I don’t think there’s anyone who can reassure me or make me feel better about this.. Hubby and I agreed as this is my 6th tww that we’d test everyday from day 6 because we were sick of doing it by the book! So tired of twws. Well now I wish I hadn’t! Today is 7dp 5dfet. I think it’s a chemical. My lines should be at least as dark as yesterday if not a bit darker but if anything it’s lighter. Both tests are fmu. I did have an Ovitrelle trigger but that was about 2 weeks ago. Yesterday we had one day where we dared to dream that this could be the most perfect Christmas present. Of telling our families and hoping this was our third time lucky, our rainbow. I wish I hadn’t tested early. I was prepared for a bfn. Now I’m feeling numb.
I’ve messed up 😩: I don’t think there... - Fertility Network UK
I’ve messed up 😩

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Thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed. Is such a stressful time. ❤️ Xx
The tests can all be different. The nurse one as the other week said that the strength of the line is not an indicator - just whether you get a line or not. I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel any different. Sending you huge hugs xxxx

Is that really what she said? My hope has faded fast xx
It is, I have said it on other peoples posts too so not just made it up for you. Also, as someone else said your yesterday one may have dried.
A line is a line and that looks like a line to me. Hang in there Vicky xxx

If they’d been the other way around I’d be a happy bunny this morning xx
I hope this still turns out to be positive. Whatever happens, take care, heal and try and find the strength to carry on. xxx
I got a negative day before my OTD. But on OTD it was positive. Fingers crossed for you. When is your OTD? Thinking of you x
Monday xx
It can be positive between now and then. Pls dont give up hope, i see a faint line on your test. Best to try on monday now. Everything crossed for you.🙏🤞👍🏼🤲 hope it goes super quick for you. I really feel for you and will be thinking of you.
It’s still so early, please don’t give up yet. I think it’s great you’re doing things differently this time around. Keep testing and fingers crossed 🤞 for you xx
I'm gonna have to agree with camillage. Tests can be different, just look at the difference of the blue in the indicator line? Could be 2 different batches. I say your not out. Test again with a FRER in a day or 2. I pray that line gets darker. Sending you a massive hug right now xxxxxxxx
I’m still going to stick with my meds etc etc. I’ll still do my test on otd. I’m gutted today but if it’s negative on otd (or anytime in between then and now) then I’ll be better prepared for it I guess. I just wish I hadn’t allowed myself to get my hopes up yesterday xx
Hun I think you should go buy a couple frers I never ever buy blue line dye I find them (by looking at other womens) confusing. And hey dont beat yourself up, your allowed to get your Hope's up but I know what you mean you just wanna protect your heart cause it's easier that way. But hey I still see a line so if you dont wanna hold onto hope that's fine but i will! 😘😘💕💕💪💖
I'm hoping it's a big fat yesss xx I'm pretty sure my line got less dark too which made me nervous. Holding out all hope for you. You truly deserve it xx
Tugsgirl, I really am keeping everything crossed for you. So want this to be your time, if anyone deserves this it’s you. Don’t feel bad that you tested early, it’s awful being in limbo. I have tested at several points in this pregnancy🙈 & got different strength of lines, ironically my stronger tests was always afternoon!
I know there isn’t much anyone can say that will stop you from worrying & hope your worries are proven wrong 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻✨✨✨❤️❤️❤️🌈 xoxo

Were your tests really stronger in the afternoon Jess? Maybe I should test on an afternoon just out of interest but I don’t wanna become a poas addict xx
Sorry when I tested in the afternoon I was 7 weeks pregnant, not sure if it would’ve shown early that time of day, I just used cheapies! I did it because of the spotting I was ( still am) having & for me it gave some reassurance. My symptoms were always at the strongest afternoon & evening. But some might frequent testing could become stressful. It’s sad we can’t just feel happy after a BFP 😪 I really hope this is your rainbow baby ❤️xoxo

That’s really true. I’ve updated xx
Thinking of you and still got everything crossed. There is still hope.
Sending lots of love and positivity, I’ll keep everything crossed for you 💕💕💕 xxx
A line is a line so don't panic. There is hope xxx good luck my lovely
This is very promissing Tugsgirl 😀 tests might differ from each other line is line, stay strong girl, I have fx for you😘
I did the same as you on my last attempt... I drove myself potty with comparing the colour of the second line on a load of tests.
My did turn out to be a chemical as the line faded over a number of days. But I’ve got everything crossed for you that this isn’t the case for you 🤞🤞💕 xx
Awwww I’m really sorry that you’ve freaked yourself out... I could never hold off testing. The thing is I don’t think the clearblue are very clear or consistent. I wouldn’t completely dismiss things although sometimes it’s easier to protect your heart. But try not to lose hope and maybe try switching to FRER and buy a two pack and do them a day or two apart...
I really hope it’s just the rubbish clearblue tests xx
Sending you love and hoping it’s still a positive for you! Xx
Don’t worry sometimes depends on the strength of your pee and tests don’t always do the same thing even with the same make. I used first response early detection I found the pink lines easier to read. Also remember yesterday’s one will look a bit different as it is drying out so to speak. Easier said than done but don’t panic just yet xxx

Yesterday’s now, looks amazing, which makes this morning’s look even more pathetic. Hope has faded unfortunately xx
I can imagine how agonising this is for you. I wish sometimes that someone would switch my mind just for 2WW. It’s still very early and this might be a good sign. Best wishes xx
I know there isn't much I can say to make you feel any better but keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you 🤞💕
Lovely, you know it’s too early to rely on results and lines don’t always get darker straight away. This is so hard, no one should have to go through so many 2wws. When is your official test day? I’m going to keep my fingers crossed for you until then xx
I've got everything crossed for you! Please don't put yourself down for testing early. Could it still be trigger? Did you have one? X
Trigger was Ovitrelle 250. I looked it up and it said trigger should be out of your system by day 10. Yesterday was day 12. So it should have been gone... Otd is Monday xx
There is a line so take some comfort that it is better than not. It is hard but try and keep positive until your test on otd. I'm like a bad of nerves and I know that whatever others say, it can be hard battling with your own feelings. I'm keeping everything crossed for you. When is your otd?
It is still way early to test and I would not read too much into it. As hard as it is leave it until at least 11 days past. I have done the same in the past and it drives you insane. When I tested this time a boots 5 day early detection test barely showed a line yet the clearblue weeks indicator said 2-3 weeks. Keep positive x x
Absolutely what Camillage says .. it’s not the strength of the line it’s the fact there is a line - especially on these clearblues.
Try and stay calm (impossible) as stress isn’t going to help.
Sending you endless calm zen vibes, positive thoughts and hugs xxx

I can’t tell you how much I want to believe that.... xx
Looking at the tests it looks like so much of the dye has gone to the control line there is less available for the result line. You are still 4 days from OTD and you are getting positives, your trigger would be long gone, its a positive in my head and I am sending you PMA and lots of love xx
Honestly you've not. You'd be the first to reassure any of us. Give it a few days and test again. I bet it's a nice strong line for you xxx

Oh God Laura, I’d like nothing more! I’m so tired of all this 💩 xx
Hello you. I’m still hoping that OTD brings you your third time lucky. Sending you a great big hug xx
I'm sorry you're suffering. But I think there is definitely still hope. At such an early stage your hcg levels will be low and the slightest difference in your blood volume/pee concentration, test sensitivity etc would be bound to affect the strength of the line. Keeping everything crossed for you. We are all rooting for you xx
Hang in there lovely there’s hope yet got everything crossed for you xxx
A line is a line. Have faith and stay positive. Thinking of you xxx
Everything crossed for you! I think it looks really promising. Maybe hold off for another couple of days and really let the Hcg build. Thinking of you x x x x x
I really dotn think you can go too much on the the strength of the lines but completely understand why its freaking you out honey! You've not messed up though, far from it.....you've got to do what's right for you guys at the time so dont beat yourself up for it! Im now a serial tester in the 2ww after doing it so many times, its sometimes just what you have to do! Hugs and fingers crossed for you guys.xxxx
Normally I wouldn’t obsess too much over lines but I’ve never had a chemical pregnancy before. Everything I’ve read suggests that’s a possibility here, a strong one 😢 If this is one then I’ll have had the whole set! Natural (with bleeding) two mmcs, and a chemical. I’m just so so fed up xx
Yeah it really plays with your emotions testing early and although we think we know it does, its not until you see a line or in my case blank screen that you really feel it. Completely sympathise with the fed up feeling, it does get you down and you've been through so much to get to this point. Ive never seen any kind of line and Im fed up with the whole thing too but we fight on. Hang on in there lovely, its not over till its over!xxx
My trigger on my last cycle only turned to negative on day 7, so still have some hope, yesterday’s may have been your trigger and a bfp, but today’s could just be the very start of your bfp with no trigger. Keeping everything crossed for you xx
I’d really really really like that to be the case. However Ovitrelle is supposed to last up to 10 days and yesterday was day 12 so.... xx
Oh sweetie, I really feel you, but we beat ourselves up way too much on this journey! So stop!! And be kind to yourself! 😘 Try your hardest to stop thinking those negative thoughts, there's still everything to play for and like Masha said she had bfn right up to the last minute, and now she's beautifully pregnant 😊 You deserve this so much, please try and grab that positive mindset back, we are all rooting for you. Positive thoughts and prayers going out to the universe for you lovely xx ❤️
Thank you for your kind words xx
Thank you chrissie x
Tugsgirl you have been through so much and i can understand why you have given up hope. God will make you a mum and you are going to have a baby (one way or another) if i saw what u saw on the stick i would think its a postive given how early you have tested. You have been through so much bad news that this is being written off already when it shouldnt. Dont put yourself through hell before the OTD. Not doing you any good. You have prepared yourself for the worst now you can hope for the best.
Everyone is rooting for you. With everyones prayers, THIS WILL be your time. (God Willing)
You are alot stronger than you think and you can do this! Think this:🤰🏻🤱🏻
Aw try not to worry to much. My clinic said a line is a line. Maybe try testing again in a few days. Hope you get a positive outcome x
If it gives you any kind of hope I had a lighter test a few days after my BFP and freaked out. I ended up getting the clinic to agree to blood tests on a private basis as I was such a wreck. Really hope that it’s just that particular test that is the issue for you and that you get the best Christmas present xxx ❤️
On my last fet I tested on day 6 and 7 and got nothing I honestly thought it was going to be negative then I left it two days and got a positive don't give up yet! Xx
Don't feel like you have done anything wrong you had to do what you felt was necessary and it's not over, there is a line there and it is still ealry testing wise.
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a strong dark line for you xxxx
Thinking of you and hubby and keeping up positive thoughts. Lots of love xz
A line is a line I was once told regardless of how dark or light hun. Keep ya spirts up hun. Big hugs xx
If it's any consolation (which it won't be) I can't actually tell the difference between the two tests. It's still early and indicative you are pregnant. Don't lose hope. I literally have everything crossed for you 🤞. Good luck for Monday xx
Hope this time is your time, keeping my fingers crossed for you and I can understand why you are anxious and it’s a shame only time will tell which I hope goes quickly for you x
There are so many things that can affect it so try and keep the faith. Your urine might not have been as concentrated. Just hold on to the dream.
Good luck. Hope you get your Christmas wish!
Oww hun its still very early, Ive never found these tests easy to read! Were the photos taken at the same time after taking the test or once you had taken the 7dp5dt? Also my experience was that my second urine of the day was the one I would always get a darker line, it would always mean panic after seeing a line not as dark or analysing the darkness if I used first urine. Maybe get another one or two just for piece of mind, get first response theyre much easier to read........but for sure don't take this as if it is a chemical, also some tests can have more dye in than others xxxx

They were both fmu. Day 6 was a 7 hour hold and today, day 7 was about 5 and a half hour hold. I just thought as long as it was 4 hours they should be fairly reliable. We had to go buy a new kettle today as ours broke so I bought two frer and two clearblue digital. Just wish now I hadn’t started this testing early malarkey xx
I tested for 7dp and I got a strong positive. Next day I got a negative and again the following day. Then a positive again . I was pregnant. I used the tests that I used and found them not great so I got a digital one and it said I was pregnant but also got a negative on a digital. It’s so hard to no this early but I completely understand where ur coming from . Wish you both all the luck in the world . Also as a result I have my little boy now from them tests if that gives hope xxxx
I wouldn’t worry till you know for sure, the fact there’s a line there is fantastic - fingers crossed for you. Besides those tests are 25miu and are designed to pick up from around the time of a missed period. Xx
They aren’t that sensitive for very early pregnancy xx
I did try to look for the sensitivity level on the box but couldn’t find one. It says you can test 6 days before your af is due. Af is due Sunday xx
Get a first response early, they are 6-10miu xx
Keep going! Until otd you just don't know what's going to happen and your body could totally surprise you. Wishing you lots of luck xx
Hi dear
I really hope that it turns to a BFP for u at the end! There is obviously a line there and the strength of it is not so important! It can come and fade again during the 2ww! So I do cross everything for u both! Sending u big hugs and so much love! Xxxx
Fingers crossed for you that there is a very dark line for you on Monday xx

Oh I’d be beyond ecstatic!! Especially seeing as though I’ve upset my Mum with the news today 😢 xx
Hoping this turns around for you don't think things are reliable this early can understand your anxiety and desire to know what is happening sending my biggest wishes for you x
Probably too early to show consistent results but there are still 2 lines on both tests. So lets hope they stick. x

Thanks 😘 I hope you’re doing alright xx
I’m just so sorry to hear you’re having such a hard wait love. It’s just a nightmare time, made all the more difficult with the results coming in as they are. We’ve had a very similar result in the past, and sadly it ended in a chemical pregnancy for us. But at the time I did a LOT of insane googling and speaking to people who’d been through a similar experience, and there was a good split of people who had gone on to have successful pregnancies alongside chemicals. I am holding out all the hope that this is positive, and will go from strength to strength for you. Hold in there 💛🤞xx
Got everything crossed for you, there’s definitely a line so that can only be a good thing 🤞🏼 xx
Good luck for Monday hunny, fingers crossed you get your rainbow 🌈 x x x
Keeping my fingers crossed for you, it could just be a difference in the test. I found the first response tests were more accurate and consistent than the clear blue ones for me xx
Keeping everything crossed for you.. Xxx
Have you sat on your bum yet to let baby get settled in???? Still got my fingers and all paws crossed for Monday! You need to rest hun 💕💕 xx
Oh goodness Vicky! Nothings ever simple love is it! Hope that line gets darker. A chemical would be very cruel. Have everything crossed for you 💕💕💕
Pregnancy tests are qualitative which means that a line is a positive whether it’s faint or strong, a line is a line, and even with HCG numbers rising it depends on the sensitivity of the test and the timing of the test, keeping everything crossed for you that it’s still a BFP by OTD xx
Aww tugs!
I’ve never had a BFP line so I’m excited for u!
As others have said it could mean anything and I understand you don’t want to be a POAS addict but maybe try one more over the weekend. Bridge the gap to Monday but don’t test every day- and I’ve seen you have bought the pink ones too so that’s probably the best.
The fact it even came up positive on a clearblue shows it has to be above 25mmiu so that’s encouraging!
Are you getting any aF sx? I would urge you to consider upping your progesterone to help if you are prone to early bLeeds. Discuss with clinic but it is quite commonly
Good luck - have been following your journey for some Time- really hope you get the news your waiting for! xx
Thinking of you! Try to keep some hope, I have everything crossed for you both💗xx
Thinking of u xxc