Haven’t even had my transfer yet and ... - Fertility Network UK

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Haven’t even had my transfer yet and I’m already so worried

kirstyblue profile image
27 Replies

I’m terrified of what the result is gonna be. I am pinning everything on this working. It’s been the longest journey of my life and it means the absolute world to me. I just feel sick with worry. It is going to completely determine how the rest of the year goes..I either end the year on the most incredible high note or the complete opposite. I just feel sick. 🙏🙏🤞🤞💕

Anyone else so close to their transfer or feeling like this right now?

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kirstyblue profile image
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27 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

Hey. We all feel the same. We all want it to work more than anything in the world. When it doesn’t of course it’s devastating but you pick yourself up. Please try not to worry so much. Worrying won’t change the outcome. Im looking at a fet this November. I’m not sure when your transfer is exactly but good luck xx

kirstyblue profile image
kirstyblue in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you for your message. I didn’t think I would be like this already, but now im so close it’s really hit Home. I’m so grateful for everyone on this forum. My transfer is Tuesday.

Good luck to you too xx

I completely understand how you feel. I felt exactly the same way. You don't want time to move but at the same time want to fast forward. Hope, worry, concern, elation, depression all bundled together.

Try to focus on the positive outcome. Whatever is going to happen is already going to happen. This is going to work and you can and will stay strong. Xxx

kirstyblue profile image
kirstyblue in reply to

I feel like I spend my life wishing time away. I remember waiting for appointments back I January and thinking by end of summer we would have been through the whole process but things got delayed due to ohss so here I am waiting on my first ever transfer. What a way this could be to end the year. It’s the waiting that kills me like everyone so the 2ww is going to be awful..

How are you doing? Xx

in reply to kirstyblue

I am ok. On the following 2ww. Nobody tells you about that one! I have tried so often to get to this point that I never realised there was another one after the first one. 🤣

I think we all become great actors making our way through each day as "normal" but on the inside trying to tame the voices and let the positive through.

You will be fine. Transfer is a doddle. A bit of an anticlimax after everything else being so hard in some ways. But so magical at the same time as you see this little light being placed back where it belongs. Do watch the screen if you can. It's such a special moment (although really only a short moment).

If you can also try to do something nice, just the two of you, afterwards. I like to try to bring some of the magic back into this process which has been reduced to such mechanical steps.

The moment of conception, each step of becoming pregnant is wondrous and miraculous. In some ways we are so lucky to witness parts that getting pregnant in the normal way, others never get to see.

So be together, enjoy, celebrate becoming PUPO and put a big positive hug around you both whilst you settle down to your wait.

When is your otd?


in reply to

Sorry for the long response! I am in a melancholy uplifted mood which is a bit weird (probably missing my oh who is away with work until the end of the month). Listening to Olafur Arnaulds too which is music kind of like the mood I described. Ha ha

Dunla profile image

Wishing you all the very best for your transfer on Tuesday xx

Kirstyblue I have my transfer on Wednesday and I totally understand what you are feeling. I think I am dreading the 2ww more than anything else. I am crossing fingers, toes and eyeballs for you.

kirstyblue profile image
kirstyblue in reply to

Thank you. I’ve been so calm up until now but it’s really hit Home. Good luck to you too xx

runsoncuddles profile image

Hi kirstyblue, I'll assume it's normal to go through all these emations. It comes with the journey. You're nearly there, just hold on and find anything to distract you, even if it's for a few minutes. You got this. Sending you lots of hugs and well wishes xx

LegoBatgirl profile image

I honestly feel like I could have written this piece myself this morning. My ET is a 1pm today and I'm super nervous.

Wishing you all the best for your transfer x

kirstyblue profile image
kirstyblue in reply to LegoBatgirl

Thank you xx how did your transfer go? X

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to kirstyblue

A bit of discomfort and an uncomfortably full bladder but it was quick and fairly easy. Hubby was in the room with me the whole time and got to see it all on the screen.

Best of luck with your transfer. Hopefully we can be tww buddies! X

kirstyblue profile image
kirstyblue in reply to LegoBatgirl

I’m glad it went well. Yes we will be! Take care xx

kirstyblue profile image
kirstyblue in reply to LegoBatgirl

Sorry me again! Did you take your full dose of progerva this morning before your transfer? Do you have to carry on with it after transfer? X

LegoBatgirl profile image
LegoBatgirl in reply to kirstyblue

I'm on cyclogest so it's a slightly different pessary, sorry. I take them last thing before I go to bed so that they can absorb over night x

JB1988 profile image

Ohh like others have said, I so could have written this myself! We are going for our 3rd transfer Friday.

I feel more nervous for this one, having a natural FET is new to me and I keep worrying that my body will stop doing what its meant to as stupid as it seems!

I guess its a matter of being positive and trying to keep our minds off it - book some nice stuff in over the next couple of weeks. Even if its just a catch up with a friend, just something to stop our minds whirring away i guess!

GL with it all xxx

kirstyblue profile image
kirstyblue in reply to JB1988

Thank you for your message. Third time lucky for you 🤞 Good luck to you too and keep us posted.

I am currently sat drinking the most awful vitamin drink which is very high in vitamin e as I’m desperately trying to get a nice thick lining lol it is vile but il try anything 😷 xx

JB1988 profile image
JB1988 in reply to kirstyblue

Haha - I know what you mean, I try anything too! My scan last week when they said ok to go ahead my lining was 11 so hoping it stays nice and thick! xx

Cinderella5 profile image

Yep, I think there are many of us feel the same when it comes to transfer....the fear of it not working kicks in but to be honest even if we try to pretend we arent too worried....we are.....it all of a sudden becomes awfully real very quickly! Good luck!xx

CBOO1 profile image

I could also have written this! We will find out if our first ever round ever has worked or not the week before Christmas - we go back end of November so I know the feeling of this being the best end to the year or the worst!! I’m trying to stay as positive as I can, as my boyfriend says if you think it’s not going to work then it won’t....... easier said than done sometimes but I’m trying!!! 🤞🤞🤞 for all of us xxx

Sassa1234 profile image

Hi, I'm having my transfer on Thursday which is 2 days after yours , however, I'm trying to enjoy my time with hubby we go out for long walks , getting dressed beautifully ,baking &cooking , having sex💏 and playing games because we know in a few days I'll be staying at home boring and bored so keep your spirit up for the embies sake😇.

You still have this evening enjoy it.

All the emotions you are feeling are so normal, you want this baby so much! I can't even explain how anxious I was before and after transfer, it's like you want it to work so badly you cant imagine what your life will be if it doesn't! Don't be too hard on yourself for having the feelings you do though, take each day as it comes and relax, if it's meant to be before you know it you'll be seeing your positive test, good luck!!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Cleo17 profile image

Good luck with your transfer. I know exactly how you feel, we all do. You’re not alone in this journey. Try to stay positive. I’m due a FET with my last embryo but there seems to be an issue with my natural cycle for the 2nd month running and they’re considering putting me on a stimulated cycle which is worrying. 💜

Core profile image

I feel like this exactly then am panicking that I’m not feeling positive enough! This process is such a mental battle. Good luck tomorrow will be thinking of you, I have my scan to check my lining Wednesday so hopefully won’t be too far behind xx

Hi Kirsty I’ve been on two weeks of burserelin today and nearly cried when they told me I’ve still got a cyst one side ovary and and that I now need to do another weeks worth of injections to then consider if I can start the ten days of meds and the rest x seems to be taking forever

Waterfall2 profile image

I am feeling the exact same. I have just started the process for my 2nd attempt at FET and just went through the timeline and said 'well this could ruin christmas'. If I make it to transfer this time test date would be round about then. I am currently not being to positive about it and said to my friend I'm unlikely to be pregnant this year. Considering I started IVF in May and haven't made it to transfer yet that's been a bit of a depressing thought. But if i just trying to think if it's good news what an amazing time it will be, if not i can tell 2018 to F*** off and bring on 2019.

Good luck for your transfer, I'll keep everything crossed.

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