Hi, Just wanted to share my experience of acupuncture whilst going through IVF. I started acupuncture on the last frozen transfer I had, which resulted in pregnancy but unfortunately I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks.
This was the 3rd frozen transfer after 1 fresh transfer and the only time I became pregnant.
Having acupuncture really helped me relax (as much as is possible with IVF) but also helped me feel somewhat sane throughout the process.
I had the Paulus protocol for the acupuncture. Acupuncture before the transfer then after the transfer. There is valid research that it improves blood flow to the uterus and helps implantation.
I will be doing the same on cycle 2 starting at the end of Feb. I also have monthly acupuncture to help me relax, improve my immune system and for fertility.
Hope this info helps somebody out there. Its worth considering.