Anxiety whilst waiting for 7 week scan - Fertility Network UK

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Anxiety whilst waiting for 7 week scan

CC2018 profile image
26 Replies

Hi Ladies,

Not really sure what to say- I feel so grateful for our BFP especially after a few sad posts on here lately. However today I feel really down. It's so trivial but i' m going to a friend's wedding Saturday and I can't find anything that fits me in a flattering way- I ordered two dresses from a sale in a size up and struggled to do the zip over the top part of my tummy and bust- tummy's bloated and breasts are sore and swollen. I've got spots galore down one side of my face and feel truly awful about the way I look to the point I was in tears. Now thinking about it I know it's not really the fact I look and feel crap, it's because I can't help thinking if all of my symptoms are just pessary related and when we finally have our scan next week will anything be there? I'm nervous any time I go to the toilet about what might be there- I've had brown, pink and dark red discharge for nearly two weeks now even after changing the way I use the pessaries from front to back. I had a scary moment on Sunday when I had a sudden back ache followed by feeling wet only to go to the toilet and have a streak of bright red and when I wiped a clot about 1cm big with stringy bits attached (sorry tmi) and thought it was all over only for the back ache to disappear and quick as it came and for it to go back to being brown and no more bright red. I've had a few tiny clot like bits about 1-2mm in size and I just don't know what to think anymore. I thought when we got the bfp everything would be fine but I just feel like a nervous wreck. I'm just praying we see a heart beat on that screen so all this feeling awful will be worth it. Sorry for long post- just needed to get it out. Hope you're all okay wherever you're at in your journey xx

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CC2018 profile image
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26 Replies

Hey this anxiety is so normal. You have all the symptoms without the reassurance scan to confirm all is ok - which is really hard.

Try to hang in there.

Regarding clothes etc that is not so trivial - we don't stop being human after a BFP - I don't have any clothes to fit either and feel fat (not pregnant) spotty with grey hair as I cannot dye mine! Got my haircut yesterday and went online shopping in zara as I needed to feel better.

None of this means you are taking your BFP for granted! 😊

I think you will feel a bit better after the scan.

Sending you a BIG hug.


CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Thank you for your reply- it's made me feel so much better. I felt like a brat posting it but you're right. We're only human. It doesn't help that my symptoms keep either being full on or not there at all. I an fortunate not to have been sick yet and only had a bit of nausea. I hope you are well and enjoying your holiday- if you're still on it xx

in reply to CC2018

Seems like the ladies that are further along here say it gets slightly easier when you can feel the little guy inside 😀. I know you have a bit of a wait for that!

Just don't feel bad - I honestly felt awful yesterday and did a few nice things to make myself feel a bit better.

You deserve it! 😘

Best of Luck with the scan! Let us know how it goes.


notifbutwhen profile image

Awww bless you I just had to reply to your post! You will be alright just stay positive, I know this isn't so much about the dress but try and find a floaty one that just fits around your top half. Sorry I don't really know enough about clots, but I do feel your pain about the feeling like you don't look nice, the meds make your skin bad and feel terrible! I am sure some of the other ladies can advise you as I have only had a PFN after FET and now going back for FET.

Much love, stay positive your a tough cookies I am sure you can do this! xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to notifbutwhen

Bless you for your reply- really hoping you get your BFP xx

destiny121 profile image

Ahh bless ya... i could have written this myself.... feel so crappy at the moment... all these pregnant ladies on social media fooled us 😂😂 into thinking pregnancy is beautiful and so east... yea right... all what your feeling is normal and i think your scan will be fine.... ohh and be careful what u wish you... i learnt that thw hard way after throwing up 4 times this morning.... after wishing i had it i now wish i was one of the lucky ones.... xxx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to destiny121

Haha! I may have jinxed myself then! Currently having very bad lower back ache and lower tummy ache. Had some strong nausea but not to the point of being sick...yet. Thanks for your reply-made me laugh xx

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to destiny121

Oh Destiny121, I remember replying to your post the other day when you were worried about not having nausea. I hope you don’t have too much sickness- just enough to keep you feeling pregnant. *hugs*

destiny121 profile image
destiny121 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Ohh god lizzie.... its awful...wouldn’t wish this on anyone tbh..... stocked up on ginger beer and biscuits as i was told this may help... my nurse at the clinic said it will get worse as theres 2😬😬

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to destiny121

Get as much rest as you can. My friends and I have all found the sickness is worse when you’re tired. I scrapped pretty much all social plans for several months and was going to bed by 8pm every night- I just had to!

destiny121 profile image
destiny121 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Ohh really lol.... i have been more tired as with this hot weather its so hard to sleep.... how far gone are you now?

Lizzielizzielizzie profile image
Lizzielizzielizzie in reply to destiny121

22 weeks. Nausea and sickness has reduced but not gone away, apparently I’ll probably have it all the way through now. 🙁

destiny121 profile image
destiny121 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Ahhh bless you.... not too much longer before you meet your lil baba xx

I could have written this post a few weeks back ( minus the clots ) Hun. For me, the anxiety was crippling! I had 3 scans before 12 weeks as I had constant cramping & due to previous miscarriages, I just expected this pregnancy to go wrong too. I didn't even have my booking appointment with the midwife until I was 16 weeks because my fear was that strong. It did get easier for me after I had my 20 week scan, found out the sex & when he started to move but if he has a quiet day that anxiety returns. I was very lucky symptom wise, sick once at 6 weeks & bad headaches at 8 weeks so please try not to worry too much about that. I also looked shocking... Spotty chin & seriously grey hair which I hated as I am an older mum to be & sure as hell looked it! I wish you a happy & healthy pregnancy xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Thank you- it's a hard journey for a worthwhile end. Just over a week to go. Hope you're pregnancy is happy and healthy xx

Know how you feel- I’m 17 weeks pregnant now. Until 12 weeks, it’s all a bit worrying and it’s hard feeling joyful about it because you may not have told anyone about it yet. I just tried to focus on the fact that worrying was not going to change anything and I did not want to look back on my pregnancy and think “it all went by without me realising” or that i didn’t appreciate it.

Nausea is a good sign- I was never actually sick just felt it.

Go treat yourself to a nice dress and a face mask and an iced ginger ale with a slice of lime (the fever tree one was a constant companion for me!). Good luck xxx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to

Thank you- hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well xx

Tugsgirl profile image

It’s an awful time on what really should be the happiest time. It’s so unfair. I remember those feelings well and asking myself if women who get pregnant naturally ever feel as anxious as we do?

Hopefully your scan will give you some much needed reassurance xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to Tugsgirl

Thank you- hope your next cycle goes well xx

The wait for the scans is very hard, more difficult than the 2ww to be honest. For me it got easier after we had a ten week scan and NIPT, which came back clear. I feel your pain!

Regarding wedding outfits, a maxi dress with empire line type bust could be your friend and these are relatively cheap to find in places like Tesco at the moment- might be worth a try?

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to Lizzielizzielizzie

Well the unflattering dresses are being returned- fortunately it's free returns- think everything was getting to me yesterday, burnt my arm on the iron trying to stop the dog from knocking it over, having a right game with my car warranty providers trying to get them to pay out for some work as my car's been stuck in the garage for a week while we wait for a response, the dress fiasco, arranging 3rd wedding anniversary and hoping to God we see something on our scan next week. Fortunately I've found one from New Look and I've gone up a size so it's less tight on my chest as my boobs are very sore and sensitive- I've always suffered wih this, they would swell and go rock hard during AF. My mum is going to take it in under the arms for me as there is a little extra material I don't need and I've found one more dress to try so i've got a couple of options. Felt very strongly nauseous most of yesterday and this morning. Asked hubby to swop sides of the bed last night in case I needed to dash to the bathroom. Keep going dizzy and light headed, getting sore throat on and off and burping or getting hiccups despite not drinking anything fizzy! Ate 2 ginger biscuits this morning to help with the nausea. Keep hoping they're all symptoms but I am getting tempted to test again as I have one more week to go for the scan. I'm glad your pregnany is going well albeit the sickness xx

JessJ25 profile image

I am in the same boat awaitig my 7 week scan which is the 24th, i have tested everyday since 4 days past transfer and my lines got darker everyday, i have been brown spotting/ on and off bleeding and cramping since 4 days after trnasfer hence why ive continuted testing! I just feel like im coming on my period all the time, i mostly have brown blood however every morning after my first wee its red! Clinic dont seem to concerned about it and my tests arnt getting fainter, fingers crossed for another 2ww!! Its horrible isnt it! Xxx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to JessJ25

Oh Wow! You sound just like me- my scan's the 25th and i'm getting so tempted to do a test just to put my mind at ease but then on thebotherbhand i'm scared of what I'll see. It's ridiculous isn't it? Need to woman up and just do one. Hope we get to see those little fluttering hearts next week xx

JessJ25 profile image
JessJ25 in reply to CC2018

Well good luck! I did a test this morning still 2 strong line! I just wish this bleeding would stop, there has been a mix up with my injections ive been on 40ml of claxine since transfer apparently im meant to be on 20 but now im worried to change anything and go on to 20! not happy about it but i wonder if this is the cause of my bleeding, hope

Your scan goes well let me know xx

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to JessJ25

I'm on one aspirin a day and 40m of clexane too as they found antiphospholipids in my blood when I had all of the tests. That was the only thing they could find wrong and even then they said it wasn't enough to explain why we weten't conceiving. I've put the clexane down to the extra blood too x

CC2018 profile image
CC2018 in reply to JessJ25

Hope your scan goes well too xx

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