I'm due to have my first frozen transfer at the end of next month and was thinking of giving acupuncture a try. I'm willing to give anything a go. I've actually got a consultation tomorrow. I have no idea if it actually works or if it's a placebo affect! Has anyone tried this? What were your experiences? xx
Acupuncture..worth a try?: I'm due to... - Fertility Network UK
Acupuncture..worth a try?

Hi, I tried Accupuncture before I started treatment, I was on the clomid tablets at the time. I didn’t find it helped at all. I didn’t really get much feeling from it. I know everyone is different but it just wasn’t for me. I have reflexology every 2 weeks, although I’ve not got pregnant yet I find it does help to relax me. Hope this helps x
give it a go! nothing to lose by trying! One of my friends had it and said they found it helpful.
I have had acupuncture for years for lots of things, it always works for me. I am having acupuncture during my treatment, so far it has not been successful, but I will not be stopping acupuncture because I would be too scared to!
I have been doing Acupuncture weekly for 18 months and I found it helped me to cope with the treatment and to stay calm. I think beyond the effectiveness of the actual treatment, which I personally felt the benefit of, just the actual doing of something weekly just for you might help you. I also recently tried reflexology for the first time and had a few days of headaches and flu symptoms which I understand is a good thing! My advice is give anything a go as you never know what you will find useful. The best of luck xxx
If you're counting on acupuncture to calm your nerves, relief you of the panic and stress then you're probably doing the right thing. But if it's aimed to get pregnant I don't think acupuncture could work that way really. Don't cancel out your acupuncture session though. Yes, the relaxed feeling and happy emotions you get after acupuncture contribute to the process of getting pregnant positively - beyond that you better count on your RE or OB more. Wishing you luck for the upcoming FET. Meanwhile feel free to check a few informative videos about FET procedure online if it's your first time. I can suggest you some if you want.
I’ve been having acupuncture for the past 2 months on the build up to my ivf cycle.
I’ve found that it’s really helped my anxiety levels and to keep a positive attitude towards the ivf and towards myself.
I was really apprehensive about it to start with, but thought it can’t help to try something out! Give it a go, what have you got to lose?
Just make sure you go to an acupuncturist who specialises in fertility acupuncture.
Good luck
I’d say definitely give it a go, you’ve got nothing to lose! I’ve had Acupunture 3/4 cycles and will have it for my next cycle. I find it also helps with my anxiety xx
I am also thinking about booking accupuncture, just had first failed round of IVF so next step is natural FET and I want to do everything I can to relax and help my natural cycle.
I've had accupuncture in past for something completely different and my husband has had it for a bad back, I think it's a pretty good thing to do
Hi! I went for acupuncture during our round of ivf. I have no idea whether it influenced the outcome or not but I like to think it did (we got a positive result). I found it relaxing and it made me feel like I was taking some control and doing everything I could to ensure treatment was a success.
Good luck! x
I had it for all 3 rounds although I wasn’t successful. I found it relaxing and just wanted to try everything and anything. Mine was £50 a session which is pricey but my acupuncture lady told me I could claim half back through various health insurance companies. So I joined and I only pay ten a month and that allowed me to claim back 50% off acupuncture plus other things such as contact lenses , dentist bills etc so was worth it for me. If you want me to tell u the company message me as I don’t think I can say in here but there’s probably a few different ones that do it , good luck with everything x
Hi, I’d love to know the company if you could message me that would be great, I’m having acupuncture after 2 failed rounds of ivf and am finding acupuncture great but as you say it’s quite pricey! Especially when you go every week!
I love my acupuncture as I think it improves my general health and emotional balance. However, our problems are chromosomal so it hasn’t worked a miracle and I’ve not had a baby. Nonetheless it helps me cope.
Is say try we had 5 rounds of icsi (mix of fresh and frozen) I started. Acupunture on my 4th round (fet) and got my first ever positive (ended in mc) done it for the 5th round which was fresh and got a positive again and I now have nearly 5month twins. So I would say defo try it if u can afford
Its brilliant! I had it for a few weeks before and during treatment then on day of transfer. I am now 25 weeks pregnant after 1st transfer. It was very relaxing and detoxing. I loved it xx Good luck!
I'm currently having accupuncture prior to starting treatment hopefully in Feb/march. It has been great. Regulated my periods and increased my progesterone levels from constant 22-28 to now 38 on day 21 of my cycle. It has also increased my leutal phase from 10-11 days to 13 days.
As well as this it's a great way of giving you that hour of pure relaxation and you time away from the stresses of life. I would fully recommend it.
Will echo the positive comments - found a lady who specialised in fertility and she was so knowledgeable, calm and relaxing - she recommended all the days to have it on around my IVF cycle and the clinic could see positive results with follicle growth etc. We were successful on our first round after years of issues and severe endo and don't think it was entirely acupuncture but it definitely contributed greatly - she also recommended a hypnotherapy cd to use alongside her treatment which is Helen McPherson IVF belief which was amazing at helping turn off the negative voices. Wishing you all the best xxx
I'll be doing my FET in mid Jan ( good luck to us both!) I did acupuncture last time when TTC and also leading up to my due date to help bring on labour. If nothing else it was super relaxing and a great way to make yourself stop and chill for a bit. And that in itself is proven to help. So i'll be staring it again in Dec. Also I had a great labour so who knows.
We had IVF ICSI ( frozen transfer) but my wife ( and fur a while me too) had accupinture as well as change of diet and fertility support meds. We found it has helped, and we are proud parents to a 5 week old baby girl. Feel free to inbox fur more info
Hi, I had accupunture a few months before our FET and unfortunately it didn’t help in our case. However I did find the sessions very relaxing. I was told that weekly treatments were needed so be prepared for the costs. I would be willing to try it again on our next fresh cycle. Give it a try you have nothing to lose.
Thank you for all your comments. I'm glad that this has worked for so many of you, but after my appointment today I don't think that this is for me. I just don't believe in the information that the therapist was giving. I think you need to believe in order for it to work. Maybe a more scientific approach suits me. Also the practise is in the city centre which has terrible traffic and this will only get worse in the lead up to Christmas. I'll already be travelling back and forth for scans, not sure if i need this too. I think this stressed me out more, probably would have felt better if id came home from work and caught up on some tv or gone to the gym as I often do. At least I gave it a whirl! Hope those of you that are finding it helpful get some success x