I last posted on this forum 7months ago, I was practically walking on egg shell during the first trimester, no morning sickness but I was scared of miscarrying.
Despite the preterm labour which started at 32weeks ,after getting two steroids shots,we pulled through but this guys were desperate to come out and precisely 48hrs ago @35weeks, my lovely twins boys arrived via caesarean section at 6:30pm.
Thank you all for sharing your experiences, thank you all for reaching out to others through this platform. Thank you all for the encouragement because sometimes that's all we need, thank you also for the " moments of glaring bitter truth" I embraced it all and to everyone out there looking forward to this same miracle all I can say is "never give up".... It can still happen.
My first lVF attempt in 2015 was a colossal failure and the pain was unimaginable . the second IVF attempt in October 2017 is a success story with two twins boys.......don't give up.