Hi Everyone. Cat aka “AllWeNeedIsLove” has asked me to let you know all that after a complicated labour and emergency C-section, she gave birth to a son, Asaan on the 18th October. He is a bit jaundiced but fine. Unfortunately, Cat has suffered some complications and is very poorly. She hasn’t forgotten you all, and will post a photo of Asaan when she’s feeling better. I know you will all be wishing her a speedy recovery. Diane xx
*SENSITIVE POST* AllWeNeedIsluv - Fertility Network UK

I was thinking of Cat this morning so thanks foe the update. I hope she starts to feel better soon and send her lots of love and best wishes. Xx
Thanks for the update Diane. Good news about Asaan’s arrival. I will pray for Cat and hope she feels better soon so she can enjoy motherhood. xxx
Thank you for updating. I’m glad her son is doing well & I wish Cat a quick recovery. xoxo

Iv dreamt of you in this pregnancy too and I had to check before I told you,
I dreamt that you had fallen pregnant absolutely fantastic news lovely 😍😘💝 huge congratulations Have a, stress free fab pregnancy you so deserve this hun well done for being a trooper.
I dreamt of Vicky last time and that was true. My dreams in pregnancy be true it's weird. but now I won't get that little gift anymore.😘💗💗
Ps sorry that some 🍩 posted on that post I wrote a very long time ago when emotions we're running high. I'm going to delete it now as time has changed bridges have been built and your one of my many friends on here
Congratulations yet again hun so happy for you
Please pass on my best wishes as although I’ve sent her texts I know replying to them won’t be a priority xx
Hi Vicky are you ok?
So sorry you've sent texts hun I honestly have not received them my phone has been playing up for ages I don't receive mohs at times too. I'll get a new phone once I'm home and got some spare money or I'll ask for a early bday present iv mentioned to sky before and they are baffle. I'll sort it once I can hun 😘💖💝
No worries. Just didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten you. Congratulations on the little boy 💙 xx
Thanks lovely. How's things with you? loving the profile pic xxx
I’ve been having a tough few weeks due to various personal problems but nothing compared to what you’re going through right now so don’t worry about me, just concentrate on getting well xx
Awww hun. I'll catch up on what's been going on when I can I'm sorry to hear that life is one big tough journey that loves challenging us hard core. We're tough cookies though it's these hard experiences that make us the lovelies we are. Sending you a massive hug hun keep strong and remember theres always someone worse off than us. The other day when I was really upset knowing something is wrong just don't know it kept breaking me into tears. I stood up looked out the window and stared at the homeless man over the car park in his tent thanking God that's not me. Feeling sorry for him and relieved I'm getting looked after for me. Crazy I know but it helps when life's just so hard.
I hope she gets better soon so she can spend lots of time with Asaan, wishing her all the best xxx
Congratulations hope she feels better soon. So lovely to hear of a beautiful baby being born xx. Thank you for letting us know Dianne xx
Send her our love! ❤️ wishing her a speedy recovery xxx
Wishing her a speedy recovery, lovely news to know her son is doing well xx
Wishing her a speedy recovery. Congratulations on the birth of her son xxxx
Aw that is great news, thanks for the update Diane. A big congrats to Cat, hope she gets better quickly. Xx💕
Thanks for the update Diane. Hope she’s recovering and glad to hear her little boy is doing well x
Please pass on my congratulations and best wishes to Cat. I hope she feels better soon.
Lovely news 😊💙 wishing Cat a speedy recovery xxx
Congratulations to Cat and welcome Asaan. Hope Cat is better soon. Sending love xxx
Congratulations to Cat for her baby! I hope she's going to feel better soon! xx
Ah wonderful news, wishing Cat well soon xxx
Sending my very best wishes x
I've been looking out for Cat's news! Sorry to hear she is so poorly, hope she recovers soon! She's such a trooper! Glad to hear her little boy is doing well!xx
Thank you for letting us know I was quite worried about her please send our love to her x
Congratulations to her on the birth of her little bundle. Hoping mum feels better very soon sending her love. Xxx
Thank you so much for updating. So happy to hear that the baby is safe and well but wishing her a speedy recovery xx
Wishing her lots of love and a speedy recovery plus huge congratulations on her son xx
Thanks Diane. I've been thinking of her. Congratulations to her on the birth of Asaan. Hoping she recovers quickly. My thoughts remain with her xxx
Aw this is great news. I’ve been popping on just to look for an update on Cat as it’s been a few days since she posted that she was being induced. Looking forward to seeing a pic when she feels better 😊 x
Aww delighted to hear her baby boy arrived safely and is well. Please tell Cat I said a massive congrats and trust she gets better soon. Xo
Congratulations to Cat. Hope she has a speedy recovery x
Awww lovely news💙 hoping Cat feels better soon xxx✨
Congratulations to Cat. Sending love and best wishes 💕
I’m happy to hear that her new baby son is healthy and well but sorry to hear she is so poorly. Sending positive healing thoughts her way x
Hope she recovers soon x
Wishing Cat a full and speedy recovery xx
Thanks Diane for this literally popped on to check it like you advised, having my obs done in 5 so thought I'd try write quick update. 😘
Azaan is his name lovlies.
He, was 7lb8 and is doing well I'm just not with him anymore due to where I am and the nurses here can't take care of him. He has mild jaundice and picked up infection from me but on iv antibiotics until Thursday.
I though have done it again I did dream I'd be admitted into hospital at 37.5 weeks but this was from 38+2
I was induced as pcr and bp we're starting to rise. They talked me into it and trying for vbac I tried thinking yes be home quicker. (How wrong was I)
I got the pessary put in at 2pm Tuesday morning started contracting 12 hours later 2am Wednesday morning. So excited I was but they got fast and thick quick and hurt bad. Anyway Azaan had two fleeting decelerations in heart rate so they decided to take the pessary out that at 4 am..
12.30 pm I was one cm they broke my waters I said it's either break waters or straight to theatre I'm not putting another pessary in which is what they suggested.
Anyway was contracting but much more spaced out and lighter by 5 they pit me drip that brought it on but once it got to the needed 4 in 10 to progress Azaan hated it and, heart would dip and once drip stopped hed be fine. I became I'll really hot started vomiting and just really felt unwel so took bloods got epidural and started the drip slowly one last time same thing happened when got to 4 in 10. 5 am Thursday morning they examined me and I'd only got to 2 cm so desicion was made emergency section but there was other ladies who we're cat 1 who needed now and Azaan was ok when drip was off so I was ok to wait. By 8.09am I had him. I was too I'll to look at him I was being sick flat on my back imagine that head twisted to side and it going in your hair and cheek.
Went to recovery had toast and drink fed Azaan felt great well Good as can be. Then Bam it hit me my bp went super low my left shoulder and whole of chest area started to hurt really bad. Obs were not good at all had chest x ray and nothing. Then I started getting pain under my ribs bad all the way to my section area that didn't bother me I was expecting pain there but nothing at the top. Belly started growing very large and distended the pain immense. Had a cat scan which revealed bowel impaction and lots of gas gall bladder enlarged, with stones. Yes we know what's going on let's get peppermint tea and try be mobile that will help. I can't hold Azaan now my pains to bad with weight on my abdomen. Had two supposotries to try get rid of blockage nothing untoward happened eating soft food and drinking lots ofv water and peppermint tea. Not working.
By 12 am I vomited so much bile it was actually shocking dark green and it came fast a sick pan in 2 mind I did 3.
That thought it's now a blockage of some sort so put a tube down my nose to stomach to help me get rid of this nasty shit. So I got this put in feeling happy now things are getting a move on. Only to start vomiting again bit this time it wasn't bile it was 💩 😱😱😱😱 can you actually believe this is possible !!!!!!
Now I'm worried now my midwife who was looking after me is worried she took all my sick pans and left them in the sulice for drs to see. They were now sure my bowel is, damaged from surgery they've upped pain relief upped fluids etc. I'm now a top priority case need to see the surgeons ASAP got transferred to St James were I had another two cat scans then straight to surgery. I don't know what the situation is I'll see surgeon in the morning. But there's something wrong with the bowel defo I have a, drain on it draining blood. Iv still got tube in my nose draining shit from stomach and I'm in crazy pain. I'm on pcas for that ( morphine iv with click on demand) helps a lot which is a relief because oramorph does nothing at all.
Now lovlies sorry that it would have been a, sensitive post for some too read I'm not trying to offend just wanted to update and thanks Diane for helping me get through this it's been tough. If parts of this don't make sense put it down to no sleep since last Sunday and the morphine now.
I'll post a pic of little man once I can. Iv got no good ones as haven't been mobile or been able to hold him.
Speak soon lovlies thanks for all support, as, always..
Love yous.
P's Azaan was born on the same date if my dad's funeral. That's made a heartbreaking date a now happy date from here on now. 18/10 😘💝💙
OMG poor you. I hope they get you on the mend ASAP so you can enjoy your little boy xxx
Oh goodness that sounds awful! Hope you start to feel better soon!! Xx
Goodness Cat that’s horrific!! I really hope the surgery gets you sorted ASAP. Very scary!! Not to mention not being able to spend time with Azaan. I’m sure he’s being well looked after though so just you focus on getting better so the two of you can get home. Massive hugs xxx
Firstly, congratulations. What a lovely name. Sorry you are going through such a rough time with your health, I am so glad your baby boy is doing well. I hope you have a speedy recovery, sending hugs and prayers xx
omg😁😁😁😁😁 AllWeNeedIsluv this is the best news to wake up too...we were a few of us wondering how you were. so so sorry to hear u are poorly.you are in safe hands and stay strong for ur beautiful boy. .much love xxx
Bless her. Get well soon Cat and best wishes for u and family xx
Congratulations Cat!!! Fabulous to finally have your much longed for wee one in your arms 💙. Get well soon hon xxx
Congratulations on Azaan's arrival. Sorry to hear you have been through so much. Get well soon lovely.xx
Massive congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful boy and wishing you a speedy recovery 💕 I’m sure your dad will be looking down on you and protecting you both 😊 Sending lots of love sweetheart xxx
OMG what a time you have had Cat!
So pleased wee Azaan is doing well, I hope that you get well soon xx
Sending lots of love and hugs to Allweneedislove 💕💕 I’m sorry I’ve only just seen this xx