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⚠️ WARNING SENSITIVE POST- SCAN NEWS. Please scroll on by if it is too upsetting.

92 Replies

Hi everyone.

A long post warning.

I felt pretty dreadful my posts may have caused upset. It wasn’t the right place to post pregnancy worries. I have joined NCT & lots of ladies from this site are there too. It’s lovely to have so many familiar faces. We’ve turned it into a pregnancy post infertility treatment site 😍

I had twinges & cramps @ 5 weeks , brown & pink spotting for 3 days at 6.5 weeks, brown spotting @8 weeks and fresh blood with small clots on Monday @ 10 weeks 1 day when I wiped. Needless to say I thought the worst & called the midwife. She was really lovely & asked if I had abdominal pain ( which I didn’t) said it was really good I didn’t. I was advised to call the GP to get me a scan at the Early pregnancy unit- for those who know me will know I had a loss last year & going back there was truly terrifying experience.

I had my scan yesterday we were terrified, I held onto my hubbys hand for dear life as they placed the jelly over me& explained to the scanner how long we had been trying. They had a look first & it felt like an eternity, how can a few minutes feel sooo long?!! And smiled at us & said there is a baby & it is fine!!! I burst into tears! The baby was then measured & is the correct size for its age 😍 and we asked if we could have a look & when I did I cried even more. He/she was wriggling a lot & was difficult to see the heartbeat! And then the baby turned towards the scanner! They couldn’t find any obvious reason for the bleeding. I feel reassured that all is okay. The worrying will now stop 🛑 💗

I hope that reassure any of you that are in early pregnancy that you can bleed & baby can be fine it doesn’t always mean miscarriage. So many ladies bleed in early pregnancy & are mostly okay, it is so common ( terrifying but common) I think it is more worrying for us ladies that have tried for sooo long.

Keep going & believing it can happen ❤️❤️❤️

I promise no more unnecessary posts on my pregnancy. xoxo 😘

92 Replies
CatDV profile image

Happy for you Jess ❤️

in reply to CatDV

Thank you. All the best to you xoxo

kirstyblue profile image

I’m glad everything is okay. Wishing you all the best xx

in reply to kirstyblue

Thank you & wishing you the best too xoxo

Sweets1 profile image

Hi jess. I tried to comment on your post on the other network but it wouldn’t let me for some reason! Just wanted to I’m glad that everything is ok, was thinking about you yesterday! It must have been a big relief for you. Hope everything is plain sailing for you now, as much as it can be anyway xxxx

in reply to Sweets1

Thank you. Definitely a big relief! My hubby said I honestly think it would be easy after how this journey has been?!!! 🤣 It’s given us the reassurance that was needed. How are you doing? xoxo

Sweets1 profile image
Sweets1 in reply to

Oh good, you just need that, all this should come with a health warning!! 😘 Not to bad thank you, doing some clinic chasing at the moment, check our donor choice is ok! Just want something to happen now🤞🏼xxx

in reply to Sweets1

Always waiting & wanting to progress to the next step! It’s very frustrating. Really hope you can move forward soon 🤞🏻xoxo

KJLee profile image

Thank you for posting this, has given me reassurance on my current spotting. Congrats to you and all the best with your pregnancy xx

in reply to KJLee

Thank you. I’m glad I could reassure it’s so scary when it happens. It does seem to be very common- I bled with my son & this one. My sister spotted with both her children, my mum did with me & my sister, and sister in law did several times with my nephew. From what the midwife said to me it’s only if it’s really heavy bleeding like filling a pad every hour & severe abdominal pain should it be a concern- anything else is okay 👌🏻 Easier said than done try not worry & just really rest up until it passes ( like bed rest) Wishing you the best with your pregnancy xoxo 😘

Anya80 profile image

Oh Jess so happy for you this is so emotional💗

Don’t apologise for your lovely keep in touch I’m sure there are so many following your journey and would be happy to hear from you.

Happy pregnancy time, hope you can relax now a bit. Lots of love💝

in reply to Anya80

Thank you 🙂Think I might now be able to enjoy being pregnant! Hope all is well with you? xoxo

Anya80 profile image
Anya80 in reply to

Happy to hear that, you deserve it😁

I’m on my FET #3 now. Bit nervous but as I’m having other serious troubles in life my focus is split between, not easy but our hope is positive and this is our driver for life. Myself and my DH decided on this go and we are looking for this despite of outcome. As for now I’m on buserelin injections, baseline scan next week, I’ve almost finished my period so perhaps oestrogen tablets will be next. On brighter side I’ve found competitive good price for my PIO injections, I’m happy for this as the price will be more then half less from what I’ve paid before👌

in reply to Anya80

It’s such a difficult journey, the longer it goes on the harder it is to have hope, but I really hope it’s third time lucky. Will keep everything crossed for you 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Will be following your updates ❤️❤️❤️xoxo

Dunla profile image

Wonderful news Jess. Absolutely delighted for you and your husband. You deserve every happiness xx

in reply to Dunla

Thank you for such a lovely reply. We all deserve our miracle baby’s 😘 & I hope for everyone here has a happy ending ✨ I hope all is okay with you? xoxo

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply to

All is ticking along here. Still no sign of any further treatment on the horizon 😕 xx

in reply to Dunla

How frustrating for you. Keep badgering the clinic 👌🏻 it’s not fair on you xoxo

Dunla profile image
Dunla in reply to

It’s very frustrating for us. I was thinking yesterday that I might send them another email but to be honest I do understand it’s in the hands of the HFEA who they are obviously bound by 😕 It’s hard though xx

in reply to Dunla

It won’t harm by asking for an update on things, personally I would ❤️xoxo

genten profile image

So happy for you and so pleased all is going well.

Hard I can imagine but try to enjoy it. Xxx

in reply to genten

Thank you. I will now enjoy it now I know everything is okay! How are things your end? xoxo

genten profile image
genten in reply to

Make sure you do😊.

All ok thanks. I will be starting fresh cycle in January, ICSI this time. Got an appointment on the 19th to go through paperwork etc. Xx

in reply to genten

Aww that’s great news! Something to look forward to, it is always good to have a plan. You’ll be able to enjoy Christmas & look forward to trying again. ❤️❤️❤️ xoxo 😘

TerryNaples profile image

So happy for you! xxx

God bless you!

in reply to TerryNaples

Thank you xoxo 😘

Sunshine92 profile image

So pleased for you xxx

in reply to Sunshine92

Thank you & I hope you are okay? xoxo 😘

Yammie1973 profile image

Oh bless you, Jess1981. Sending loads of love and light that you continue to strengthen during pregnancy and that at the end you get exactly what you have been fighting for , for so long.

best wishes

in reply to Yammie1973

Thank you that’s such a lovely reply. Its such a difficult journey but my god it’s worth fighting for- it is worth every tear I’ve cried. How is the 2WW? 🤞🏻 for you xoxo

Yammie1973 profile image
Yammie1973 in reply to


Not there yet...have to see Harley Street for 2nd opinion on fibroid before we start doing EC's next year February/March time. With any luck, will get pregnant so don't have to fly over to in laws for their 50th!!!

in reply to Yammie1973

Oh sorry, but it is definitely worth getting this fibroid looked at in case it will affect your chances of treatment working. Very sensible. If I’d gone ahead with any treatment before getting my endometriosis sorted it would’ve failed. Some say fibroids can affect fertility & some day not. My line manager had fibroids & struggled with fertility-but she did go on to conceive 2 children ( who are grown up now) Getting pregnant is definitely possible 😍 are the in laws that bad 🤣🤣🤣 xoxo

runsoncuddles profile image

Ahhh such good news! So happy for you. X

in reply to runsoncuddles

Thank you xoxo 😘

NMP1026 profile image

Hey lovely

I'm so sorry you've been through so much. Bleeding is so scary! I bled at 13weeks and was absolutely terrified but like you a scan showed bubs was fine. Im 33weeks now. Hopefully you can rest a bit.

You mention the NCT site. Where do I find it?

Wishing you so much luck for the rest of your pregnancy and if you want to chat don't hesitate to send me a private message xxx

in reply to NMP1026

Thank you. It is so frightening to see any blood but it doesn’t always mean miscarriage. ✨So glad your pregnancy is going well.

It’s one of the forum on HealthUnlocked. It’s called NCT- it’s like pregnancy/new mummy site. You can search other communities & it should show xoxo

Jess, you have been through so much and been a rower of strength for others. Thank you for sharing - we need these posts so we too know it can be ok to have these bleeds. I am so so happy for your scan yesterday too. Yayayayay another milestone reached. Well done and thank you xxx

in reply to

Just realised I called you a rower! No idea if you row or not, although I am sure you would be amazing at it as you are at support. But you know I meant tower! Xxx 🤣

in reply to

Thank you. Definitely need to spread the word! I don’t think it’s so known that a bit of bleeding in pregnancy is okay. I know so many that have had spotting & been okay! I had bleeding with my son & this one. My sister spotted with both her children. My mum spotted with me & my sister. My sister in law bled heavily with my nephew @11 weeks.

My midwife told me unless it’s really heavy bleeding like filling a pad every hour or so & intense abdominal pain then it’s not a big concern - anything else is okay! Even a bit of red blood. It doesn’t feel okay at the time 🤣

From what I’ve heard more ladies spot in pregnancy then don’t. God knows why.

Hope you are resting up & wishing you all the luck in the world for yourscan, I hope it reassures you like mine has done 😅 xoxo 😘

in reply to

Thank you. I have just realised that I don't really think it's real yet. Eeek, roll on Saturday x

in reply to

I felt like that too until I saw the baby. The scan will help xoxo😘

Cinderella5 profile image

Congratulations Jess, so pleased that you have gotten to see your little one! Lovely news.xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you so very relieved! How are you? xoxo 😘

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to

Yeah Im ok thanks Jess, just ticking along!xx

Awwwww fantastic news 😊, I've got tears in my eyes reading this, look forward to further updates xx

in reply to

Aww bless you thank you. ❤️ How is everything with you? xoxo 😘

in reply to

We are ok, going to enjoy Christmas, then looking towards doing 1 last round of ivf may / June time but with donor eggs.

Will keep everything crossed for you that everything stays postive for you xx

in reply to

Good for you, Christmas is very hectic I wouldn’t want to do treatment then!!! Hopefully it’ll be the last Christmas just the two of you 😍 Will look forward to hearing your updates xoxo 😘

Congrats!!! That's wonderful news and gives me some hope for the future. Thank you :-) x

in reply to threesthemagicnumber

Thank you. All the best to you ✨✨✨xoxo

silverlini profile image

Aww so happy for you! Sounds wonderful 😘

in reply to silverlini

Aww thank you. How did your appointment go? xoxo 😘

silverlini profile image
silverlini in reply to

It went well thanks for asking 😘 he’s going to up my dosage of menopur for the beginning which will hopefully grow my follicles quicker and more of them but otherwise everything will stay the same and hopefully we will have better success next time! We are starting again in Jan ☺️xx

in reply to silverlini

I’m glad the appointment went well & you feel more positive 😘 You will have better success- just because last one didn’t work out doesn’t mean next one wouldn’t. You were just unlucky nothing more than that. Fabulous start to new year, very wise to get Christmas out the way! With Christmas coming up time will soon fly by & you’ll be starting again before you know it, I’m so excited for you 😘Next year will be your year 😍 xozo

silverlini profile image
silverlini in reply to

Thank you Jess 😘 you’re so lovely and so supportive! I’m sure time will fly by that’s for sure! I hope you are well xxx

Autumnmoon profile image

Wonderful news Jess! The scans are amazing but nerve wracking please carry on posting as I would love to hear your baby news x

in reply to Autumnmoon

Thank you. The pictures are so clear these days ( my son is 20 so it’s been a while 🤣) Definitely given us the reassurance that we needed ❤️❤️❤️ xoxo

Rowly88 profile image

That's wonderful news Jess, huge congratulations xxx 💙💚💛🧡

in reply to Rowly88

Thank you so much. Wishing you the best xoxo 😘

Kyell2 profile image

Fab news! So pleased the scan went well x

in reply to Kyell2

Thank you. Just so relieved 😅 Hope you are okay? xoxo

Well done Jess phew! X

in reply to

Thank you. And breath 🤣 xoxo

Leannefb profile image

Great news so glad your scan went well. Congratulations 🎉

in reply to Leannefb

Thank you very much. Hope all is well with you? xoxo 😘

vic77 profile image

I am so so pleased for u xxxx

in reply to vic77

Thank you after last year I’m just so relieved it is okay 😅How are things with you? xoxo 😘

vic77 profile image
vic77 in reply to

I bet😁am doing ok thanks xx

Steadman80 profile image

Great news on your scan. Thanks for sharing your symptoms xxx

in reply to Steadman80

Thank you. I thought it might help others see it can be okay. When I posted my worries on NCT site lots of ladies gave me hope with successful pregnancies with bleeding. It is very scary to have any kind of bleeding pregnant. Hope you are okay? xoxo 😘

Lynnr54 profile image

So pleased for you. Thanks for the update!

in reply to Lynnr54

Thank you ❤️ xoxo

Leeuwen profile image

Thank you for sharing. It’s so lovely to read your posts and feel positive. Try to relax and take care of yourself xxx

in reply to Leeuwen

Thank you. Now we know baby is fine we can enjoy this moment ❤️ How are things with you? xoxo

Amblil profile image

Hi Jess, so happy for you and glad you feel loads better! Iv got a scan at the early pregnancy unit today as I had a lot of abdo pain at the weekend and out of hours gp got me in for today.

I’m terrified beyond belief as I keep thinking the worst 😔😔 but I’m trying to stay positive so I will let you know how I go on!

I’m so happy for you though that’s some great news! Xxx

in reply to Amblil

I’m so sorry you have had some worrying symptoms. It’s so scary. Glad you have got a scan. Hopefully the pain is caused by something else like baby growing & uterus stretching or it could easily be where you get bloated & trapped air. Trapped air can feel like cramping. The fact that you don’t have bleeding with the pain is really hopeful. I lost fresh blood & was okay-it really surprised me it could be okay!

Let us know how your scan goes everything crossed for you. Scans are nerve racking but hopefully will put your mind at rest - I know I wouldn’t have stopped worrying until I seen our baby was okay. And worrying won’t stop for us mummy’s 🤣 xoxo

in reply to Amblil

I really hope your scan went well ❤️xoxo

Amblil profile image
Amblil in reply to

Hi Jess sorry not got back to you before, my little bambino is absolutely perfect 👶🏼🍼 I am 7 weeks not 8 as we thought but he or she is growing perfect size at the moment 💙💗 xxxxx

in reply to Amblil

Wonderful news! I’m really happy to hear the scan went well & has put your mind at ease. Amazing seeing the baby isn’t it 😍xoxo

Tugsgirl profile image

Pleased for you 🙂 xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you. Good luck with your cycle , everything crossed for you this is your time ❤️❤️❤️ xoxo 😘

romaluna2015 profile image

Fantastic news Jess 😙💓😙

Hopefully just a subchronic haematoma x

in reply to romaluna2015

Thank you. ❤️They couldn’t see any obvious reason who knows what caused it, but thankfully it’s nothing to do with baby which is the main thing 😍 Think I can now enjoy being pregnant 🤰🏼 Seeing our baby has made the journey feel worthwhile xoxo 😘

romaluna2015 profile image
romaluna2015 in reply to

Told you just keep going girl 💪 you got this 💓 xx

So so happy for you Jess 💗

in reply to

Thank you lovely. xoxo 😘

Smang profile image

So happy for you Jess! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy. I had bleeding throughout my first trimester so completely understand where you are coming from. It’s scary but such a big relief once you see your little bean wriggling around on the scan xx

in reply to Smang

Thank you. I cried when they said the baby was fine!!! And all the best with your pregnancy too xoxo

Rachael_ profile image

So happy for you lovely..... wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy 💖 Xx

in reply to Rachael_

Thank you so much. Hope all is well with you? xoxo

Rachael_ profile image
Rachael_ in reply to

Awwe thankyou im having a break from things my bodys just back to its normal rhythm of things and mentally i feel back to myself again .... were currently in the process of buying a house once thats over with i think ile ring the clinic and have another frozen cycle 🤞🏻 Xx

hifer profile image

So happy for you. Really great news. x

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