SET or DET? What should I do? - Fertility Network UK

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SET or DET? What should I do?

Ell493 profile image
7 Replies

Anyone done a 5day PGS SET? Or DET? I'm trying to figure out which one I should do. We have 5d PGS donor embryos. I'm worried if I do SET odds are it won't take. But does DET really have a higher success rate? I've heard it can lower success. There's so many conflicting statistics out there.

I'm somewhat worried about having twins. I wouldn't mind twins at all. I already have twin boys and they are wonderful (they were a natural conception). But I'm 46 now and worried about the toll twins will have on my body. However, I have to travel far for implantation and don't want to keep going back and forth. It's costly. I just want it to work and be done with it. I'm conflicted 😧

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Ell493 profile image
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7 Replies
KiboXX profile image

If they are PGS tested, I would opt for a single transfer over a double as the pregnancy rates are a lot higher with PGS testing so the chance of twins is higher xx

Ell493 profile image
Ell493 in reply to KiboXX

That's kind of what I was thinking. That PGS is more successful. Most studies find they are.

ToughCOOKIE78 profile image

I’d go for single ET, if the embryo is PGS tested chances of implantation are higher and sounds like as you are aware of the risk of a twin pregnancy in older women you don’t really want twins...xx

Ivfgotadream profile image

Most clinics in the U.K. won’t let you do a double transfer with PGS tested blastocysts. At 46 no way would I risk a twin pregnancy!!! I’m 37 and finding a twin pregnancy brutal

Ell493 profile image
Ell493 in reply to Ivfgotadream

It is brutal. I was 34 at the time. The doc made me carry my twins to 40 weeks before he'd do a c section. Which was good for them but so hard on me. I was in pain constantly. Sleep was impossible. Twins are so wonderful though. In some ways easier than only having one. They snuggle together, play together, they always have a friend.

My clinic actually wants to do a double transfer because that's their standard. It's crazy not to consider my age. I think they want to keep their success rates high.

Cinderella5 profile image

A double embryo transfer does increase your chances of implantation but also increases your chances of twins. The fact that they are PGS tested also increases your chances of success. Im 43 and currently pregnant with twins however we have no kids and we have desperately trying IVF since I was around 38. Im doing ok with pregnancy so far, well a few minor aches and pains but that's it. You have your boys already and if you are worried then I think I would seriously consider a single transfer to be on the safe side.xx

Ranchu90 profile image

My clinic will consider transferring 2 embryos GPS tested only if the embryos have lower grades. As an example they will not transfer a BC embryo alone. So they are transferring according with the grades of the embryos not with our gut feelings 😁😉 I wish you all the best whatever you decide ❤️🤗

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