difficult anxious days while waiting for news from the clinic - that's a really good idea. Hope you are doing ok in whatever stage your now at xxx

sarahharas profile image

Hi, I did not have IVF myself yet but just had my consultation appointment. As it was said already, the short proticol is 4 weeks, the long is 6, then 2 WW. However, I cannot have a fresh cycle but need a frozen one, because of my AMH levels being too high. So another month at least in between, so I totally guess it depends on meds/person/doctor....

I would tell work as well, I have ovulation induction since some months which is similar to IVF and I need to go to thr clinic twice a week constantly. This was really difficult and since I told them, everything is much easier!

Good luck xx

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to sarahharas

Hi thanks for commenting! Good luck for your IVF journey. The info you have shared is really helpful and I'll definitely tall to my employer when the time comes around. So glad to hear that by yourself doing this, it made things so much easier for you. Best wishes xx

hannahding profile image

Every clinic will carry out things differently. I am on my second cycle of IVF. Previously we were on it for about 3 weeks mainly because things didn't work for us. However, this cycle we are visiting a different clinic. Things are going really well. 4 weeks into the process. Now waiting for the embryos result. After this, they will insert that into the uterus and then the 2ww wait will start.

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to hannahding

Thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry to hear that things didn't work during your first cycle but absolute best o luck for your 2nd! Thanks for the info, it really helps me to just get a general idea so I can plan to some extent what things may look like. Fingers crossed for you hun xx

Snowy76 profile image

My first cycle was long protocol and was about 2 and a half months in total from the start of my perid to test date. 2nd and 3rd rounds were short protocol and was roughly about 4weeks including the 2ww's.

When it comes to injection times, apointments are roughly every couple of days whilst on the medication so that they can scan & measure your lining and check the follicles and then eggcollection a couke of days after last injection. Transfer back in is either 3 or 5 days after that.

In terms of wait between cycles - depends on your clinic and circumstance. For me, the consultant said there was little point in waiting due to my age (early 40's). It was roughly about 3 1/2 half months between 1st and 2nd cycle and then 5 months between 2nd and 3rd round. - that was over the summer holidays. This also meant I could also recharge over my holidays too!!!


Snowy x

Faith27 profile image
Faith27 in reply to Snowy76

Hi! Thank you for sharing this detailed information about your own experience. Its especially helpful - especially the bit about flexibility and allowing yourself some time to recharge your batteries - IVF must be exhausting. I hope you're doing ok whatever situation you are in currently. Thanks again xx

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