Only an hour and half to go till our trigger shot, it all seems so real now! Such a rollercoaster of emotions! 👍🏻🤞🏻😊
Countdown till trigger shot - Fertility Network UK
Countdown till trigger shot

It sure is a rollercoaster. Xx
Good luck! I did my trigger injection on Saturday and I remember shaking doing it! But it’s all like the other injections really. I had my egg collection on Monday but it was absolutely fine! It’s over before you know it and they all look after you so well. Wishing you all the best!x
Ah glad it went well for you. Just abit nervous but suppose that’s normal. Are you having your transfer on Friday? Xx
Of course it normal, the IVF journey is no walk in the park! Do you know what time your procedure will be? My transfer is on Saturday. I’m praying my embryos are ok! I won’t hear anything from my clinic until I go in on Saturday now... but for now I’m just trying to master the progesterone pessaries aka ‘bum bullets’! I was working my self up about them but it’s actually fine! The fun doesn’t stop coming!xx
Oh goodness we definitely put ourselves through it don’t we!!! 😬🤦🏼♀️ my procedure is at 10am, any tips you can offer??
Will keep everything crossed for your little embryos!!🤞🏻🤞🏻😘 xx
We certainly do! Erm, no major tips, just go with the flow really. It’s no where near as bad as you think it will be. All the staff will be looking after you every step of the way. Once you go in it will be over before you know it and then you just eagerly wait to find out how many eggs you have. You will probably feel sleepy for the rest of the day and you might have a mild period pain but nothing major. Of course all depends on the person!Do you know how many follicles you have?xx
Yea I’m sure it will all be ok! I’ve got tomorrow and Friday off work, so that’s good! How are you feeling now?
On the last scan there were 9 of good size!! Xx
Oh good yeah just take it easy over the next couple of days. I’m ok thanks other than feeling really bloated and constantly thinking about my little embryos! 9 is very good, same with me 😌
Try and get a good nights sleep tonight (it’s hard though!) and wishing you all the luck for tomorrow! You will be fine! Just keep thinking of the reasons you are doing this and the hopeful outcome at the end 😘xx
Good luck with your egg collection! I’m sure it will be over before you know it
How did your collection go this morning? I hope you feel ok and not too sore!xx
All done nearly home now! They managed to get all 9 so happy with that!! Very bizarre feeling tho being sedated, didn’t have a clue what was happening 👍🏻woke up very spaced out😩😂 xx
Oh brilliant news! I bet your all glad it’s done! Are you in any pain at all? Just rest up and make sure hubby takes care of you!xx
Yea def glad it’s done! Not in pain just a bit uncomfortable! Hubby is currently making me some soup!!👍🏻😀 Everything ok with you? X
Ah I was in pain after mine and bleeding (didn’t want to say before as didn’t wanna freak you out!) all good with me, first day back to work as had three days off. I’m so distracted thinking about my little embryos wondering how they are doing!! Did they tell you how many mature eggs you had? Will they be fertilising them today?xx
Ah thanks for not telling me!! I’ve obviously got off lightly!! Hopefully work is distracting you a bit. They are fertilising the eggs today and letting me know how many worked today, didn’t give me the number of mature eggs.
How many are you hoping for?? Xx
Are you doing IVF or ICSI? I had 9 eggs of which 8 were mature. 6 fertilised and they have all (as of yesterday) started to divide into cells. I have no idea how many will make it to Saturday or what the quality will be like. SO NERVOUS! But I can only try and stay as positive as I can and hope for the best. All I need is one decent one to transfer. If we get any to freeze that would be an added bonus.xx
Wow that’s amazing number that have been fertilised and dividing!!👍🏻 it’s out of our hands now, we’ve done our bit, so definitely stay positive!! I’m with you just one to transfer will be achievement!!👍🏻😘😀 xx
Aaah! Just read all this, and it's so exciting! Best of luck to both of you and all your little eggs! <3 - it's my EC on Monday, so fingers crossed!

Thank you. I’m just keeping everything crossed 🤞🏻 How have your scans gone?? Xx
good so far- bit of a mixed bag in terms of size though, so hoping some of the smaller ones will catch up a bit. I think I've got 6 that look good so far, the nurses were worried about OHSS so they were threatening to bring my EC forward to tomorrow, though thankfully the blood test said everything was fine, so they still have a little more time to grow I'm always amazed that they can tell anything at all from the scans- it just looks like a scary cave up there!!! lol. Just a bit nervous as I've never been knocked out before, but going to treat myself to some new Pjs as a personal bribe! x I have everything crossed for you both too - hope all goes well when they put them back!

This happened to me! I was gutted as if I had to do egg collection regardless then I only had 2 decent sized follicles at that point. luckily I could carry on taking injections for a couple more days and the rest caught up. Its the emotional side that gets you more! Good luck!xx
I was really surprised to be honest, but the main thing is how many continue to grow and develop! ah so nerve racking!!xxx
Got everything crossed for your transfer tomorrow silverlini- how are you feeling? x
I've got my final scan at lunchtime, so hopefully my little clutch of eggs will have grown a bit more!

Thanks so much I am feeling so nervous as I don't want to get to the clinic tomorrow and its bad news...surely they would call if thats the case?? Just trying to keep myself busy in the mean time!How did your final scan go? Follicles grown?xx
I know, they have a very good trained eye I couldn’t really see much when I had my scans!!😀 That’s good you have a few more days for them to grow 👍🏻 Keep positive. I’ve been listening to mindful ivf which has helped. I was really nervous about the procedure too as like you had never been knocked out before but it was all ok, I was a-bit spaced out when I came round but that soon faded, was a bit teary too! The tea and biscuits helped!!😂 xx
I've threatened DH that he is not to ask me questions and then video the answers while I'm coming off the anaesthetic, and also to have a kitkat and a trashy mag ready for when I come out (the clinic I'm in is way posh and only has country living/lady that lunches weekly, and while that's very nice and all, I'd much rather have someone read me something about shoes at this emotional time in my life!). I've just got horrible embarrassing visions of that I'm going to say something really cringey to the doctors, though I'm sure they've heard it all before haha. I had a listen to mindful IVF last night, I think this will really help over the next few days! xx How are you doing Luna11- do you know when you're back in for transfer? x

Haha you can’t beat a trashy mag and a chocolate bar!!👍🏻 I’m ok, disappointed with the number of eggs fertilised so now got to hope at least one makes it to transfer day on Tuesday!!! I will get another call on Monday with an update.
Glad the mindful app was of some use, I will def need it over the next few days!! Xx