I got my first ever BFP last week which is awesome but my period feels imminent? I know it can just mean that’s the Uterus is stretching etc, just looking for some reassurance! Xxx
I got my first ever BFP last week which is awesome but my period feels imminent? I know it can just mean that’s the Uterus is stretching etc, just looking for some reassurance! Xxx
I felt like that too. I'm almost 10 weeks now and still have days where my period feels like it's on its way. So I'd say it's normal. I worry over everything because I don't know what's normal and what's not lol. Xx
My other half keeps having similar, but all is well as we have had our 1st (early) scan, & heard a strong heartbeat. She’s 6 weeks, 6 days. Unless the cramps become severe, they’re perfectly normal. xx
I had this. Everyone says it’s completely normal. As long as the pain isn’t unbearable and you don’t have any bright red bleeding. It’s really scary getting all those cramps xx
Thank you for the reassurance! It is quite scary as it has always resulted in my period! No blood yet though and the cramps aren’t constant.. I hope your wedding plans are going well? Xx
I’m 5 weeks today yay and have been getting cramps/dull aches and back ache for 2 weeks it’s not as bad now I think it’s finished. It’ll be the little beastie digging in deep.
Congratulations! We’re pretty much the same date then!
Thanks for your reply, it reassures me knowing other ladies get it! Xx
You too xx I do remember getting severe cramps with my first I didn’t know I was pregnant at the time found out when I was 10/11 weeks lol
Hey Jenjen. Congratulations! Just to echo what the others have said, I also had cramps on and off from 5dp5dt until quite recently (I'm almost 10 weeks now). Some days they were mild, other days they felt more intense but my 8 week scan last week showed that everything was fine. To be honest I found them quite reassuring as any other symptoms I had were mild! As for it not feeling real yet, I wonder if it ever will! 😁 Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy xx
Thank you for your reply! I guess it is good to know somethings going on down there! I have a few mild symptoms, sore boobs, nausea sometimes but it’s hard to tell if these are just in my head or not! Haha... I guess your right about it never feeling real! There will come a time I suppose.. Congratulations again to you.. Xxx
Like someone else said, as long as they're not unbearable and you're not bleeding I think they're a good sign. The other symptoms are definitely not in your head but it's hard to know if it's pregnancy related, anxiety related or just how you'd feel that day anyway (if you know what I mean!). My boobs are sore too and I have been ridiculously bloated but I'm blaming the pessaries for those symptoms! What date is your scan? I think the 12 week scan will make things feel more real. Xx
Yes, I totally know what you mean! I also wonder whether the progynova and pessaries maybe contributing to the symptoms maybe?
My viability scan is 21st June.. It seems so long but it’s not at all! I keep telling myself if it all works out, I have a lot longer to wait then 3 weeks!! One day at a time I guess..
Yes, 12 week scan I think is the one! Xx
I have no other symptoms no sore boobs or nausea, I get sore boobs with af coming and other pregnancies I’ve had which I find a little odd.
I guess every pregnancy is different! I bet It’s so hard not to compare one with others? By what some of the other ladies have said, no two pregnancies are the same so I would try not to worry about lower symptoms (I know, easy to say right?!).. xxx
I kno I just hope this time it’s ok mc in Nov it’s my 1st baby with my bf (his 1st) I have 2 girls to my prev relationship they’re 12&10 so it’s been a while.
Aww, the very best of luck to you. Perhaps you’ll get monitored a little closer due to your mc in November? I know a friend of a friend was monitored and scanned earlier than 12 weeks due to having a mc.. xx
I already asked she said no only if I’d had multiple mc so I’ll have to wait. I mc at 12 weeks so even at that scan I’m going to be so anxious. But being positive. Good luck to you too xx
Hi jenjen
Congratulations, lovely news! I am about 6 weeks pregnant now and I have been having cramps and tugging type feelings, sometimes sharp when I move. I expected a MC but so far my little poppy seed is hanging in there, my scan is the 14th so I know how you feel on tenter hooks. Good luck, and all the best xxz