After being happy with myself for making it through yesterday with no spotting, I’ve woken up this morning to AF at 11dp3dt. Test day is supposed to be Sunday with bloods on Monday but again we don’t get that far. Feeling strangely calm (or numb) about it all but I think with two poor quality embryos on board we always knew what the outcome would be. Egg quality is clearly an issue for us so I’m not sure it’s worth continuing with this journey, particularly not with our own eggs. Next up is a discussion about what to do next. We have decided just to get our lives back and enjoy ourselves for a while before making any decisions. My husband is not keen on adoption so I think it will either be egg donation or continue with our family or two. Good to everyone else testing this week x
Cycle 3 = game over: After being happy... - Fertility Network UK
Cycle 3 = game over

So sorry to hear this, it's so hard isn't it. I'm not in your position but from what I've read donor eggs are a great option, and I think if you managed to get pregnant and could see and feel a life in your belly then you wouldn't even think about if you used your eggs or anyone else's, the baby would be 100% yours. I hope I haven't upset you, just hoping to try and give hope that's its not the end, it might be the start of a new, although not planned, journey. Good luck, you'll get through this. Xxx
Thanks lovely. I didn’t think at the start of this journey that donor eggs would be for me but over time I have come round to the idea. Still not 100% but then not properly given it much thought. That will be next I’m sure x
Maybe you might find anyway for you to use your own eggs from the recommendations below but, if you don't then donor eggs might give you the baby you'd love to have. Good luck, take some time to try and get over it all and live a life without injections and probes in places probes shouldn't go xxXx
Ahhh Ash I'm really sorry! It's truly crap! Enjoy your time out together, it's very much needed after a BFN. Hopefully you have some give treats to be getting up to! Sending hugs!xx
So sorry lovely, this process and journey is so unforgiving. Is there anything you can try to help with egg quality? I’m also trying to think of ways to do this.
Sending hugs to you, I think it’s really important take back your life and have some fun, it’s such a stressful thing to go through.
Thanks mrs. I think I’ve done everything I can for egg quality. I’ve been on dhea, ubiquinol, pqq, omega 3, maca etc. You name it, I’ve tried it. Think this is as good as it gets for us xxx
Oh no.. I’m just starting now on better multivitamins and Ubiquinol to try and help our outcome as we had one embryo and none to freeze on my recent failed cycle. I was hoping these things would help.
It doesn’t bode well though if none of these things have worked for you though my dear. It’s just not fair is it.
You’ve prob already considered this but as my partners low sperm is our major issue I’m also trying to help improve His low sperm count and motility in a hope that by doing both we will stand a better chance, willing to try anything.
I read stress is a massive factor so yoga and acupuncture are suggested too.
I’m sure you’ve already tried all of these things lovely. Is there anything that your consultants have suggested could help at all?
Sending extra hugs
I have a really stressful job but I’m not sure there I much I can do about that. I tried yoga and acupuncture on my first cycle but stopped after that. I did a bit of yoga this cycle but not massively. In my second cycle we had a three week holiday before starting so we were fully relaxed but no joy. We’ll have to wait for our follow up appointment which I doubt will be for a couple of months and I’ll ask them but I think the only thing could be donor eggs. I would be open to any suggestions though and if you find something that works for you, please let me know, I’d love to hear of your success xxx
Jobs really don’t help this process do they. So sorry you’ve been through three painful cycles. I will keep you posted on anything that has any positive impact.
We plan to get my OT sperm retested in a couple of months to see if what we are doing is having any positive effect on count or motility, he’s started taking 2,000mg of Vitamin c per day plus Zinc supplement, a garden of life multi vitamin as well as Ubiquinol so we will see if any of this can improve his condition. Something must have happened over the years as he has a 10 year old with a previous partner, so surely it can be reversed, whatever has happened. So we will see!
We really want our first baby and postponing our wedding to focus on this because it’s way more important.
I too am waiting for my follow up, so doing all of these things in the interim. As well as zero alcohol.
Trying to be hopeful and will let you know if any of this works
😘😘 xxx
😢 sorry lovely, it’s crap for us both isn’t it. Xxx
So sorry to hear that ....
I am in same position if this one don’t work because of my egg quality
But talk with your husband he might say yes to egg donation
My hubby said no to adoption but ok with egg donation .
Be strong .. have a nice time off from all this stress and think about next step .
I'm so sorry hun. I hope you get to relax and just enjoy the time for the two of you xx

Thanks you xxx
So sorry to hear this. Life really is unfair sometimes. Hopefully taking some time out to think through what you both want to do next will really help! x

Yes, it does but trying to be thankful for all the good stuff and focus on that x
Definitely. It's so hard to remember all the positives we have when life is taken over by treatment and disappointing results. We forget about all the good stuff we have i.e. friends, family, health.
My husband had a health scare a few months ago and it really put things into perspective. Having a family is so important but so are the people closest to us xx

Hope hubby’s better now. I have kept away from friends recently (the ones that know about treatment) as I didn’t feel like talking about it and they all have babies but I think it is time to reengage and get back to normal x
Sorry to hear this, if you can, take a break and give yourself time to heal. We went to couple counselling which really helped too. There are lots of options still open to you, but don't focus on them yet, we went through many failed cycles, each one is a kick in the teeth - and it takes time to heal.
Best of luck to you for the future x