It’s with a heavy heart and sore tired eyes that I write this - got my 3rd BFN this morning, it’s just devastating. I’m so exhausted from it all BUT not defeated - one frostie left from my 2nd and last NHS funded round. Hopefully the 4th little bugger will bring us 9 months of anxiety and 18 years of worry, love and joy and beyond...
So here’s a kind of ditty for anyone going through the 2ww or about to:
Everything could be a sign that you’re pregnant
Everything could be a sign that you’re not
Nothing could be a sign that you’re pregnant
Nothing could mean that nature’s forgot
Spotting of any colour, on any day
Nausea, dizziness, a vivid dream
Headaches, sore boobs, cramps,
Nothing!! - is what this all could mean
Keep your nosey finger away from google
Reach instead for pineapple and Snickers
Eat Brazil nuts and go for walks
Instead of looking in your knickers!
Be kind and kiss and hold each other tight
And hope and wait and love and pray
Then pee on that stick with all your might
As you MIGHT be pregnant on OT Day!
Love, Me x