Hi, feeling really down beat after 3rd failed transfer. Total of 5 embryos failed now. Any inspirational stories of couples 37 ish who had to have multiple attempts before their success please! Xx (with their own eggs & own sperm)
Needing inspiration : Hi, feeling... - Fertility Network UK
Needing inspiration
So sorry to read this. Have they given any further information or done investigation on why it hasn't worked so far?
No x
Well there should be something rather than as has been described to me as "banging your head against the same wall and expecting a different outcome". I know it's partly a numbers game but if they have an egg, it fertilises and then is put back but nothing happens then there is something not happening. Whether it's environment, egg or sperm quality or bloods. Did you see the hidden c test information post earlier? Xx
No I’ve not come across that post. I asked about extra tests that I might need but was told that I’m reading too much in too it. X
THank you for your kind words but surrogacy is not for us xx
Sorry not to be able to give you an inspirational story but know exactly how you feel. Im 37 & we’ve had 3 failed fresh transfers (6 top quality embryos). We’ve had nearly 6 months off and this has helped so much, having fun with friends in the sun. I know that we’ve done everything we can each time, so this time, we’re really trying not to let it take over our lives in the run up. We’re going for round 4 in September & will need to do the usual mental preparation for the rollercoaster.
Good luck and know that this feeling is only temporary. You’ll have ‘up’ days too xx❤️
Hi, I'm 37 with low ovarian reserve and DH with low motility. Over 2 years we had 3 failed ICSI long protocol cycles and one complete failure of FLARE protocol, 2 transfers from those 4 cycles and neither took, and none frozen. I had some implantation tests which didn't show anything particular. After getting base levels checked again, 3 years after the first tests, and showing no decline in liklihood of success, we decided to do one final round. Had chat with consultant and took DHEA and changed to ICSI short cycle. Got 6 eggs, 3 fertilised, 2 transferred and one took, I'm now 20 weeks and feeling like the luckiest person alive, not taking anything for granted. It's horrible this big ivf gamble, nobody can guarantee you anything and you have to make these life changing decisions about whether to keep trying and how much to spend. It's a very personal decision, only you know if you can mentally and physically keep trying or need to stop and move on. Do have some rest, don't decide anything straight away, and talk to a counsellor xx
I’m pleased to hear that you got to where you are now! I’m going to look in to DHEA I think. What’s the difference with a short protocol? We have to have icsi anyway as it’s male factor anti sperm antibodies anyway. I’ve never been told there’s any issues with me. No one has told me I’m too old yet either, there’s just this evil little monkey on my shoulder 😞
Hey I'm 39 and thought I would never get a positive.
I have PCOS my OH has low sperm count & low mortility.
IVF cycle 1, I over stimulated so they froze 2 embryos. Had 2 transferred separate occasions and it failed both times. Medication I took Gonal F and Cetrotide. On short protocol due to PCOS so taking metformin as well.
IVF cycle 2 had 2 fresh embryos both transferred another failed cycle. OH took wellman no difference in sperm from 1st cycle. Medication Menopur and Cetrotide. Continue with metformin. Also had scratch.
IVF cycle 3 OH took Menvit no difference in sperm from 1st & 2nd cycle. Medication Menopur, Cetrotide. Taking Predisnolone.
You can have blood tests for reocurring implantation failure. I did have them.
Good luck with your journey
Hi it's good to ask questions and feel free to ask. Happy to help if i can.
Yes 3rd cycle was positive result.
Sorry I didn't have the blood tests they cost £2000 in total. (sorry made mistake on previous post) The consultant said to take the predisolone as it's not harmful. One of the test is to see whether you need to take predisolone if you or your partner test positive. He said just to take the drug that the test is not necessary.
I borrowed books from the library regarding IVF books. Read tips on here for each of the stages of the IVF process. Looked on the HFEA regarding the different add ons. If they are recommended to you. I was recommended time lapse but didn't bother with it and got a positive.
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Happy to help.
Thank you - really, it’s so helpful. Do you think it was the prednisalone that made the difference or was just a matter of keeping trying?
I’ve kept up to date with the HFEA info on ad-ons and it seems that now there are not any that they can say there is good evidence for
Very pleased you got your positive xxx
In. Chinese medicine they can treat your womb. My doctor explained it as making sure it wasn't too damp (with mucous) or too dry. She gave me meds to clean the blood. Might be worth looking into.
Here's our story. We had 3 fresh cycles all with low egg collection rates. I think we started with 6 on the first cycle and got less with each subsequent cycle. From the first cycle we had 1 embryo that reached the stage where it could be frozen. They told us that there was a 60% chance of it defrosting. As a last throw of the dice we went for the frozen transfer. We were both emotionally drained and my wife had already said she didn't want to try any more cycles. It was too hard. On the way there we were planning where to go on holiday once it had failed whilst also expecting the hospital to call at any moment and tell us the embryo has failed to defrost.
Long story short. That embryo is now a healthy 19 month old who's interupted me twice whilst writing this.
We were lucky.
I'm 35 just had my baby boy after 4 th attempt .we transferred our last two frozen embryos.today we are blessed with a baby boy who I'm breastfeeding as I type. Don't give up. Take one day at a time and do the best you can.rest from the whole process if you must .all the best.you can read my story from my profile. It's not easy but totally worth it.