As the title suggests it’s my last day at work and 2 weeks of Annual Leave and then Maternity Leave starts once those 2 weeks of annual leave is over. I’m feeling excited, overwhelmed and little bit emotional at having to say goodbye to some truly wonderful people who I have had the pleasure to work with over the last 7 months and I’m going to miss them. This time last year I didn’t think I would be in the position of going on maternity leave and look at me now I’m going on maternity leave. It was a difficult road to get to this but it will be worth every moment. And I’ve only got 6 weeks and 6 days till due date (33 weeks and 1 day pregnant). Thank you ladies and gentlemen for your never ending support and there is always hope!
Last Day At Work!: As the title... - Fertility Network UK
Last Day At Work!

All very exciting for you I bet you can't wait to meet your little baby x

I can’t wait now. Time is flying now and each day brings me a day closer to meeting him xxx
Time really flown by... 7 weeks to go... enjoy every last minutes, even the back pain and the swollen feet😂😂😂 it will be worth it in the end 😘

Hi Tezzabell86. Lovely news. You're approaching the next chapter in your life now, so I hope that last few weeks of your pregnancy go well and the birth too. Thinking of you. Diane
Thank you so much for this post I'm 13weeks tomorrow and I've got so many doubts. Enjoy your leave and I hope everything goes well for you xx
Awww I know the feeling you had saying good bye at work . My last day is next Wednesday and can’t deal with it . I am on 30 weeks and gonna fly to India for rest of my pregnancy. Really can’t wait to see the little one , I feel time just slowed down a bit after 28 weeks . Wish you good luck with everything and hope all goes really well . Happy final days .
We're only a matter of weeks apart and sound like we're both in the same boat. I've just had my second week of holiday, due one more but being Induced on Monday at 39 weeks if things havent progressed naturally so mat leave will start earlier. It hasn't sunk it yet that we're going to be bringing a baby home in a matter of days.... x
Wow your pregnancy went quick...even tho you might not think so haha
Enjoy your time off before your baby arrives xx
I know it has gone well quick can’t believe I’m 33 weeks now. And I certainly will making sure everything is sorted for when he makes an appearance xxx