I had an unmediated FET last Thu and since then (bar today) I have had cramps which I was hoping was a good sign given when they started and how persistent they were. However today I have endo pain that I get before AF arrives. I literally feel like it's game over. AF normally arrives day 32ish and I am currently day 26 but the last failure has just come flooding back to me and I can't help think I'm out of the game. It doesn't help that I found out our friends are pregnant this morning xxx
The dreaded 2 WW: I had an unmediated... - Fertility Network UK
The dreaded 2 WW

Hang in there - all sorts of feelings happen during tww and it’s difficult to read any of them. Wishing you lots of luck. xx
I also had FET last Thursday but mine was medicated. Slowly driving myself insane here, wondering if its worked or not. I had a little back pain at 4 days sort of pre-period like but nothing since...arrgghhhhhh! Lol Hang on in there. xx
🤞🏻🙏🏻 all is good. 2ww is a killer 😣 xx
Just be patient and positive easy said but it's harder I know. The 2ww is surely a crazy time and surely has you worried take it easy . Wishing you lots of luck and prayers ❤️
On this journey I don’t think there’s ever a good time to find out that friends are expecting. I found out my bff was pregnant on our way home from a transfer and then when I lost the baby another of our friends announced she was pregnant and due the same time I would have been, so we would have all been due in April. It’s the most difficult journey ever. As for thinking you’re out because your usual af symptoms are appearing, please have a little bit of hope. I thought exactly the same on my last round (I wrote a post about it) but I got a bfp. Hopefully you will too 🤞 xx
I'm seriously hoping for a BFP for you - having just experienced a BFN following my first round I totally empathise and understand the feeling of anxiety. I found the wait so hard and then the BFN was devastating - well I got my period before I tested so already knew - I just hope you're having normal cramps. I think until you see AF it's never game over - positive vibes your way xxxxx