After my post yesterday about get some brownish discharge today a couple of hours after my pessary I wiped and had a tiny bit of dark red blood. My lower back is aching and i'm thinking that our little dot hasn't made it despite all the positives we were given xx
I think it might be over :( - Fertility Network UK
I think it might be over :(

When is your otd??
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I don't have words and I know it is hard. Just hold it out for 1 more day...x
Thank you. I just think the sight of something that was more like blood despite how small the amount just puts the fear of God into you. I've put a proper pad on rather than a loner just in case and keep checking when I go to the bathroom- i've drank a lot of water this morning in the mad hope it might help and not found any more. Hoping dot has decided to stay after all. Xx
I know how it feels. I have never paid so much attention to those pieces of dirty tissues I throw down the loo. Come on dot, our hope is on you! Hoping you will get a bfp tomorrow x
Thank you. Hope your tww goes quickly! All of the drugs, scans,collection and transfer seem to fly by then this time slows right down like when you're waiting to start treatment xx
Thinking of you today x
Awwww really hoping and praying little dot sticks it out!!! Fingers crossed for tomorrow!!❤️
A tiny bit is expected... if you were getting a pad filled up then would be a different story. Keep calm and stay positive 🤞🤞🤞
As long as its not as heavy as a period, then try not to worry too much. If your getting too stressed about it, could you do a test today? X
I've had nothing else since thank God and trying not to think about it. Unfortunately my aunt has turned up at my mum's and is now showing everyone videos and photos of her newest grandchild so I've left the room and come to hide upstairs. Trying to hold out and test tomorrow. Going to do some hynoptherapy to settle my nerves xx
Oh bless you. Its such an emotional roller coaster isn't. As you know, i got a positive result the other day , I've literally about 10min ago ran up to the toilet, thinking I'd come on my period. I was convinced i had. Turned out it was last night's pesserie. Im now sat with bad period pain. I don't think the emotion of worry leaves until the 12 week scan.
I totally understand your anxiousness. Im feeling very hopeful for you. Your symptoms have all sounded like mine.
You should of made yourself a cuppa to take up stairs to relax on your bed. Xxx
I've had lots of moments when I'm convinced I've just had a flood of blood and it turns out to be last nights pesserie, it's so horrible. I'm convinced I'll go to the toilet to be confronted with the sight of blood. Ugh, these are the things men don't fully understand (how could they) 😢
Hoping tomorrow brings you good news. I think if the blood is dark in colour it’s better than bright red flow. Thinking of you xx
Keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow xxxx