Update on my appointment. I have had a letter about my appointment in January and it says it will be a transvaginal ultrasound, what does this involve? Im assuming it’s better than a normal ultrasound? Xx
Ultrasound appointment: Update on my... - Fertility Network UK
Ultrasound appointment

It’s to get a more accurate image of your womb and ovaries, compared to abdominal. They will insert a camera into vagina. It’s not painful just a bit uncomfortable x
So this is better then. Hopefully they can rule out a few things? X
It can only see so much but will give them an idea. x
It’s basically an internal ultrasound. We affectionately call the camera attached to the end of a wand, the dildo cam 😂 It isn’t at all painful although it can be a tad uncomfortable. You will have many, many, many dildo cam experiences with ivf xx
😂😂 well hopefully I don’t have to go down that route. I ovulate on the day my appointment is 🧐 will that affect anything xx
No. I’m sure they’ll still be able to see whatever it is they’re checking for, perhaps your follicles or something xx
I was ovulating during my first ever scan before we were referred, they pointed it out to me, was actually quite interesting ☺
I much prefer dildo cameras than abdominal as the pressure when you need a wee they’re pushing down can’t bear it. Transvag is much easier not uncomfortable or painful.