We had the transfer yesterday, and everything went smoothly. We also got the chance to speak with the embryologist more about why we had complete failed fertilisation on 12 eggs we tried conventional IVF with.
They aren't 100% but they think it's something to do with the 'locking' between the egg and the sperm. ICSI gets over the problem which is great, and what it does tell is us why we haven't been able to conceive naturally. Previously just 'unexplained infertility'.
On one hand, it's a relief to have a reason why it hasn't worked. On the other I'm sad that I don't think we will ever be able to conceive naturally (was holding on to a small hope that after a successful IVF we would be able to conceive our next one naturally)
OH broke my heart a bit when he confided in me his fear that it meant we weren't compatible. Love that man, and clearly reassured that is rubbish.
Has anyone else experienced something similar? Where egg and sperm are both fine, but just won't connect?