I think it might be all over 😔 updated - Fertility Network UK

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I think it might be all over 😔 updated

Kyell2 profile image
42 Replies

Just been to the loo and there is red blood. Not lots but enough.

I wouldn’t be as panicked if it was brown blood.

Thoughts anyone?

I’m waiting on the clinic calling me back but at 5 weeks there’s really nothing they can do x

***a wee update that I got my bloods done and HCG was 14,000 which they said was positive but that since I’m 5.5 weeks it becomes less reliable. Viability scan brought forward a few days to when I’d be exactly 7 weeks so I need to wait until then to be sure 😩

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Kyell2 profile image
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42 Replies
Fingerscrossed34 profile image

It’s going to be a long wait but try not to worry. Has the bleeding stopped? x

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Fingerscrossed34

After the first bit of red blood (it wasn’t that much) it’s been brown spotting. Not that much but since Friday.

I have a weird theory though that because my body weirdly didn’t have a period during the medicated FET that this is the old blood left from this but who knows 🤷‍♀️ x

Fingerscrossed34 profile image
Fingerscrossed34 in reply to Kyell2

That all sounds positive and hopeful then similar to what I had. It can be all sorts of things implantation goes on for a long time and I suspect mine might be related to my cervix being a bit sensitive to all the changes. Fingers crossed for you! Definitely sounds like it’s calming down. x

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Fingerscrossed34

Thank you, I’m glad all seems to be going well for you. I’ll try to keep positive, only 10 more sleeps until scan day x

aamiller405 profile image

Your bloods sound very positive! But this is going to be an awful wait for you I know.. Everything crossed and try to stay positive xox

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to aamiller405

Oh thank you. How are you xx

aamiller405 profile image
aamiller405 in reply to Kyell2

I'm doing OK thanks.. Back at work and all now so good to get back to a bit of routine xox

Emmaxxx profile image

Oh how worrying for you. I didn’t know the more pregnant you are the less reliable the HCg is. I did my bloods today and I’m 5+1. So not sure if I have done the right thing??

I hope that your scan shows your little peanut is safe and sound and In The right place. I am thinking of you xxxx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Emmaxxx

She said that by week 5-6 HCG flatlines. You can look up normal ranges for 5 weeks on google, what did yours show?

I’m thinking it’s good that it’s gone from 120 to 14,000 in 10/11 days but I’m staying cautious until scan day 🤞 x

Noah1981 profile image

I really hope it’s good news hang I. There darling I’ve everything crossed for you still ! Xx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Noah1981

Thank you 😊. Hope the 2WW is going as well as it can while it messes with your sanity xx

Noah1981 profile image
Noah1981 in reply to Kyell2

I’ve been very well behaved bought no test and the clinic test is in a drawer waiting for the weekend to approach look after yourself missy xx

Lolepops profile image

The wait is so hard . When I lost the blood at about your stage my hcg was 9000 - so your bloods sound really positive x x

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Lolepops

Thank you for sharing. It so reassuring to hear other people’s stories xx

Glad to hear your blood test showed good levels. As someone who has had a early miscarriage the bleeding doesn’t just stop it gets worse & worse. Yours sounds like spotting which is really common in pregnancy ( horrible but normally baby’s are fine) I had this in both my full term pregnancies even a bit fresh blood with both & was completely different to my miscarriage as it slowed down like yours. Hope that can give you some hope. The waiting to see if all is okay is awful been there 3 times felt sick with nerves every time, sometimes these babies can be quite troublesome! Hope all goes well with the scan to put you at ease. Try not to think the worst ( easier than done but it sounds hopeful to me) xxx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to

Thanks Jess it is reassuring to hear everyone’s success stories. I just need to stay positive xx

Dreams1982 profile image

Sending you big hugs and hoping everything will be OK for you xx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Dreams1982

Thank you. I’m so sorry to see today didn’t go as planned. How disappointing xx

Dreams1982 profile image
Dreams1982 in reply to Kyell2

We were so lucky they scanned us today otherwise they would never have known and we would lost the last emby we had xx

Core profile image

Good luck for scan will be thinking of you xx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Core

Thank you xx

Shirazlover2013 profile image

Just wanted to stop by and wish you good luck for now through to the viability scan. I’m sure it’ll be a very anxious time but I hope you manage to get some sleep and time passes as quick as possible with no more bleeding. 🤞 for you xx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Shirazlover2013

Thank you. Got a busy week ahead so hopefully time goes fast 🤞 x

LittlestBob profile image

I had bleeding at 5 weeks and my GP referred me to the early pregnancy unit at the hospital for a scan as soon as I was 6 weeks. Might be worth trying to get reassurance a bit sooner. After 2 pretty heavy bleeds my baby and it’s heartbeat could be seen on the 6 week scan. I’m now 19 weeks so don’t give up hope.

Wishing you luck xxx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to LittlestBob

Thank you. My clinic said they don’t want me to do the scan until I’m 7 weeks unless the bleeding gets worse. It’s only 10 days away so hoping it stays under control until then x

Lorry1984 profile image

I hope you're ok and that your scan day isnt too far away! Good luck. Please try and relax and be hopeful. xxx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Lorry1984

Thank you. How are you doing xx

Lorry1984 profile image
Lorry1984 in reply to Kyell2

Im ok thanks. Have my scan tomorrow and im starting to get very nervous. How r u feeling today? xx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Lorry1984

Oh that’s good your getting the scan done tomoro.

Still spotting brown blood but I’ve just had to accept it as my new normal. It’s definitely not easy. Let us know how tomorrow goes xx

Lorry1984 profile image
Lorry1984 in reply to Kyell2

Thank you.

Spotting is very common so it may well be your new normal! xxx

Poppy_2018 profile image

I hope everything will be ok for you, try to stay positive. I had a bleed just before I was 6w and they scanned me at 6w3d (internal scan). I wonder if they can scan you a bit earlier? I also had another bleed about a week later and they found that I had a haematoma. I've been resting a lot since then and they've been monitoring me closely. Today I had a scan at 10w3d and my haematoma has finally gone (I continued brown spotting up until a few days ago). I'm having twins and all is well with both. Take it easy and try to relax as much as you can x

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Poppy_2018

Thank you for sharing your story. It’s so great that you are doing well. Only 10 days to scan day so I’m confident I can stay sane until then 🤞 x

Poppy_2018 profile image
Poppy_2018 in reply to Kyell2

That's ok, hope it helps to give some reassurance that not all bleeding is a bad sign. I'm glad you're doing ok and feeling able to hold out until your scan. Fingers crossed all is well x

Cinderella5 profile image

Im glad to hear that your hCG is rising, surely that's promising!! Best of luck for your scan.xxx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you, hope you are doing ok. The long wait is almost over for you right? x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Kyell2

Getting there! Next AF I can start so appoximately 4 weeks time. Ive got everything crossed for you, be sure to let us know how it goes!!xx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you.

I just have a feeling of dread every time I see the spotting but at the same time my HCG is really good.

4 weeks is doable and then you can get flights booked x

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Kyell2

I dont think anything really prepares us for the anxiety of getting a BFP! Hang on in there, you're doing great! Yes will get our flights booked, little bit scary saying thaty....back tp stressful times....Im never happy right?! Ha ha ha xx


The results of your blood test sound very positive! I'm 17 weeks pregnant after FET#2. I had pink-browish spotting since week 4 till week 8. I had an important bleeding again at 12 weeks followed by spotting during 3 weeks.

I know this is going to be an awful wait for you, but try to think positive. Our babies can be very tough!

Good luck! xx

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to

Thank you. I’m so glad it worked out for you.

It’s just knowing how much bleeding is ok. It was really light Sunday, Monday and now it’s a wee bit more today. Much of my working day will now be spent in the toilet 😩 x

in reply to Kyell2

My doc told me to stay off work while I had the bleeding. At least 5 days without bleeding/spotting before going back to work.

I was advised to rest and to avoid heavy lifting, long walks...

Kyell2 profile image
Kyell2 in reply to

My clinic said to carry on as normal and I sit down in an office most of the day. It’s such a worry but I know that I can’t do anything other than try to stay calm x

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