So my one follicle made it to 17mm so will be going for egg collection on Monday (3 days time). Really hoping there is an egg in there! Any tips on how to prepare for egg collection? Xx
Day 15, follicle = 17mm : So my one... - Fertility Network UK
Day 15, follicle = 17mm

Just want to wish you good luck for Mon x
Good luck! I always take it easy after I trigger - no heavy lifting or too much exertion. And keeping well hydrated probably helps too xx
Hi Jengi,
Personally I’d just say to try and relax as best you can. My egg collection was fine, I don’t remember a thing from it at all. They give me a sedative and the next thing I remember was them waking me up. I had no pain or bleeding after, just felt a little spaced out for an hour or two. I was surprised as it was the part I was dreading the most.
From my journey, I have a low AMH and high FSH, my consultant knew I wouldn’t respond well to max drugs but reassured me I only needed one egg. I got two eggs and both fertilised and I ended up pregnant from that cycle.
Good luck for Monday - will look out for your posts xxxx
Fab stuff, sounding nice and juicy!! 👏🏻👍🏻😊 I spent the day before chilling out with a face mask and eating lots of Brazil nuts/ drinking full fat milk! (Haven’t transferred embryos yet as it was a freeze all round, but seemed to help the follicles/ numbers!) wishing you all the best for your EC Xx

Hi jengi. That's what we're looking for a follicle at least 17mm in size. In a few days it should be able to fit an egg snugly inside, so well done. I shall be thinking of you.