Hi I took my trigger shot ovidrel 250 last Friday 28th had et today and just wondering how long before it’s completely gone. I’m a poas addict so when could I trust a (hopefully) a second line x
How long is ovidrel in system - Fertility Network UK
How long is ovidrel in system

Up to 10 days. My shot was Saturday 22nd. I had a 3dt and a 2dt on the Thursday and I took a test yesterday which was a bfn and got a bfp today 7 and 8 dpt xx
Sorry I’m a bit confused what do u means when you say you had a 3 and a 2 dt (I’m guessing that’s day transfer) x
Yes, apologies. I had two embryo transferred last week xx
Ok I understand now lol did u test the trigger out I have been tested this morning before et and it’s still showing up it is getting fainter but it’s 7 days now so really wish it would go away so I can trust the second line if it appears x
I think the fact I had a bfn yesterday told me what I needed to know, that would have been 12 days after trigger shot. I don’t think hcg levels vary, you’d get a constant positive until it faded out then negative and then a positive surely?xx
I read the hcg from trigger drops by half every day I’m not good with all the numbers but I’ve been testing last 5 days just to see how strong the hcg level was and it’s definitely getting lighter each day hoping all hcg from trigger is gone with in the next few days x
I would have thought so. It would totally suck if my bfp today was actually left over trigger shot lol. I’ll test again Sunday xx
Oh no sorry if that’s what you think I was saying I think ur definitely pregnant the trigger would be long gone for u after 12 days x
And if you already had a bfn before your bfp that proves the trigger was already gone x
Yea I guess so. I think it varies 7-11days. After doing the maths 11 days tops so I think I’m ok - still will check it out though! Xx
It’s ok done a test, much stronger line today!
Phew xx
That’s great news I just done one to and it’s barley there can only see it if your really looking should be all gone for tomorrow that’s Day 10 x
Yes! My advice is wait till day 12 (if u can) and there is a chance you may get ur bfp - it’s day 14 for me today since trigger so should be well out my system xx
I’m gonna try my best I got to get my husband to hide the tests🤦🏻♀️I really can’t help myself I no I’m not gonna get a result now anyway it’s only 1dp5dt but so long as I no triggers gone I can’t b getting any false positives I do it to my self every time (8x) I should really be a pro at this
And congrats on ur pregnancy 🤞🏼how many days post transfer befor u got ur bfp x