Miscarriage management .... Natural o... - Fertility Network UK

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Miscarriage management .... Natural or medicated?

Saya85 profile image
25 Replies

Hi ladies

As some of you may be aware from my last post we sadly lost our little bean on the weekend at 5 weeks old.

I have had some heavy bleed since but am still on the IVF meds and pessaries.

Tomorrow we go for ultrasound to confirm the miscarriage - but my question is which option should I take and others have taken if at this stage?

I want to go natural and just try and let it pass naturally but I'm worried if that will cause complications

The medical one seems quite extreme too but maybe faster and will completely remove it?

Are there any pros and cons to either ? I don't get normal periods as it is but does the medical one mess your body up more for the future ?

Any advice or stories would be appreciated I've read up on it a little but wanted people's experiences if you are ok to share

Thanks in advance x

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Saya85 profile image
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25 Replies

My first I had natural mc was painful and the weirdest feeling when passing clots you loose a lot of blood and feel dizzy. I had to ring the dr after 4 days bleeding 2 days of contraction pains to get codeine as paracetamol and ibuprofen full dose didn’t touch the pain.

My second wasn’t as bad pain wise as I already had codeine left from prev mc and I passed clots in the 2nd day of bleeding and knowing what to expect makes it easier to deal with. Only thing the pregnancy tissue got stuck & I had to go to EPU where they removed it using forceps and was given medical management which didn’t work so I was allowed to go home nothing else happened and a scan confirmed all was ok. With both I got my period as clockwork 4weeks from start of mc.

This time I’m getting a mva because I want it out sooner than later I’ll be 12w it’s over in a few hours there’s supposed to be less bleeding.

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to

Thank you for your reply (!)

I was in so much pain last night and on Saturday with the heavy bleeding I don't know if I can cope with a full miscarriage ..... Maybe the scan will show most of it has passed.

Otherwise I think I may ask for medical management as I want to get back to normal asap

I'm sorry you had to go through all that xxx

in reply to Saya85

It’s ok it was a shock with the first, 2nd mc I found walking around more the first day of bleeding helped the cervix open quicker I did use codeine. Where I had to lie down with the first as the pain was unbearable.

I hope you don’t have too much of a rough time get pain killers if necessary big pads i had iron supplements too just for a few days after.

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to

Thank you. Yes I definitely need iron again feeling faint and tired already

I have codeine from previously but will ask tomorrow too

I only took one paracetamol the first night so maybe that will be enough for now

in reply to Saya85

Yeah definitely take it to when the pain is at it’s worse.

baby2016 profile image

Hi Saya, as you've bled quite heavily already your scan will probably show that you have passed everything. I know when i lost my first at 6wks i bed heavily and was in pain for a day and scan showed all had passed, so maybe jusy wait till you've had the scan and then only think about that process if you need too xx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to baby2016

Thank you

Yes I was hoping the same that the scan will show that it's passed.

But I hadn't really thought about options past that and wanted to go in prepared so I don't just jump to a decision on spur of the moment

Still getting heavy cramps as it is so know I'm going to be in pain and bleeding heavily still

On my first cycle it was a bfn but I passed so much clots and tissue just 6dp5dt....and then bled heavily for another 10days+ once I was off pessaries

So not looking forward to this 😥

Sucks that we have to go through so much and then physically tortured by it over and over

baby2016 profile image
baby2016 in reply to Saya85

Its such a hesrtbreaking thing to have to go through, and i'm sorry you are going through this. If you needed one of the 'procedures' you wouldn't need to decide there and then, you will be given leaflets on all options, and given time to decide. I have had both types and both have there pros and cons. I do think that you will not have to make this decision though as I think nature has sadly done this for you. If you look through my previous posts from last march i put a full post on about my medical managment procedure which explains the full process xx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to baby2016

Thank you... I will have a look x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Saya85

Just had a read through... Thank you for sharing your experience it really has helped me decide. I think I would opt for MM over D&C for the same reasons you mentioned

I'm worried about doing more harm than good in the future and at least with MM it seems more natural and hopefully quicker

I'm thinking most has passed through so I will see at the scan tonight

Thank you again and sorry you had to go through it all.

Over the moon you have your bfp and pray this one really is your rainbow baby 😘

baby2016 profile image
baby2016 in reply to Saya85

Aw thankyou, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger as they say, hope your ok today xx

E_05 profile image

I’m so sorry to read you’re going though this, I hope like you’ve said you’ve physically already been through the worst of it.

I’ve had medical management twice and surgery once, the 2nd time medical management didn’t work and I went through a lot of cramping and pain for basically nothing to happen.

Thinking of you xx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to E_05

Thank you .... I'm sorry you had to go through this so many times x

I'm thinking as I've passed so much if I do need anything MM will be enough

That's the hope anyway

Im self employed and never cancel work....I always soldier on whether faced with grief illness family drama or anything ..... But for the first time I just don't want to face it.

I guess that shows I will grieve a bit harder at some point

ATM I'm just struggling with AF and PMT mood swings (!) Not fun

Mantaray75 profile image

So so sorry for you.

I had medical management at 7 weeks but I had very heavy bleeding and excruciating pain. We thought I was miscarrying at the beginning of my current pregnancy and I was all set for medical management again.

Its a very personal choice but once I knew it was over I just wanted things sorted.


Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Mantaray75

Thank you..... Because we haven't had it 'confirmed' 100% I've still been continuing with meds and little pain relief except odd paracetamol and no hot water bottles or anything

But even so I don't know if that would touch the sides or if there's more to come. At least medical management is quicker. We want to move on as quickly as possible

Thank you for sharing x

Mantaray75 profile image
Mantaray75 in reply to Saya85

I would certainly wait until it’s 100% confirmed. I was booked for a d&c with this pregnancy but hcg was still rising. I asked to wait a week and we got a heartbeat! With my miscarriage my hcg was dropping so I knew it was over. X

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Mantaray75

Oh that's brilliant news !!

Our HCG dropped massively and I continued bleeding so I pretty much knew I was out except for a miracle

We had negative test today and scan confirmed no pregnancy

Thankfully no medical management needed so just got to come off pessaries and have withdrawal bleed

Onwards and upwards after that x

Steadman80 profile image
Steadman80 in reply to Saya85

I’m so sorry for your loss - glad you haven’t got to have any further treatment. That’s the spirit onwards and upwards. Take care of you xx

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Steadman80

Thank you 🙂

I didn’t have to have make that choice when I had an early miscarriage last year ( known as a chemical pregnancy) I had bleeding the day after a positive pregnancy test & by 3 days the miscarriage was completed. I was 4 and a half weeks when I lost the pregnancy. I had to wait till I had a scan when I would’ve been 6 weeks, which confirmed what we knew . There was no pregnancy content left it was like the pregnancy never happened. The doctor at the early pregnancy unit told me to expect my period 28 days after my last bleed; it did arrive bang on 28 days. She told us we could try again after my next period if we wanted to.

I hope you don’t have to make such a difficult decision, hopefully because it was an early loss all the content would’ve gone 🤞🏻

I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I hope you have lots of support around you xoxo

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to

Hi Jess

Gosh yours sounds similar to mine

We had a bleed Starfighter after bfp but nothing else for the week and I was still pregnant until the day we hit 5 weeks and bled heavily.

If think I must have passed most of it because it is still bright red and full flow but very 'thin' rather than clotted now.

So unless I'm haemorrhaging fromm.somwherenelse I'm hoping it's clearing

Only my husband and a couple of friends know..... My sisters and mum don't even know we were pregnant let alone miscarried 😔

They know I've been bleeding and do ask if I'm ok and what it means but I don't want to just tell them over the phone ..... I'll see them Friday face to face and hopefully it will have passed by then

They're going to be really upset for me but also that I didn't tell them earlier as they've always been there no hesitation

But we wanted to announce it to everyone together and it's unfortunate we bled the night before our announcement

Sucks.... But I believe there was a reason behind it all

Hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth and trouble free Jess

You've been through so much 😘

in reply to Saya85

It’s so heartbreaking to see that positive test & have it snatched away so cruelly. 💔

Glad you have lots of support & I’m glad you’re telling your sister & mum.

Do remember just because this pregnancy hasn’t worked out doesn’t mean the next pregnancy wouldn’t. Our fertility doctor told us “ we were just very unlucky & there was no reason to suspect it would happen again.”

We also tried to take comfort from the fact we managed to conceive after 6 years of not managing to it felt like progress. Our fertility doctor said something beautiful that had resonated in me “ through the dark cloud the silver lining is that you did conceive and this is positive.” He always believed we could do it again & once my endometriosis was sorted out ( temporary as it’s a long term health condition) we did fall again with a better outcome.

Most women who suffer a loss will go on to have a healthy baby ❤️

You conceived once & will do again with a happier outcome ✨😍🌈 this is not the end xoxo

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to


I'm actually ok with this- because I was so over the moon we had a positive ! After 9 years of nothing...

Not even a positive ovulation stick

So I am beyond hopeful and comforted that I CAN get pregnant and I do believe this wasn't quite the right time but I have been given hope

I need to sort a couple of health issues and weight before launching in again

I hadn't addressed it before this last IVF because I thought it probably wouldn't work and I wasn't looking forward to it

But I am happy with the new protocol and we are very lucky to have several frostiest left.

I'm.a bit worried they will all have chromosomal issues as I was not in the best health in my first IVF cycle where they were created

But only time will tell. There's no point doing PGD as it will cost the same as 2+ cycles abyway.

I feel hopeful for the future just gota get through this pain and bleeding first.

I'm.itching to get started on recovering my health

Thank you for your kind words Jess 🙂 xx

Lyn84 profile image

I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks and it was slow process that dragged out i remember the hospital offering to keep me in for pain relief but at the time although it was painful i just wanted to get home and that night it kicked it properly not even the strongest co codamol touched the pain which i didn't expect so was awake all night and had to go to work the next day so if i had the option again i would except help to speed things up as it being dragged out made it emotional torture x

Saya85 profile image
Saya85 in reply to Lyn84

Thank you for your advice and I'm sorry you had to go through that much pain

The first night was excruciating

Last two nights have been quite bad but not nearly as long or as hard

I guess we will see at today's scan how much is left to pass. If it's a lot I will opt for medicated management

At this point it might just be the pessaries that are holding the lining and I will just have a heavy period after

Not looking forward to this dragging on. Just want to move past so I can get on with things

Thanks again x

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